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82 Cards in this Set

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Describe the relationshiop of alcohol drinking to cardiovascular disease
U shaped, with moderate drinking being least risk
Which is better for assessing risk, triglycerides or total cholesterol
Total cholesterol
Highest risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

What is the second highest?
Highest = LVH, second highest = Sedentary lifestyle. Third highest = DM
Starting at what age should fasting lipoprotein profiles be obtained?
Starting at 20 yrs, and then every 5 years
Goal for LDL therapy in pt with CHD?
Goal for LDL therapy in pt with 2+ risk factors?
Goal for LDL therapy in pt with 0-1 risk factors
What is the primary target of monitoring for cardiovascular risk in a patient with metabolic syndrome?
Patient is on corticosteroids, progesterone, or anabolic steroids. What does this imply for their cholesterol?
Will be elevated
Person with CHD or equivelant who has LDL > 130
Aggressive lifestyle Rx, + drug.
If a patient has CHD and LDL <130 but greater than 100, do you immediately start pt on lipid lowering drug?
If pt has 0-1 risk factors, at what point do you consider adding drugs for cholesterol?
If LDL > 190, and lifestyle changes are initiated and fail to reduce LDL
Drug that lowers LDL the most:
Drug that raises HDL the most:
Nicotinic acid
Absolute contraindication of fibric acid use:
Severe renal disease.

Also causes gallstones
Best drug for lowering triglycerides (2):
Nicotinic acid or fibric acids
In a patient who is hospitalized with CHD, at what LDL should drugs be considered?
If LDL > 130
What is the first line of therapy in all lipid and non-lipid risk factors associated with metabilic syndrome:
Lifestyle reduction – especially weight reduction
At what LDL do you start thinking familial hypercholesterolemia?
LDL > 190
Level for borderline high and high triglycerides:
Borderline: 150-199. High = 200-500
Sweating episodes + tachycardia. What do you look for?

Check urine or serum for vanillylmandelic acid or metanephrines
Pt is on clonidine and doesn't respond. What disease must you consider?

Check urine or serum for vanillylmandelic acid or metanephrines
Treatment for pheochromocytoma:
Surgical resection.

Enure adequate beta-blockage, alpha blockade, and volume expansion
Pt has BP >160/100. What should be considered for all patients?
Therapy with 2 agents
HTN + CAD. What do you treat with?
Beta blocker
Pt has HTN, truncal obesity and osteoporosis. What should you look for?
Cortisol in the urine. This is cushings disease
Pt with HTN with hypokalemia.
Conn's syndrome
BP treatment of choice for pt with depressed LV function
Diuretics, ACE and beta-blockers
Pt is on statin in combo with niacin, fibrates or cyclospirine. What is pt at risk for?
Rhabdomyolysis or myositis
How to calculate LDL from total cholesterol
Total C – (HDL +1/5TG)

Only valid if TG<400
Pt has proteinuria + Hematuria. What to look for:
Suspect nephritic syndrome
What is the next diagnostic step in pt with elevated createnine?
Urine microscopy
How ominous is papilledema?
Order of tests to determine organ damage in HTN:
Urinalysis then Chemistry panel then Fasting glucose
then Lipids then ECG
What should you do before starting antihypertensive meds in a woman who is reproductive age?
Pregnancy test

Thiazides, ACEi, CCB and ARBs are contra-indicated
Follow up for pt with White Coat Syndrome
24 hr monitoring or home blood pressure monitoring at the very least
What is the first line treatment in African American pt with diabetes?
ACE inhibitor
Minimum target for BP in pt with diabetes?

