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91 Cards in this Set

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هدأ. انحسر

if something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes much less strong or severe.


مقت. كره.

if you abhor something, you hate it very much, especially for moral reasons.


أقلم. (تأقلم)

acclimate means made the same as


حث. ذكر. لام. عاتب. نصح. حذر

if you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong


أنيس. دمث. عذب المعاشرة. لطيف

someone who is affable is pleasant and friendly.


يزعج. يغيظ

if someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.

if someone or something aggravates you, they make you annoyed


خفة. سرعة. نشاط. رشاقة

if you do something with alacrity, you do it quickly and eagerly.


لطيف. ظريف. ودود. انيس

someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be with.


هدأ. سكن. أشبع. استرضى. لطف

if you try to appease someone, you try to stop them from being angry by giving them what they want.



something that is arcane is secret or mysterious.


تنوع بيولوجي

biodiversity is the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment.


وقود حيوي

a biofuel is a gas, liquid, or solid from natural sources such as plants that is used as a fuel.

Blue collar

عمال يدوين

blue-collar workers work in industry, doing physical work, rather than in offices.


نحاسي. معدني. وقح. صفيق

if you describe a person or their behaviour as brazen, you mean that they are very bold and do not care what other people think about them or their behaviour.


فظ. شديد

if you describe a person or their behaviour as brusque, you mean that they deal with things, or say things, quickly and shortly, so that they seem to be rude.


ازدهر. تبرعم

if something burgeons, it grows or develops rapidly.


تملق. داهن. تزلف إلى

if you cajole someone into doing something, you get them to do it after persuading them for some time.


قاس. صلب

a callous person or action is very cruel and shows no concern for other people or their feelings.


صراحة. لا تحيز. اخلاص. براءة

candour is the quality of speaking honestly and openly about things.


رقيب. مسؤول. مراقب للشيئ بشكل عام

if someone in authority censors letters or the media, they officially examine them and cut out any information that is regarded as secret.


محترس. يقظ. واع. حريص

if you are circumspect, you are cautious in what you do and say and do not take risks


طوّق. دار حول. أبطل. راغ

if someone circumvents a rule or restriction, they avoid having to obey the rule or restriction, in a clever and perhaps dishonest way.


سري. مختلس. خفي. عرفي

something that is clandestine is hidden or kept secret, often because it is illegal.


فوضى. ركام يعوزه النظام. ضوضاء

clutter is a lot of things in a messy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary.


أكره. أجبر على الطاعة

if you coerce someone into doing something, you make them do it, although they do not want to.


متلاحم. متلاصق. متماسك

something that is cohesive consists of parts that fit together well and form a united whole


استوطن. استعمر. أنشأ، نزل، أقام مستعمرة


مساعد. مفض الى

adj if one thing is conducive to another thing, it makes the other thing likely to happen.


تخمين. ظن. افتراض. حدس

a conjecture is a conclusion that is based on information that is not certain or complete.

when you conjecture, you form an opinion or reach a conclusion on the basis of information that is not certain or complete


تواطأ. تغاضي. تستر على. تآمر. تعاون سراً

if one person connives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them


يحافظ على. حمى. صان. حفظ الفاكهة بالتسكير

if you conserve a supply of something, you use it carefully so that it lasts for a long time.

to conserve something means to protect it from harm, loss, or change.


فسر. حلل. ترجم

if something is construed in a particular way, its nature or meaning is interpreted in that way.


لوّث. فسد.

if something is contaminated by dirt, chemicals, or radiation, they make it dirty or harmful.


اشتق. استمد. استنتج. أتى. نشأ من

t if you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.

if you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing


عرضة ل. خاضع. مسئول قانونياً. مدين

when something is liable to happen, it is very likely to happen.

if people or things are liable to something unpleasant, they are likely to experience it or do it.

if you are liable for something such as a debt, you are legally responsible for it.


يسّن. يشرع قانوناً

when a government or state legislates, it passes a new law.


عميق. متعمق. عويص. بليغ

you use profound to emphasize that something is very great or intense.

a profound idea, work, or person shows great intellectual depth and understanding.


