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40 Cards in this Set

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difference between VBA and a Macro?
macro = computer program that gives automated instructions to the computer (original meaning); Excel meaning: a program that users can write by themselves.
VBA = general purpose language used to write programs (macros) that is independent of the application.
Because VBA works with an object model, it doesn't need any special access to the internals of Excel.
VBA programs (macros) can control any application that provides an object model
what is .NET?
The Microsoft .NET Framework is a software framework that can be installed on computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a large library of coded solutions to common programming problems and a virtual machine that manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a Microsoft offering and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform.
macro naming scheme?
must begin with a letter; can contain upper & lower case letters, numbers, & underscores. but no spaces or other special characters
to learn more about format strings?
type "number format codes" in excel help search
how to show the developer tab?
Excel Options dialog box, on the Popular page
rule for assigning shortcut keys?
if you assign a built-in shortcut key to your macro then using the shortcut will run your macro rather than the built-in command. it is best to avoid this. using Ctrl+Shift key combinations is a good approach.
macro-free workbooks extension?
macro-enabled workbook extension?
ways to run a macro?
From VB editor: F5 or the Run Sub/UserForm button in the toolbar
From workbook: View tab-> Macro->select and run (or shortcut keys or custom bottom on Quick Access Toolbar or activeX control)
how to recognize an object in code?
will be a word followed by a period
syntax difference between specifying an argument and assigning a value to a property?
to specify an argument, use the argumentName:=value;
to assign a value to a property, use propertyName = value
in the latter there is a space before and after =; in the former, the name and := are optional
how to create a trusted location?
Excel Options-> trust center -> trusted locations
-> add a new location
where to add the digital signature?
if you sign from the Excel
menu-> Prepare then it prevent changes to the cells.
if you sign from VB Editor, it will prevents changes to the macros
to delete a digital ID?
Internet Options from Control Panel, on Content tab, click Certificates
can you edit statements while stepping through a macro?
yes, but not all. VB will warn you if you attempt to make a change that would require you to restart the macro
how get a filename from a user?
how to record a macro with relative cell references?
View tab of ribbon -> Macros ->
Use Relative References
make macro operate quietly?
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
3 ways to refer to an open workbook?
by name, by position, or by pointing
what is a class?
a type of object (all objects in a particular class have the same properties & methods available)
what is a collection?
it is an object that is a collection or group of other objects; the collection "Students" is a group of "Student" objects.
VBA name for the combined list of properties and methods of an object?
ways to open the VB editor?
editing a macro, view code command on shortcut menu for any worksheet, Visual Basic button on developer tab, Alt+F11
how to prevent a dockable window from docking when you move it?
hold down Ctrl while you move the window around
2 different syntax for referring to an item in a collection?
what is a global property (and give an example)?
global property is a property that is not preceded by an object;
example- Workbooks has two meanings in Excel: it is the name of an object class; and the name of a global property that that establishes a reference to the collection of open workbooks
how to close a workbook without excel prompting to save changes?
change the Saved property of the Workbook object to True
function that allows you to treat multiple values as one?
example: Worksheets(Array(1,3,5)). Select will select the 1st, 3rd & 5th sheets
how to make Auto Lists show for variables?
declare the variable as specific object

Dim mySheet as Worksheet

then mySheet. will cause Auto List to show (listing members of the Worksheet object class)
do methods return values?
yes, some do.
example Worksheet.Delete will return True/False depending if the sheet was actually deleted
also, Collection.Add will usually return a reference to the new item that was created.
what is the <global> object class?
not a real object class; it includes all methods & properties you can use without specifying an object; these members can start a statement
what is the Range property?
a member of the <global> object class, it returns a reference to a Range object; (it is a very flexible way to establish a link to a Range object)
in the immediate window, how do you display the value of an expression?
type ?Expression to return the value of Expression
what is the Cells property?
a member of the <global> object class, it returns a collection of cells & its result is a Range object. example: Cells(1).Select selections the cell A1. unlike other collections, it allows you to specify an item by using both row & column values. example: Cells(3,2).Select selects the cell B3.
what are the Rows and Columns properties?
members of <global> object class, they return a collection or rows/columns; they result in Range objects. note: only to specify a range of rows/columns is by name. example Columns("A:H").Select or Rows("2:7").Select
keyboard shortcut to display the Auto List
Ctrl + Space
describe the CurrentRegion property
member of Range object class; it returns a rectangular range that includes the range and is surrounded by either blank cells or the edge of the worksheet
why doesn't the Selection property display the Auto List?
the Selection property can return more objects of different classes depending on what is selected, so the Auto List function would not know which member list to display
difference between Range property of <global> and Range property of Range object class
they both behave the same way, except that Range property of Range object behaves relative to the Range object
this is the same difference between Rows <global> property and Rows property of Range object (same for Cells and Columns too)
R1C1 reference style: what does =R5C[2] mean?
= value of cell two columns to the right, in row 5.