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61 Cards in this Set

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when was the height of their power1

1500s CE

where did the empire stretch from

from north to south, almost the length of the andes mountain. 2,55 miles

where did it reach from

pacific coast in the west to the amazon rever basin in the east

what present day countries does this empire include

peru,ecuador, bolivia,chile,and argentina

about how many people lived under incan rule

ten million

what two people influenced the incas

moches and chimus

how did the moches influence them

built cities,dug irragation canals, and devoloped special classes of workers

where did the moches live

along the northern coast of peru from about 100 BCE to 700 CE

when did the chimus flourish

during the 1300s and 1400s

how did the chimus influence the incas

built cities, and built good roads and devoloped a message system using runners

what was the capital


where was cuzco located

located high in the mountains if southern peru

when did the incas settle in cuzco

1200 CE

what was the 1st legend about inti

people were decended from inti. inti commanded his son manco capac to rise from lake titicaca and he founded the incan tribe

what was the second legend about inti

he said incas must become a great power and educate the people they met. one of his sons, Yupanqui, stayed behind and led his army against the Chancas. Legend says that the stones on the battlefield turned into warriors. His victory made them the strongest people in the area

after driving off the chancas, yupanqui changed his name to what and what does it mean

pachacuti which means earth shaker

what year did they conquer the chimus


by the 1500s, the empire covered how many square miles

350,000 square miles

how did they manage the empire

they rely on a system of roads

what were the 2 main routes

the coastal road and the inland road, which was called the royal road. smaller roads connected into these

about how many miles of road linked all corners of the empire


what did the roads cross over

tropical jungles, high mountains, and raging rivers

every 15-30 miles, what was along the road

a rest stop

what were the messagers called


how many miles can the messages travel a day

250 miles

what did the messages consist of

memorized words and sets of strings called quipus.

what are quipus

served as memory aids. knots tied at various places and on strings of different colors represented numbers

what did the incas use quipus to keep track of

civil and military populations and well as to record their legends and acheivments

what three classes were there

at the top-emperor and his immediate family



who had higher status then non-incas

people who were "incan by blood" or those whos families were orginally from Cuzco

what did the Incas believe about sapa inca

he was descended from inti so he ruled with complete authority

everything in the empire belonged to sapa inca, list some things that he got

servants carried him around everywhere on a golden litter and subjects didnt look him directly in the eye

how many wives could sapa inca have

he could have as many wives as he wanted

what was sapa incas primary wife called


what certain privaleges did the nobles get

land,servents, llamas, fine clothing, didnt pay taxes, men could be polygamy

what were the three main types of nobles and what did they do

Capac incas-considered relatives of the empire

Hahua incas-who did not share the royal blood

curacas- leaders of people conquered by the incas

what were Capac incas believed to be and what was there job

decended from manco capac, and they controlled the empires land as well as its valuble resources such as llamas, coca leaves, and gold. they held most important posts in the government, the army, and the priesthood. The apus or governers, of the four quarters of the empire belonged to the group of capac incas

what did the Hahuas do

considered Incas by privilege

what did the curacas do

local leaders of conquered peoples. many collected taxes, some worked as inspectors making sure followed incan laws and customs, such as wearing proper clothing and keeping clean homes. curacas were required to spend time in cuzco learning these laws and costoms.

most people in the incan empire were who


the incas didnt practice what


men did what jobs

building roads and women might weave cloth

what crops did the farmers grow

squash, peppers, beans, peanuts, and more than 20 types of corn, and more than 200 types of potatoes

what was the most important crop and why

potatoe because it could survive heavy frosts at altitudes as high as 15,000 feet above sea level

how did the incas enjoy corn

fresh, fried, and popped

incan farmers were required to do what with their crops

give most of it to the government. the food was distributed to warriors, temple priests, and people in need (the aged, the sick, and the disabled)

families in the empire belonged to what

ayllus, larger groups or clans

each ayllu had its own what

farmland and homes, but it didnt own the land because the government loaned land to the ayllus for living and farming

what people didnt have to work in the ayllu

very young and very old

the houses in a ayllu were ruled by who


what was one of the functions of the curacas. what were taxes paid in

make sure ayllus paid taxes. taxes were paid in the form of goods and labor

sapa inca claimed how much of everything an aylly produced

one third. another third supported incan temples. the last third the commoners kept for themselves

men had to pay what

Mit'a, or public duty tax. they paid mit'a by contributing labor to government projects each year. men might repair roads, build storehouses, or work in the mines

the children of commoners learned about what early in life

their responsibilities. young children performed simple tasks around the home. As they grew older girls took care of the babies, fetched water,cooked, make clothing, and learned to weave. Boys looked after the animals and helped in the fields

what did the children learn instead of formal education

they learned the skills they need from their elders

what did sons of nobles get for education

amautas or tutors. amautas taught religion, geometry, history, military strategy,public speaking, and physical training

at ate 15 what did all boys recieve

loincloth, a strip of cloth worn around the waist

what was the age to get married for both genders

men 20 girls 16

how were some marriages arranged

usually within the ayllu, some marriages were arranged by families or young people themselves. sometimes the curaca chose a wife for a man

what did they excgange when they got married

held hands and excganged sandals