بارز. مشهور. بارز. محدب

someone who is prominent is important and well-known.

something that is prominent is very noticeable or is an important part of something else.


مبتدع. مدبر

if you say that something someone says or does is contrived, you think it is false and deliberate, rather than natural and not planned.


نقل. وصّل. أبلغ. نقل ملكية

to convey information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone.


مدان. محبوس. سجين. محكوم عليه

if someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a court of law.

a convict is someone who is in prison.


كوني. واسع إلى أبعد الحدود

cosmic means occurring in, or coming from, the part of space that lies outside earth and its atmosphere.

cosmic means belonging or relating to the universe.


ضيق. خانق. صعب القراءة. محصور

a cramped room or building is not big enough for the people or things in it.


ذو مصداقية. معقول. موثوق

credible means able to be trusted or believed.

a credible candidate, policy, or system, for example, is one that appears to have a chance of being successful.


يضبط. يقمع. يكتم. يكبت. رصيف

if you curb something, you control it and keep it within limits.

if you curb an emotion or your behaviour, you keep it under control.


حطام. أصلال. طمي. نهر جليدي

debris is pieces from something that has been destroyed or pieces of rubbish or unwanted material that are spread around.


ديموغرافي. سكاني

the demographics of a place or society are the statistics relating to the people who live there.

in business, a demographic is a group of people in a society, especially people in a particular age group.


يحرم. يجرد. يمنع

if you deprive someone of something that they want or need, you take it away from them, or you prevent them from having it.


مهجور. منسي. مهمل. منبوذ من المجتمع

a place or building that is derelict is empty and in a bad state of repair because it has not been used or lived in for a long time.

a derelict is a person who has no home or job and who has to live on the streets.


يردع. يثني. يعيق. يحول

to deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it.


مانع. سلاح. رادع. عائق

a deterrent is something that prevents people from doing something by making them afraid of what will happen to them if they do it.

a deterrent is a weapon or set of weapons designed to prevent enemies from attacking by making them afraid to do so.


يحدد. يفصل. يحسم. يعقد العزم

if a particular factor determines the nature of a thing or event, it causes it to be of a particular kind.

to determine a fact means to discover it as a result of investigation.

if you determine something, you decide about it or settle it.

if you determine to do something, you make a firm decision to do it.


اخلاص. حب. تقوى. تكريس

devotion is great love, affection, or admiration for someone.

devotion is commitment to a particular activity.


وازن. عادل. ساوى

if you equate one thing with another, or if you say that one thing equates with another, you believe that they are strongly connected.


شهادة براءة إختراع. واضح. جلي

a patent is an official right to be the only person or company allowed to make or sell a new product for a certain period of time.

you use patent to describe something, especially something bad, in order to indicate in an emphatic way that you think its nature or existence is clear and obvious.


تجمل. تزين. تغطرس. رافع معنوياته. دخل إضافي

perks are special benefits that are given to people who have a particular job or belong to a particular group.


علاج. دواء

a remedy is a successful way of dealing with a problem.

a remedy is something that is intended to cure you when you are ill or in pain.

if you remedy something that is wrong or harmful, you correct it or improve it.


أقام. سكن. بقي

if someone resides somewhere, they live there or are staying there.

if a quality resides in something, the thing has that quality.


يقيد. يحصر. يحد من

if you restrict something, you put a limit on it in order to reduce it or prevent it from becoming too great.


عوض على. كافئ. عادل

to compensate someone for money or things that they have lost, means to pay them money or give them something to replace those things

if you compensate for a lack of something or for something you have done wrong, you do something to make the situation better.

something that compensates for something else balances it or reduces its effects.

if you try to compensate for something that is wrong or missing in your life, you try to do something that removes or reduces the harmful effects.


تراخٍ. رضا ذاتي

complacency is being complacent about a situation.

the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself


يمكن تخيله. يمكن تصوره. جائز. معقول

if something is conceivable, you can imagine it or believe it.


