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54 Cards in this Set

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hypersensitive response to fleas develops following binding of __ in flea saliva to dermal collagen


intradermal challenge with saliva of the flea; a second intraderma with whole flea tempted also

Dx flea allergic dermatosis

genetically predisposed, inflammatory and pruritic allergic skin dswith characteristic clinical features most commonly but not necessarily associated with IgE titers to environmental allergens

atopic dermatitis

route of entry in atopic dermatitis development

inhalation, GI and transdermal

traditionally, atopic dermatitises viewed as a __ reaction only, but recently found that late-phase response resembles a __ reponse

Type I HS, Type IV HS

pruritus; face rubbing, pedal licking, axillae and groin, hock and extensor surface of carpus. self trauma leads to erythema, alopecia, thickening and hyper pigmentation of the skin; +/- yeast/bacterial ix

cs atopic dermatitis

willemse's criteria; favrot's criteria; exclusion of all resembling pruritic skin diseases. NO NEED FOR INTRADERMAL TESTING

dx atopic dermatitis

prednisolone, glucocorticoids, antihistamines, cyclosporine, cyclophilin inhibitors; essential FA supplementation; hyposensitization best choice and oclacitinib

tx atopic dermatitis

affected dog / literates should not be bred from

prevention of atopic dermatitis

erythema, papule, pustules, crusts and ulcers on head and ears +/- otitis extern; V/D or asthma; peripheral lymphadenopathy

CS food allergy

feed and log true elimination diet for 4-6 weeks. response after 13 weeks

dx food allergy

feed elimination diet - properly balanced

tx food allergy

no individual sensitivity or hypersensitive component - induces similar response in vast majority of animals that come into contact with it urine scalding / other corrosive compounds) - causes inflammatory response. no prior sensitization required.

irritant dermatitis

individual sensitivity that is immune-mediated; +/- repeat episode

allergic dermatitis

erythema and papule;; common on contact surfaces with little - no hair; pruritus --> thickening, hyper pigmentation, crusts and excoriations; alopecia, ulceration and secondary ix's

cs contact dermatiis

provocative exposure or patch testing

dx contact dermatitis

avoidance / glucocorticoids

tx contact dermatitis

annular, ulcerative lesions; sloughing, necrosis at sough, face, ears, mucocutaneous junctions , +/- vasculitis reaction, inappetence, pyrexia

cs drug hypersensitivity

hx of drug administration, run pattern resembles one hypersensitivity, CS resolve following w/drawal of drug

dx drug hypersensitivity

w/d suspected medication, no cross reacting drug while symptoms persist

tx drug hypersensitivity

the only natural corticosteroid used in vet Rx for inflammatory lesions, and contact dermatitis cases


why should cortisone not be used for derma cases?

less potent than the synthetic alternatives

why should cortisone not be used topically?

requires reduction of kept group on C11

synthetic steroids increase __ activity and decrease __ activity

anti-inflammatory, mineralacorticoid

ways to manipulate potency of glucocorticoid activity

hydroxylation, methylation, fluronation, or adding double bond

30x more potent than hydrocortison

betamethasone, dexamethasone

inexpensive, short dictation of action, poor mineralocorticoid activity; can be administered ESD


stimulate RNS transcription of lipocortin, inhibit phospholipase --> inhibits prostaglandins, thromboxane and leukotriene synthesis. stabilizes lysosomal membranes

mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of glucocorticoids

suppression of lymphocyte and eosinophil counts in the peripheral blood,margination, diapedesis and inflammatory hurts of neutrophils, of cell-mediated and humoral immunity; inhibition of DNA synthesis, and complement activity; decreased circulating T lymphocytes and inhibition of lymphokine function, decreased production of immunoglobulins

immunosuppressive properties fo glucocoticoids

sudden withdrawals of glucocorticoids may precipitate a/n __ crisis


when should glucocorticoids be monitored?

peak of endogenous activity (night for cats; day for dogs)

why should a clear diagnostic strategy be worked up before resorting to glucocorticoids?

use will have detrimental effects on certain laboratory, immune and histopathological tests that may be required in the dx of atopic dermatitis (biopsies, intradermals

autoantibody is produced to the glycocalyx of the keratinocyte

pathogenesis of pemphigus complex

hypersensitivity rxn of pemphigus complex


pemphigus complex reaction is a hypersensitivity reaction without

inflammatory cells or complement

lesion on mouth and mucocutaneous junctions. oral cavity is most common site; evidence of epidermal colarettes +/- secondary ix; nicolsky signs present.

pemphigus vulgaris

vercose or warty , benign form of P vulgaris

pemphigus vegetans

most common of the complex; vesicles/bullae that become ix (erythema/crust, pustules, alopecia, epidermal collarettes) - bridge of nose, nasal pigmentation

pemphigus foliaceus

nasal/ocular depigmentaiotn and erosion/ulceration

pemphigus erythematosus

biopsy for less of acantholysis; immunofluorescence can demonstrate antibodies in-situ

dx pemphigus complex

vesicle-bullous, ulcerative skin disease where initiating pathology is at derma-epidermal junction (BM) - autoantibodies here cause vesicles or bull to develop sub-epidermally. includes neutrophil / eosinophil chemoatraction

bullous pemphigoid

mouth, mucocutaneous junctions, foot pads, - similar ulceration to pemphigus complex but ulceration is more severe

CS bullous pemphigoid

immunofluresence for antibody at the BM some

dx bullous pemphigoid

autoantibodies are formed against numerous cell types; not just skin

vesicles, bullae and ulcers seen on face, ears and distal limbs. foot pads and nasal planum; secondary pyoderma and seborrheic skin disease present. +/- hyperkeratosis on the foot pads

CS systemic lupus erythematosus

serology test for ANA; LE cells on smears

dx systemic lupus erythematosus

lesions confined to the face; early signs include depigmentation, erythema and slight excess scale over the nasal region. commonly erode / ulcerate an may crust over; +/- mouth , eyes, ears, limbs; UV light causes deterioration

cs discoid lupus erythematous

immunofluresence test; antibody complement deposited at BM zone

dx discoid lupus erythematous

extremities affected (paws, nose, etc) erythema, necrosis, purport and ulceration. Exposure to cold relevant factor in Hx. +/- anaemia

cs cold agglutinin disease

cold agglutinin disease has been associated with __ in dogs and __ in cats

lead poisoning, upper respiratory infection

cold reacting antibodies (cold agglutinins); reversible hemagglutination

dx cold agglutinin disease

avoid exposure to cold

tx cold agglutinin disease

affects german shepard most often; excess moistness in and around tail; erythema and purulent ix; numbers sinus tracks; furunculosis and fissuring or ulceration of the skin under the tail and peri-anally; foul smell; necrosis and sloughing

cs anal furunculosis

metronidazole and azathioprine + sx

tx anal furunculosis