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27 Cards in this Set

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Describe the relationship between the Maya and Olmec

The Mayans inherited their civilization and ideas from the Olmec

What made it possible for the Olmec and May to create permanent settlements?

Farming. They had all their crops in one place.

What are the different levels of class structure for the Maya?

ruler, nobles and priests, merchants and artisans, peasants, slaves

What occupation would each Mayan level likely have?

ruled, military leaders and rituals sacrifices, trade and create things, farming soldiers, did slave things

What techniques did Mayans use to farm in the mountains?

Terrace farming. Built terraces for flat surface to farm.

What culture influenced the Aztecs?


What legend helped the Aztecs decide where to build Tenochtitlan?

Eagle on a cactus with a long snake in its beak

Where did the Aztecs decide to build their capital?

On an island in the Lake Texococo in the Valley of Mexico.

What are some benefits of this location for the Aztec capital?

It was large and resourceful. And it was in the middle of water.

Why did the Aztecs destroy some of their own historic records?

They wanted to destroy their humble origin.

What does it mean to say that the Aztec Empire was based on tribute?

They relied on tribute to support Tenochtitlan's population

Who was part of the noble class in Tenochtitlan?

Government officials, priests, military leaders

How does one become the Aztec ruler?

A group of advisors chose the new ruler from the emperor's family.

What are the social classes in Tenochtitlan?

Ruler, government officials and priests and military leaders, commoners, peasants, slaves

What was each Tenochtitlan social class responsible for?

ruled and decided when to go to war, counseled emperor, worked as judges, governed the cities and districts, pochetea and artisans and farmers, hired out services to nobles, worked for owner

What was special about pochteca?

had many privileges, could own land and send their kids to noble schools. was hereditary.

what did Aztecs eat


Where and when did the Inca live?

1400s Andes mountains of South America

How might a non-noble Inca become a government official?

If they were a good military leader

What was an ayllu

an Inca clan

Where did an ayllu's crops go?

The emperor/sapen Inca/temple

How did the Inca emperor send messages to officials in distant places?


What did the Mayan and Aztec civilizations have in common?


Describe an Aztec temple

massive two stairways

What was the purpose of quipus?

To deliver messages to distant areas/people

Describe the Aztec writing system

wrote in glyphs and pictography, wrote in outlines

What were chinampas?

floating gardens used by Aztecs