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378 Cards in this Set

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3 basic elements of breath control:
1. sensors (input to CC)

2. Central Controller (BS)

3. effectors (output of CC)
respiratory effectors are really just:
respiratory muscles

1. contains both inspiratory and expiratory neurons

2. projects to phrenic nerve, IC, and abdominal MN's

3. contains pre-Botzinger Complex
Botzinger Complex =
pacemaker of respiration

- originates normal breathing rhythm
Dorsal Respiratory Group:

1. main sensory nucleus for breathing

2. contains mainly inspiratory neurons

3. includes NTS
pneumotaxic and apneustic center of the BS:

1. located in the pons

2. modulates respiratory rhythm
"pneumotaxic" ~~
apneustic ~~
gasping type of breathing

- prolonged inspiration, short expiration
3 effectors of respiration:
1. phrenic MN's

2. thoracic MN's

3. Lumbar MN's
phrenic MN's:

1. located in C2-C5

2. project to diaphragm
thoracic MN's:

1. located in T1-T12

2. project to IC's
Lumbar MN's project to:
abdominal muscles
5 sensors of respiration:
1. peripheral chemoreceptors

2. central chemoreceptors

3. pulmonary stretch receptors

4. irritant receptors

5. J receptors
peripheral chemoreceptors are located in:
each common carotid bifurcation, and in the aortic arch

(3 total)
***main stimulus of peripheral chemoreceptors = ***
low O2

(<60 mmHg)

- minor response to CO2 or pH
what is the afferent of ALL respiratory sensors?

(except for central chemoreceptors - no need to travel)
the vagus nerve
each carotid body:

1. extremely well-vascularized

2. **turns on or off very quickly**
a carotid body can be tricked into sensing hypoxemia by:
constriction of the SM surrounding it
normal PaCO2 =
***main stimulus for central chemoreceptors = ***
PaCO2 and H+
central chemoreceptors are located in:
the BS
CSF is NOT a good buffer; a small change in H+ concentration will result in:
a HUGE change in pH
the blood-brain barrier is highly permeable to CO2; changes in arterial CO2 are quickly:
reflected in the CSF
increasing CSF CO2 => lower CSF pH =>
**increased ventilation**
in people with severe lung disease, hypoxemia becomes:
the main drive for ventilation

(instead of PCO2)
administering 100% O2 removes the hypoxemia sensed by peripheral chemoreceptors; => =>
sharp increase in PaCO2 because chemoreceptors no longer driving ventilation

=> death
need to administer just enough:

- no more, no less
***changes in CO2 ~~
a slower, more gradual change in ventilation than changes in O2
pulmonary stretch receptors are located in:
airway SM
pulmonary stretch receptors participate in:
the Hering-Breuer reflex
Hering-Breuer reflex =
stimulation of pulm. stretch receptors tell the brain to stop inspiration

- prevents overinflation
**pulmonary stretch receptors are:**

- continue to fire for as long as lung is stretched too much
severing the vagus nerve => increase in:
TV, because vagus no longer carries stretch receptor signal to brain
pulmonary irritant receptors are located:
b/w airway epithelial cells
pulm. irritant receptors are stimulated by:

1. noxious gases

2. cig smoke

3. inhaled dust

4. cold air
activation of irritant receptors increases:

ventilation, bronchoconstriction, and coughing,

to eliminate the stimulate
irritant receptors are also stimulated by:
**histamine in asthma attacks**
***irritant receptors are rapidly-adapting;***
desensitize even while stimulus remains
J receptors are located in:
the external wall of the pulmonary caps
J receptors respond rapidly to:

1. blood-borne substances

2. vascular congestion

3. edema
activation of J receptors causes:
transient apnea, followed by:

shallow breathing, bronchoconstriction, and mucous secretion
change in ventilation due to exercise is NOT caused by:
either O2, CO2, or pH

- but an unknown, multifactorial cause
causes of hypoventilation:

1. problems with BS/SC/MN's

2. drugs

3. upper airway obstruction (as with obesity)
lamina propria = the layer beneath:
tracheal epithelium
submucousa = layer beneath:
lamina propria

- contains mucous glands to line throat
**the posterior portion of the trachea does NOT have:
what's found in the posterior portion of the trachea?
the trachealis muscle
trachealis muscle:

1. SM

2. used for coughing, swallowing
***defining feature of bronchus =
islands of cartilage
bronchi also have:

1. lots of SM

2. submucousa layer
the trachea and bronchi have lots of:
goblet cells
***bronchioles have NO:

1. no cartilage

2. no goblet cells

3. simple columnar
the epithelium of airways above the bronchioles is:
lymphoid tissue is:
the respiratory bronchioles have less epithelium than:
terminal bronchioles
the terminal bronchioles have no goblet cells; instead, they have:
clara cells
clara cells:

1. non-ciliated

2. secretory - produce a component of SFT

3. act as stem cells, to replace damaged epithelium

4. secrete enzymes to destroy noxious substances
clara cells have a __________ look
***respiratory bronchioles are broken up, meaning:***
they have an **incomplete** circle of SM
alveoli are lined by:
Type I pneumocytes
Type I pneumocytes are:
underneath the Type I cells are:
Type II cells:

1. round

2. contain lamellar bodies
lamellar bodies store:
Wheezing ~~
turbulent flow in the small airways
what drives ventilation?
FRC = Functional Residual Capacity; occurs at:
bottom of normal tidal breath
Normal expiration/inspiration ratio =
nicotinic receptors are:
roles of the kidneys:

1. solute balance

2. water balance

3. electrolyte balance

4. acid balance

5. excretion

6. hormone production
why is electrolyte balance so important?
ions determine AP's

=> heart beat, CNS, etc.
what 3 hormones do the kidneys produce?
1. renin

2. EPO

3. VitD3
main extracellular fluid ions =

Na+ and Cl-
osmolarity =
**concentration** of dissolved particles
150 mM of NaCl =
300 mOsm
**high osmolarity =
little free water
coloid osmotic pressute =
osmolarity of plasma proteins
changes in salt or water intake => changes in ECF =>
changes in ICF,

b/c ECF and ICF equilibrate quickly
osmotic changes can perturb a cell's:

size and function
hyposmolar = hypotonic; cell will:
swell as water rushes in
tonicity and osmolarity measure:
the relative concentration of a call/fluid
amount of water is indirectly proportional to:

- decreasing osmolarity means increasing water
positive balance =
intake > output
negative balance =
output > intake
what is the functional unit of the kidney?
the nephron
kidneys excrete only:
1% of water and solutes that are filtered
ultrafiltrate =
fluid going from arterioles to caps of Bowman's capsule
secretion ~~
going straight from the plasma to the kidney tubules

- not filtrate

~ both water and solutes
excretion equation:
excretion = filtration + secretion - reabsorption
the kidneys are highly vascularized; nephrons have 2:
capillary beds

- 1 at the glomerulus

- 1 surrounding the tubules
volume of fluid filtered across ALL the glomeruli
GFR value =
120 ml/min
normal RBF =
1000 ml/min
normal RPF =
600 ml/min
***urine flow = V =
volume of urine *excreted* per min

- ml/min
filtered load of a substance =
GFR x Py
Py =
plasma concentration of a substance y
excreted load of a substance =
V x Uy
Uy =
urine concentration of substance y
reabsorption =
filtered load - excreted load
secretion =
excreted load - filtered load
***clearance =
volume of plasma cleared of a substance, in ml/min
***Cy =
V x Uy / Py
ultimately, clearance = net effect of:
filtration, reabsorption, and secretion
***when clearance = GFR, there is NO:
secretion or reabsorption
no secretion or reabsorption means filtered load =
excreted load
2 examples where clearance = GFR:
inulin, creatinin
maximum clearance ~
RPF, 600 ml/min
RPF is measured by:
PAH is almost completely:
removed in one pass through the kidneys
when clearance is less than GFR, what must be occurring?
GFR is about 20% of:
inulin is rarely:
used to measure GFR
creatinin slightly ________________ GFR
***plasma creatinin increases in proportion to:***
a decrease in GFR

- as one goes up, the other comes down
dark spots in the kidney cortex =
renal corpuscle =

glomerulus + Bowman's capsule
glomerulus =
ball of caps
juxtamedullary neprhons give off:
vasa recta
vasa recta are thin, straight arteries that supply:
the renal medulla
medullary rays are located in the cortex but:
are composed of the collecting tubules that make up the medulla
3 unique features of renal blood flow:
1. glomerulus is flanked by 2 arterioles

2. efferent arterioles are flanked by 2 cap beds

3. vasa recta are long and straight
urinary pole =
PCT end of the corpuscle
Bowman's capsule =
parietal (outside) layer + visceral layer of podocytes
visceral layer of podocytes surrounds:
glom. caps
what kind of epithelium is the parietal layer of Bowman's capsule?
simple squamous
what is the main diffusion barrier for the glomeruli?
the basement membrane of Bowman's capsule
what are pedicles?
processes of podocytes, overlying basement membrane
4 resident cells of the renal corpuscle:
1. parietal Bowman's cells

2. podocytes

3. cap. endothelial cells

4. mesangial cells
what do mesangial cells do?