يدين. يصادر. يحكم على. بشجب

if you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable.

if someone is condemned to a punishment, they are given this punishment.

if circumstances condemn you to an unpleasant situation, they make it certain that you will suffer in that way.

if authorities condemn a building, they officially decide that it is not safe and must be pulled down or repaired.


حجز. أكره. أجبر. تكلًف. إصطنع

to constrain someone or something means to limit their development or force them to behave in a particular way.


مأزق. ورطة

If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.


إزدرائي. منتقص. حط من قدره

if you make a derogatory remark or comment about someone or something, you express your low opinion of them.


متغلغل. منتشر. واسع الإنتشار. مخترق

something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.


تخريب الممتلكات العامة.

vandalism is the deliberate damaging of things, especially public property.


تنشئة. تربية. حضانة

your upbringing is the way that your parents treat you and the things that they teach you when you are growing up.


جمع. صنّف. ألّف. كتب

when you compile something such as a report, book, or programme, you produce it by collecting and putting together many pieces of information.


سرعة التصديق. السذاجة

credulity is a willingness to believe that something is real or true.



tendency to believe too readily and therefore to be easily deceived


متعرج. متلوي

if a river or road meanders, it has a lot of bends, rather than going in a straight line from one place to another.

if you meander somewhere, you move slowly and not in a straight line.


غنى. وفرة. غني. ثري. فاخر. غزير

opulent things or places look grand and expensive.


متعذر تغييره. عنيد. متصلب

you use inexorable to describe a process that cannot be prevented from continuing or progressing.


أحمق. غير كفء. سخيف. غير مناسب

if you say that someone is inept, you are criticizing them because they do something with a complete lack of skill.


كسول. متراخ. متبلد

someone who is indolent is lazy


انحدر. مال إلى. إنحرف

an incline is land that slopes at an angle.

if you incline your head, you bend your neck so that your head is leaning forward.

if you incline to think or act in a particular way, or if something inclines you to it, you are likely to think or act in that way.


جوهري. فعلي. حقيقي

if something has intrinsic value or intrinsic interest, it is valuable or interesting because of its basic nature or character, and not because of its connection with other things.


توسل. إبتهل. ناشد

if you invoke a law, you state that you are taking a particular action because that law allows or tells you to.

if you invoke something such as a principle, a saying, or a famous person, you refer to them in order to support your argument.

if something such as a piece of music invokes a feeling or an image, it causes someone to have the feeling or to see the image. many people consider this use to be incorrect because is the correct word for this


كذلك. أيضاً. فوق ذلك. بطريقة مماثلة

you use likewise when you are comparing two methods, states, or situations and saying that they are similar.

if you do something and someone else does likewise, they do the same or a similar thing.


كذلك. أيضاً. فوق ذلك. بطريقة مماثلة

you use likewise when you are comparing two methods, states, or situations and saying that they are similar.

if you do something and someone else does likewise, they do the same or a similar thing.


ومع ذلك. على الرغم من. بالرغم من ذلك

if something is true notwithstanding something else, it is true in spite of that other thing.

notwithstanding is also an adverb


مادة ملوثة

pollutants are substances that pollute the environment, especially gases from vehicles and poisonous chemicals produced as waste by industrial processes.


شرك. وجرة. كمين. مأزق

the pitfalls involved in a particular activity or situation are the things that may go wrong or may cause problems.


هضبة. مرتفع. نجد

a plateau is a large area of high and fairly flat land.

if you say that an activity or process has reached a plateau, you mean that it has reached a stage where there is no further change or development.


رائد. ريادي. طليعي. أصلي. من الأوائل

someone who is referred to as a pioneer in a particular area of activity is one of the first people to be involved in it and develop it.

pioneers are people who leave their own country or the place where they were living, and go and live in a place that has not been lived in before.

Joint venture

مشروع مشترك.


مجتهد. كادح. مثابر

if you describe someone as industrious, you mean they work very hard.


مقبل. وشيك. قادم. صريح

a forthcoming event is planned to happen soon.

if something that you want, need, or expect is forthcoming, it is given to you or it happens

if you say that someone is forthcoming, you mean that they willingly give information when you ask them.


عار. خزي. عمل شائن

infamy is the state of being infamous