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49 Cards in this Set

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what are four ways in which one could define this time of imperalism?
1) second wave of exploration
2) colonial powers invaded areas to get natural resources
3)imposed political,social and military dominance in Africa and Asia
4)subjugation of native people
What led to imperalism?
The Industrial Revolution and merchants wanted to find new markets and were looking for raw materials in Africa and Asia
Why was Africa carved up?
because it was rich in natural resources
What countries were included in the big 7?
Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Belgium
Why did Missionaries want to go to Africa?
They wanted to bring religion to people (catholicism, christianity).
Why did the Missionaries want to bring religon to Africa?
They considered the africans "backward" people.
What was Charles Darwin Theory?
Natural Selection: HTe better an animal is suited to its enviornment, they survice and reproduce and they pass on their characteristics which helped them to their offspring. THen gradually, the species changes over time.
What was the idea before Darwins theory?
God creates everything: creationism
What did the theory do and how does it connect to imperalism
The theory of evolution justified lesser breeds to superior races. The europeans used the theory to create the idea of ethnocentrism to make them feel superior. This then allowed them to take over other lands.
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
1.It layed the ground rules for European imperalism.
2. outlawed slavery and the slave trade
Who was not invited to the Berlin Conference?
What happened to the area of Congo at the Berlin Conference?
Congo was determined to be a "free zone" but it was personally given to King Leopold II to manage.
Why did Great Britain want the Suez Canal?
1. Control over the canal would help secure control of India
2. Imperalism in Africa (Britain bought the canal from the king of egypt and then britain controlled the economy)
What happened when Britatin manipulated egypt's economy?
1. produced cotton silk and weat
2. disrupted local work life and hired laborers
3. muslims/arabs were left to do unfavorable jobs
4. paid less than favored ethnic groups
what happened to the society while egypt was under britains rule?
created a class society based on ethnicty
Why was the boer war fought?
over resources (gold)
Britain decided to take over the boer republics
what was the orange free state?
dutch (Afrikaners) had two areas of terriory in south africa: Transvaal and the Orange Free State
What were three consequences of imperalism in africa?
1. europeans prided themselves of "light" to the "dark" continent
2. They ignored and disrespected social,cultural and political boundaries
3. They often treated the natives as little better than slaves
How was India ruled after the British East India Company?
British Crown
what did indians want (govt)?
What was teh Sepoy Rebellion?
IT was the first war of independence.
What was the result of the Sepoy Rebellion?
East India Company was abolished by the Parliament.
What was the two persepctives at the Sepoy Rebellion?
British wanted rule by crown and indian wanted rule by indian princess
What does Mahatma mean
great one
what did gandhi do and achieve?
he help indians achieve independence through nonviolent disobedience to british rule
what did gandhi inspire?
indian nationalism
What were the spheres of influence or areas that tehy would control
european powers:
france=SE Asia (vietnam, cambodia, Laos)
G. Britain= China
US= Phillipine Islands and Japan
What did the chinese practice?
During the 19th century, why was the country weakened? (4)
1. population exploison
2. famine
3. rebellions
4. poor leadersship (Quing dynasty)
Why did Great Britain use Opium in China?
They used it to weaken China so they could move in. They also used it for commerence
Explain opium
opium was illegal in g britain and became one of britains most important commodities. g britain made it illegal for china to produce opium and illegal for china to buy it
What was the opium wars about?
govt didnt want opium used as a commidty. BRITAIN WON
What happened with the Treaty of Nanking?
It ended the opium wars, China gave up Hong Cong to Brits, and extraterritoiality and british opened tarriff- free ports
What is extraterriotialitY?
exempted foreigners to chinese law and allowed them to be sent home and tried at hteir home country so they werent subject to chinese law
How was China weakened?
it went through a civil war
what was the civil war called and what did it reveals about chinas govt
Taiping Rebellion (10 years) and revealed how weak chinas govt was and how they had no control
What did the chinas weaking allow britains to do
they went further into china, took lands and built railroads.
What was the Boxer Rebellion
it was an uprising in china against western influences and china wanted g britian and US out of china
Boxers were "united in righteouness"
what was the open door policy and who implemented it
William McKinley and it protected each countries right to trade
What was Japan like before imperalism?
It was NOT INDUSTRIALIZED and they practices isolatonism, refused contact with west, fedual society under SHOGUN
what is shogun
a military governor
What was the treaty of Kanagwa?
It forced the Japanese to open ports to westerners.
What was the Mejiji Restoration?
it was the begining of industrializtion and over throw of shogun, social/political revolution. ended feudalism and japan began to westernize
what was unique about Japans reaction to the treaty of kanagwa
they were impressed with westerners and began industrialization
waht was significatn about japan industrialing?
Waht were the Japanese and the russians righting over in the Russo-Japansese WAr
Who won the russo japanese war
what did the japanese win in the russo japanese war
warm water ports
why wasit important to have warm water ports
water wont freeze, have all year, military ships, build better navy