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39 Cards in this Set

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a group of cells, molecules, and organs that act together to defend the body against foreign invaders that may cause disease

immune system

a disease-causing agent


a substance that when introduced to the body stimulates the production of an antibody


the specific portion of an antigen that elicits an antibody response


What are the 2 types of immunity?

innate and acquired

What type of immunity contains skin/mucosal barriers, nonspecific inflammatory response that takes place shortly after an injury or infection, and has no memory?


What type of immunity can be both active and passive?


____ acquired immunity refers to protection acquired by introduction of an antigen into a responsive host.


____ acquired immunity occurs when antibodies or sensitized lymphocytes produced by one person are transferred to another.

*usually mom to fetus


The distinctive surface proteins that distinguishes each cell as "self" so that the immune cells do not attack it are called ______.

MHC proteins (major histocompatibility complex)

What is the specific term used for the MHC system in humans?

HLA (human leukocyte antigen)

What are the 2 classes of HLA?

Class I and Class II

Class 1 proteins presents antigen peptide found ____ the cell.


Class 2 proteins present antigen peptide found ____ the cell.


Class 1 proteins (present on all cells) present antigen to ____ cell surface proteins found on ______ cells.

CD8; cytotoxic T cells

Class 2 proteins (present only on select immune cells) present antigen to ____ surface proteins found on ______ cells.

CD4; helper T

Any foreign substance in the body that does not have the characteristic cell surface markers of that individual and is capable of eliciting an immune response is referred to as a(n) ____.


The soft tissue in the center of bones responsible for all blood cell development

bone marrow

An organ that lies behind the breastbone where T cells mature


A flattened organ in the upper left of the abdomen. Like lymph nodes, it contains specialized compartments where immune cells gather and confront antigens as well as where dead humoral cells are removed


What do lymphatic vessels carry?

lymph fluid

Lymphatic vessels run ____ to veins and arteries.


Immune cells, antigens, etc. travel in the lymphatic vessels and enter lymph nodes via ____ lymphatic vessels.

afferent or incoming

All lymphocytes exit lymph nodes through ____ lymphatic vessels.

efferent or outgoing

____ precursors develop into the cells that respond early and nonspecifically to infection.


What types of cells are developed from the myeloid progenitor cell?

*Phagocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, macrophages

*mast cells


____ precursors develop into lymphocytes.


What types of cells are developed from the lymphoid progenitor cell?

B cells

T cells

natural killer cells

What type of cell transforms into plasma cells that produce and release thousands of specific antibodies to the bloodstream?

B cells

What type of cells coordinate the entire immune response and eliminate infected cells?

T cells

What is considered a granulocyte and how long is its lifespan?

neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils; 2-3 days

What is the lifespan for monocytes and macrophages?

up to months or years

-phagocytize and kill bacteria, foreign material

-die after phagocytosis

-found in pus composition


-play a role in allergic reactions

-respond to parasitic infections


-these cells have receptors for IgE antibodies and are involved in allergic reaction responses

-The intracellular granules contain histamines and heparin


-clean up debris produced by the neutrophils

-ingest any remaining pathogens

-present antigens to lymphocytes using Class I or Class II markers

monocytes and macrophages

*monocytes are precursors to macrophages

B cells are considered _____ immunity.


T cells are considered ________ immunity.


Antibodies belong to a family of large protein molecules known as _____.
