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25 Cards in this Set

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Galen (heart)
-theory of movement of the blood in the human body
William Harvey
-Discovered that blood circulates
-Theory formed the basis for modern scientific medicine
Michael Servetus
-Challenged Galen's theories about the nature and movement of blood
-Wrote books about this and they were burned. Had influence on future scientists.
-Had the ability to heal ppl
-Was called physician of the gods by Homer
-Apollo's son
-Was able to bring ppl back from the dead
-Snake came on his rod and he destroyed it and brought it back to life
Sir Alexander Flemming
-Applied the term penicillin to a culture of molds that he had observed that inhibited the growth of bacteria
Jules Bordet
-Isolated pertussis
Octave Gengou
-Isolated pertussis
Norman Barrett
-Barrett's esophagus is named after him. It is damage of the esophageal mucosa.
Ruggero Oddi
-Sphincter of Oddi is named after him. This is the sphincter that has control over the entry of bile and pancreatic juices.
Robert Zollinger
-Named for the pancreas disease that causes neuroendocrine tumors which stimulates the stomach to release excessive acid
Edwin Ellison
-Named for the pancreas disease that causes neuroendocrine tumors which stimulates the stomach to release excessive acid
-Found out about the shape and size of internal organs by dissecting them
Daniel Salmon
-Named from salmonella who first isolated the genus of these organisms
-First used the name "pankreas" to refer to the pancreas
Galen (digestive)
-First used the name "pankreas" to refer to the pancreas
Pierre Brisseau
-First recognized the diff btwn cataracts and glaucoma
Ambroise Pare
-First used the word cataract as a medical term
Jacques Daviel
-Came up with the modern treatment for the removal of cataracts
-Famous for naming the herpes zoster virus
Galen (optic)
-Used iris to refer to the iris of the eye
Nicholas Papanicolaou
-Named for the pap smear test
Greek mythology-god of marriage and weddings
Galen (reproductive)
-Used the word hysterical to refer to suffering in the womb and emotional upheaval caused by this distress.
Jacob Henle
-First discovered epithelium