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32 Cards in this Set

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Innate Immune System


Components of the innate immune system:

skin, inflammatory response, NK cells, interferons, and complement system.

Naural killer cells

small subset of lymphocytes


soluble proteins that elicit other cells to respond

Complement system

group of proteins in blood

Adaptive immune system

responds specifically to the foreign body/antigent

Components of the adaptive immune system

Humoral immune system, cell mediated immune system

Humoral Immune System

Antigen to antibody complex

Most important feature of immune system:

it does not destroy its own cells

Immediate hypersensitivity

Ex. allergies, and anaphylactic shock

Antibody-mediated diseases

Ex. autoimmune hemolytic anemia

Immune complex disease

Ex. Glomerulonephritis

T cell-mediated disease

Ex. dog has allergic reaction to contact of plastic food bowl

Humans reaction to poison ivy


tumor characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of lymphocytes

Passive Immunity

Receive maternal antibodies, and antibodies produced in a donor by injection


Injection of microorganisms to elicit antibody production but not causing the disease


Weakened but alive vaccination


Killed vaccination


The science of detection and measurement of antibodies or antigens

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Test for heartworm, Felv/FIV, and parvo



Tests for equine infectious anemia

Rapid Immunomigration

Lateral flow immunassay

Ex. Heska Solo test for HW antigens in dogs


Visible band of precipitation occurs when antibodies present.

Ex. Johne's disease

Coombs Test

Antiglobulin test

Detects inappropriate antibodies such as ones agains the bodys own tissue

Intradermal tests

Diagnoses allergies through injection of allergens and monitoring for allergic reaction

Antibody titers

Distinguishes between active infection and prior exposure to certain antigens

DEA 1.1 subgroups

Blood group in dogs that has the most severe reactions and will occur within an hour of transfusion.

~50% of dogs have this blood type

Type B

Blood group in cats that is seen a lot in purebreds and certain geopraphic areas.

Type A

Majority of cats have this blood group.

Advantages to cultures

Increased sensitivity, increased specificity.

Disadvantages to cultures

Contamination (false positives), requires high lelvel of technical expertise.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

test produces many copies of a DNA molecule