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65 Cards in this Set

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How do the costovertebral joints of ribs 1-7 move?
rotate about an axis that runs longitudinally through the neck of the rib
(head rotation around body of vertebrae)
How do the costovertebral joints of ribs 8-10 move?
glide (elevate and depress) along the transverse process
How do ribs 1-7 of the thoracic wall move?
"pump handle"
elevation of the upper ribs increases the anterior/posterior dimension of the thoracic cavity
(sternum moves away from thoracic cavity)
How do ribs 8-10 of the thoracic wall move?
"bucket handle"
elevation of the lower ribs increases the transverse dimension of the thoracic cavity
(side-to-side diameter increases)
What happens to the thoracic wall during forced inspiration?
thorax widens and sternum move aneriorly
What happens to the thoracic wall during forced expiration?
thorax narrows
ribs 8-10 move inferiorly
ribs 1-7 move superiorly
(decrease V, increase P)
What is a eupnic breath?
normal passive inspiration/expiration mediated by movement of the diaphragm; very little movement of chest wall
What is ther origin of the clavicular head of the pectoralis major?
surface of medial half of clavicle
What is the origin of the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major?
anterior surface of sternum
superior 6 costal cartilages
aponeurosis of external oblique muscle and rectus abdominus
What is the insertion of the pectoralis major?
lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus
What is the action of the pectoralis major when both the clavicular head and the sternocostal head at together?
adducts and medially rotates the arm
draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly
What is the action of the clavicular head of the pectoralis major?
flexes humerus
What is the action of the sternocostal head of the pectoralis major?
extends humerus from flexed position
What is the origin of the pectoalis minor?
ribs 3-5, near costal cartilage (inferior to pectoralis major)
What is the insertion of the pectoralis minor?
medial border and superior surface of coracoid process of scapula
What is the action of the pectoralis minor?
stabilizes scapula
(moves scapula inferiorly and anteriorly against thoracic wall)
What is the origin of the subclavius?
rib 1
costal cartilage
What is the insertion of the subclavius?
inferior surface of middle third of clavicle
What is the action of the subclavius?
anchors and depresses clavicle
What is the origin of the serratus anterior?
exterior surface of lateral parts of ribs 1-8
What is the insertion of the serratus anterior?
anterior surface of medial border of scapula
What is the action of the serratus anterior?
protracts and rotates scapula
holds scapula against thoracic wall
What is aponeurosis?
thin sheets of fibrous CT that connect into a muscles
What are the thoracoappendicular muscles of the thoracic wall and what do they do?
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
serratus anterior

act upon the upper limbs
Which of the thoracoappendicular muscles of the thoracic wall are considered accessory muscles of respiration?
pectoralis major
pectoralis minor
serratus anterior
What are the accessory muscles of respiration?
serratus posterior superior
serratus posterior inferior
levator costarum
external intercostals
internal intercostals
transverse thoracic
What is the superior attachment of serratus posterior superior?
nuchal ligament
spinous process of C7 to T3
What is the inferior attachment of serratus posterior superior?
superior border of ribs 2-4
What is the action of the serratus posterior superior?
elevates ribs
What is the superior attachment of serratus posterior inferior?
spinous process of T11-L2
What is the inferior attachment of serratus posterior inferior?
inferior border of ribs 8-12 (near angle)
What is the action of the serratus posterior inferior?
depress ribs
What is the superior attachment of levator costarum?
transverse process of T7-T11
What is the inferior attachment of levator costarum?
subadjacent ribs between tubercle and angle
What is the action of levator costarum
elevate ribs
What is the superior attachment of the external intercostals?
inferior border of the ribs
What is the inferior attachment of the external intercostals?
superior border of ribs below
What is the action of the external intercostals?
elevate ribs (forced inspiration)
What is the superior attachment of the internal intercostals?
inferior border of the ribs
What is the inferior attachment of the internal intercostals?
superior border of ribs below
What is the action of the internal intercostals?
depresses ribs (forced expiration)
What can the transverse thoracic muscle be used to localize?
internal thoracic artery and vein
What is the superior attachment of the transverse thoracic?
posterior surface of lower sternum
What is the inferior attachment of the transverse thoracic?
internal surface of costal cartilages
What is the action of the transverse thoracic?
WEAKLY depresses ribs
What are the anterior and posterior aspects of the anterior thoracic wall?
external intercostals
internal intercostals
transverse thoracic
What is the order of the neurovascular structures in the intercostal space from superior to inferior?
What is the order of the neurovascular structures on the collateral branches on the superior aspect of the rib?
How do the subcostals run?
they run in the same direction as the internal intercostals and blend with them
What arteries supply the thoracic wall?
thoracic aorta
subclavian artery
axillary artery
Where do the posterior intercostals of the 1st and 2nd intercostal space arise from?
superior intercostal arteries
Where do the posterior intercostals of the 3rd and 11th intercostal space arise from?
thoracic aorta
When the posterior intercostals cross the vertebrae, what do they pass posteriorly to?
thoracic duct
azygous vein
right lung
What is the origin of intercostal spaces 1-6?
internal thoracic artery
What is the origin of intercostal spaces 7-9?
musculophrenic artery
What do the anterior intercostals supply?
intercostal muscles
pectoral muscles
What are the inferior two intercostal spaces supplied by?
posterior intercostals ONLY
What do the terminal and collateral branches anastomose anteriorly with?
anterior intercostal arteries
What do the posterior branch of the posterior intercostals supply?
spinal cord
vertebral column
back muscles
What is the origin of the internal thoracic artery?
subclavian artery
What does the internal thoracic artery branch into?
superior epigastric artery
musculophrenic artery
What are the veins of the thoracic wall?
11 posterior intercostal veins
one subcostal vein
What do the 11 posterior intercostal veins anastomose with?
anterior intercostal veins
Where is the subcostal vein?
along posterior-most floating rib
Where do most posterior intercostal veins drain?
azygos/hemiazygos system