Note: JNC 7 says <130/80
Can a pt who is mildly hypertensive and on antihypertensives get off their medications if BP improves?
Yes! But with constant monitoring
Which BP med can lead to acute renal failure?
ACE inhibitor
Pt is hypokalemic. Which BP med should you ask about?
Pt presents with hyperuricemia, and elevation of cholesterol, and metabolic alkalosis. What BP med are they on?
Pt is being treated for HTN and found to have elevated lipids. Which meds must you consider?
Thiazides and Beta Blocker usage
Pt has yellow plaques on eyelids and yellow masses found on tendons. What should you test for?
Severe hyperlipidemia
Pt has 3 risk factors for CHD and LDL = 145. Treatment?
Since >130 consider medical treatment.
Pt has 2 risk factors for CHD and LDL = 125. Treatment?
Pt is below goal of <130 but less than 160 which is cutoff for treatment. Consider lifestyle changes
Pt has no CHD risk factors and LDL = 145. Treatment?
Pt is above goal of <130 and less than 190 which is cutoff for treatment. Consider lifestyle changes
First line drug for elevated Tgs?
Niacin, then Gemfibrozil
Pt has elevated Tgs and is diabetic. Treatment?
Pt is female, postmenopausal and has no cardiovascular risk factors. Do you start estrogen replacement therapy?
Med with the best track record during pregnancy

Beta blockers and hydralazine are safe
Pt has renal artery stenosis. What is the BP medicine of choice?
ACE inhibitor
Diagnostic test of choice for renal artery stenosis:
First step in measuring coarctation of aorta
Check blood pressure in lower extremities
Pt has volume mediated hypertension, but no signs of hypokalemia.

What cause of secondary HTN should you consider?
NSAID mediated HTN
Pt is on a medication that ends in -sin. What should you be thinking about doing?
Alpha blockers (-Sin) have NOT been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality.

Switch to a different class
Pt has high blood pressure and asthma. What class of drugs should you avoid?
Beta blockers
What is a good medicine to use in hypertensive emergency?
According to Harrisons, what do you do for a pt who is high risk for CAD and LDL >100
Diet PLUS Drugs
Pt with moderate risk (>2 factors) who has 20% 10-y risk and LDL>130

Diet + Drugs
Pt has 2 risk factors for CHD although 10-y risk <10% and LDL > 130. Treatment?
Diet + Drugs
Pt has no established CHD, and no risk factors. What is target LDL?
Pt has TG = 340. Pt has dieted and exercised and still not ideal. Which agent do you begin with?
Pt has Tgs = 562. Treatment?
Pt has high LDL and wants to know which foods have the biggest impact on his cholesterol.
Reducing fats (especiallysaturated fats) is more important than cholesterol.
Teenager with cardiovascular Sx. What MUST you check for?
Cocaine use!!
You have a pt who is a smoker. What should you discuss at every appointment.
1. If they still smoke
2. If they are willing to quit
3. Advise cessation
Does evidence suggest that smoking cessation reduces risk of AMI?
Criteria for metabolic syndrome:
Need 3 of the five factors:

Abdominal obesity
Low HDL (<50 m, <40 w)
BP > 130/85
Glucose >110

High LDL is not a criteria!
Pt has gout and high blood pressure. Which med should you avoid?
Which antihypertensive med is absolutely the worst for a pregnant woman?
ACE inhibitor
Pt is a smoker who wants to quit and has a history of seizures. What must you avoid?
In ALL pts who want to quit smoking. What should you advice about lifestyle.
Avoid weight gain by careful diet and exercise
Pt has been trying to quit smoking for 3 weeks but is still going through withdrawal. What do you tell them?
"Hang in there"

Withdrawal is worst in first month
Pt has osteoporosis and HTN. Which drug should you go with
Pt has arrhythmia and HTN. Which drug should you go with?
Beta blocker
Pt has chronic kidney failure and starts on an ACE and notices small increase in Cr. Do you discontinue ACE?
Pt has Type IIb dyslipidemia (Incr LDL + VLDL)

Which med would you avoid? Why?
Avoid Cholestyramine (Bile acid binding resin... can raise triglycerides
Pt has Type III hyperlipidemia (dysbetalipoproteinemia)

Which med do you go with?
Gemfibrozil or Niacin
Which lipid is associated with Type IV dyslipidemia?

What med would you use?
VLDL (related to triglycerides)

Use Niacin, Gemfibrozil and statins
You are seeing a young female pt in her early twenties. Fasting lipids show elevated VLDL and chylomicrons. What's your diagnosis? Be specific!
Familial hypertriglyceridemia.
My “Made up” approach to diagnosing and treating pts with familial dyslipidemia.
If LDL is elevated think type II or II-b (combined). Go with statins

If triglycerides are elevated (or VLDL/Chylo) go with niacin or gemfibrozil.

If it specifically says only chylomicrons are elevated, go with diet (type I)