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75 Cards in this Set

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Risk factors for poor prenatal care:
Less Educated
Substance abuse
Young age (<20)
Ideal time frame to have a pre-conception meeting:
3-6 months before conception
What percentage of pregnancies are unplanned in pregnant women.
Approx 50% of adult women

Note that 95% of teen pregnancies are unplanned
What days are the most vulnerable for the developing fetus?
Days 17-56 post conception.

Unfortunately, many women don't realize they are pregnant during this time.
For a planned pregnancy, when should a women start increasing folate consumption?
1 month prior to pregnancy
Most common early signs of pregnancy (4):
Breast Tenderness
Sudden reddish hyperpigmentation over the bridge of the nose in pregnancy:
Naegele's rule for estimating delivery date (EDD):
EDD = (LMP - 3 months) + 7 day

Formula does not work for women who have irregular menstrual cycles
When do urine pregnancy tests first become positive?
Around the time of the first missed period
For a normal pregnancy, how much does beta HCG increase during the first trimester of pregnancy?
Doubles every 1.4 to 2 days until the fetus is 8 to 10 weeks old.

At minimum, should increase by 66% every 48 hours
What is the best diagnostic choice for a woman with abnormal bleeding or abdominal pain and posiive pregnancy test:
Transvaginal ultrasound.

Note that sonographic landmarks correlate strongly with HCG levels, and sonography can accurately predict delivery date within 4 days during first trimester
For a woman who has a questionable spontaneous abortion, what are poor prognostic signs on physical exam?
Cervix is dilated or prognosis is poor.
You are caring for a woman and there is concern of a possible loss of pregnancy during the first trimester. What are the lab tests you should order?
Transvaginal ultrasound, or Beta-HCG
#1 cause of maternal mortality during the first trimester:
Ectopic Pregnancy
What demographics have a higher rate of legal medical abortions?
White women
Women < 20
Unmarried women
Which type of oral contraceptive is most efficacious in preventing pregnancy?
In general all types of contraceptives are equally efficacious.
Will an oral contraceptive harm an already developing fetus?
What is the mechanism by which progestin blocks a pregnancy?
Thicken cervical mucus,
Inhibits capacitation
Endometrial changes
Disrupts FSH
Other reasons to OCPs other than preventing pregnancy:
Helps with dysmenorrhea, Improves acne, prevents osteoporosis, and cervical cancer, and atherosclerosis
In a woman < 35 years old who smokes, is it okay to use oral contraceptives?
yes! The risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease is less than the risk of mortality from pregnancy
Women is at higher cardiovascular risk but wants to be on a birth control pill. Which type do you recommend?
A third generation OC, or a progestrin only pill.
What comorbid medical condition causes a higher risk of stroke in a woman using oral contraceptives?
Migraine with auras
What is the most common cardivascular risk associated with oral contraceptives

Risk is highest during the first 2 years of OC use and when the woman smokes, or if they have an inherent coagulation defect
What is the risk of breast cancer in women using oral contraceptives
Risk is unclear
Discuss the risk of cancer and use of oral contraceptives:
?Breast Cancer
?Cervical Cancer

Helps reduce ovarian cancer

In general higher cancer risk when started at a young age and used for a long time. Risk for cervical cancer declines after OC is stopped
ACHES mnemonic for potential health problems when using oral contraceptives:
Abdominal pain
Chest Pain (AMI, PE)
Headaches (Stroke, hypertension, migraines)
Eye Problems (migraine, stroke/TIA)
Severe Leg Pain (DVT)
Three strategies for when to start oral contraceptives:
Immediately (although use a back-up method of protection for first 7 days)

Starting at the first day of menses

Starting on a Sunday (will need a back-up for the first 7 days)
Why are many women dissatisfied with progesterone only pills?
Cause menstrual irregularities, irregular bleeding.
What is DMPA?
A long acting progesterone only administered subcutaneously or IM.

Mechanism of action is to inhibit ovulation.
What is a good contraceptive choice for a woman taking isotretinoin (Accutane)?
What does DMPA do to bone density:
Causes bone loss!

Loss may not be reversible, although may improve with discontinuation.
What are the advantages of using a proesterone only pill compared to OCP?
No estrogen risks

May also be used for breastfeeding
What do OCPs do to the endometrial wall?
Estrogen thickens endometrial wall, while progestin can thin the wall.

Both OCP and POP can thicken mucus
How long does it take a woman on DMPA to become fertile
Long time! 10 months
Two types of emergency contraceptives
Levonorgestrel (Plan B)

Oral contraceptives containing EE plus levonorgestrel / norgestrel
Primary mechanism of action of oral conraceptives
Prevention of ovulation or fertilization.

Do not interfere with implantation of a fertilized egg to uterus, and do not harm a developing fetus.
Progestin only contraceptives (POPs) and Emergency contraceptives and breastfeeding:

When can you use?
Can use 6 weeks after beginning breastfeeding
Side effects of emergency contraceptives:
Nausea and vomiting
Are prophylactic antibiotics needed for women with IUDs?
No evidence to say these are helpful if a woman does not have an infection.
Woman is using an IUD and develops cramping and discharge in first three weeks.

What is your next step in the management of the patient?
Remove the IUD and start antibiotic as the woman has an infection.
What is the most common side effect when using a diaphragm?
Colonization of the vagina with E. Coli.

May lead to increased infections
What is Mifepristone (RU-486)
Derivative of noretindrone that acts as a progesterone antagonist.
What is misoprostol
Prostaglandin analogue that causes uterine contractions
What is the gestational age for which you can administer mifepristone:
Up to 49 days
What is the gestational age for which you can administer mifepristone + Misoprostol:
Up to 63 days
Recommended laboratory testing prior to using medical induced abortion:
Blood typing, H&H.

Ultrasound may be needed to confirm date of fetus
Mgmt of a patient with ASCUS on PAP, HPV negative:
Repeat cytology in 12 months
33 year old female was shown to be ASCUS on PAP, HPV positive, but colposcopy showed no CIN. Next step?
Repeat cytology in 6-12 months. HPV testing in 12 months. If negative, can go to routine screening. If positive on recheck, repeat colposcopy.
Pt is ASCUS on PAP, HPV positive. Next step?
Woman found to have LSIL on PAP, HPV+. Colposcopy revealed no CIN.

What now?
Repeat cytology in 6 & 12 months. Check HPV in 12 months. If either reveals potential problems, repeat colposcopy
Woman is found to have high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) on routine PAP.

What are your two options?
Immediate loop electrosurgical excision OR proceed with colposcopy.

If Colposcopy shows no CIN 2,3, repeat colposcopy in 6 months and 1 year.
Definition of perimenopause
The period immediately prior to menopause up to 1 year post menopause
Of the three types of estrogen, which one increases the most in proportion to the others after menopause:

Made by fat cells. Note that overall, estrogen levels decrease by 60% after menopause
Most common reason for hysterectomy in US women in their 40's:
By definition, premature menopause is cessation of menstrual periods before this age:
40 years old
Traditional way to diagnose menopause:

ie., if woman hasn't had a menstrual period in one year
When using FSH to diagnose menopause, at what level would you expect to be correlated with menopause:
Anything over 60
Affect of obesity on hot flashes:
Obesity increases chances of a woman having hot flashes
Alternatives for treating hot flashes other than estrogen/testosterone:
Megestrol acetate

Also consider relaxation techniques
For women who are perimenopausal and complaining of mood swings, does estrogen help?
They are of limited use

However, hormone therapy may be better than antidepressants.
Treatment of choice for atrophic vaginitis:
Low dose estrogen cream. Also consider vaginal lubricants.
Histology review!

In menopause women lose 50% of cancellous bone. Where is cancellous bone mostly located?
Mostly in the spine and ends of long bone.
Least costly method for dealing with bone loss:
Prevention during young adult years.

Smoking cessation, weight bearing exercise
Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D.
Does progesterone alone help prevent osteoporosis?
Hormone(s) of choice for fighting bone density loss:
Estrogen + Testosterone
Concerns about these two conditions have led to a reduction in the use of estrogen for treating osteoporosis:
Cardiovascular risk
Breast Cancer
Common side effect of Alendronate:
This SERM can help prevent vertebral fractures:
How can a woman who is taking hormone therapy help reduce her risk of endometrial cancer?
By taking progesterone along with estrogen

Progesterone has a protective effect on the uterus
Most common cardiovascular effect on post-menopausal women taking hormone therapy:
Venous thromboembolism

Occurs in 0.9% of patients
Which has more risk for breast cancer: Estrogen therapy or combined therapy:
Combined hormone therapy carries a higher risk of breast cancer.
Exoganous testosterone has two beneficial effects on a post-menopausal women.

Name them:
Bone density

Not that long-term safety data is lacking.
The FDA has approved this drug for the prevention of breast cancer in this high risk population:
Tamoxifen (a SERM)
Can Tamoxifen increase uterine cancer risk?

Can also lead to hot flashes
What are phytoestrogens?
Plant substances that function similarly to E2. They are not stored in tissues.

Women in countries that eat more phytoestrogens in their diet have fewer menopause symptoms.