1. hold glomeruli together (contractile)

2. phagocytose
PCT histology:

1. prominent brush border

2. lots of mit.

3. basal striations
DCT histology:

1. NO brush border

2. but also has basal striations
what kind of epithelium is the loop of Henle?
what kind of epithelium are the collecitng ducts?

1. classic cuboidal for the most part

2. then columnar in the deep medulla
3 cells of the JG apparatus:
1. macula densa cells

2. lacis (mesangial) cells

3. JG cells
macula densa cells:

1. next to DCT

2. sense NaCl concentration
what do JG cells do?
produce renin
medullary papilla =
final stop before calyx and excretion
the ureter is shaped like a:
what does transitional epithelium look like when stretched?

1. layers look stratified

2. apical surface is irregular
urethra: begins with transitional epithelium, =>
stratified columnar

=> stratified squamous at the end
****anatomical shunt ~~
blood goes through the lung w/o being exposed to alveolar gas- bypassing any chance to exchange gas.
physiological dead space =
more ventilation than the perfusion can handle- so called "wasted" ventilation.
****physiological shunt =
Q > V
in general, glomerular filtration depends on:

1. filtration barrier

2. high Pgc
Bowman's space is filled with:
filtrate, which continues to the PCT
what do glomerular caps have that aids in filtration?
the basement membrane under glomerular cap. endothelium is the main:
diffusion barrier

- very selective
what do podocytes do?
stabilize the basement membrane
***the basement membrane has a strong _____________ charge***

keeps negative mlcls out of Bowman's space
****what kind of mlcls are NOT filtered from the glom. caps?***

1. large mlcls

2. negative mlcls
how big is a "large" mlcl?
greater than or equal to 40 A
mlcls less than ___ Angstroms are freely filtered
filtration of mlcls between 20 and 40 Angstroms is determined by:
their charge
glucose is freely filtered b/c it's a:
small mlcl
should never see _____ or __________ in the urine

****Pgc is greater than:****
Pc of all other caps
****Pgc is _______________ throughout the length of the glomerular cap****
***Pgc is ALWAYS greater than ______________ in the glomerular capillaries***
**what's the significance of Pgc being greater than COP at every point of the glom. cap?**
***there is ALWAYS net filtration at the glom. caps***
Kf of the glom caps is ___________x's greater than in other caps
why is Kf of glom caps so much greater?
b/c of fenestrations
how does COP change along glom caps?
it **increases** steadily
why does COP increase along the length of the glom cap?
b/c water is leaving

=> increased concentration of plasma proteins
GFR = Kf x ______
MFP = mean filtration pressure =
average filtration pressure along the length of the caps
factors that alter GFR:

1. change in Pgc

2. change in Resistance of afferent or efferent arterioles => change in Pgc

3. change in COP

4. change in Kf
**to increase GFR:**

1. increase Pgc

2. decrease COP
2 constrictors of renal arterioles:
1. increased sympathetic tone

2. increased ANG II

(both decrease Pgc)
5 dilators of the renal arterioles:
1. NO

2. bradykinin

3. prostaglandins

4. dec. sympathetic tone

5. dec. ANG II
what inhibits prostaglandins?
most mediators of renal arterioles affect:
the **afferent** arteriole,
why do most mediators of renal arterioles affect the afferent arteriole?
b/c of its greater thickness/more SM
****changes to afferent arterioles => changes in:****
Pgc, GFR, and RBF,

****changes to the efferent arterioles => changes in:****
Pgc and GFR in the

OPPOSITE direction

from RBF
example: increasing afferent arteriole R =>

1. dec. Pgc,

2. dec. GFR,


3. dec. RBF
another example: increasing efferent arteriole R =>

1. increased Pgc


2. increased GFR


3. decreased RBF
normal plasma concentration of Na+ =
normal plasma concentration of Cl- =
normal plasma concentration of HCO3- =
normal plasma concentration of glucose =
Na+, water, and glucose are readily ________________ at the PCT
what 2 substances are readily secreted at the PCT?

1. PAH

2. many drugs
overall, the **nephrons** (not just PCT) reabsorb:

1. 99% of Na+ and water

2. ALL of glucose and AA's in the filtrate
water movement in the kidneys:

1. NEVER pumped, always passive

2. depends on concentration or osmotic gradients

3. passes through pores formed by aquaporins

4. can move paracellularly
Na+/K+ ATPases create the Na+ gradient necessary for:
all other movement/transport
Na+ reabsorption uses both:
symports and antiports
Na+ symports ~~
cotransporter =
Na+ antiports ~~
Na+ can also move:
paracellularly, through **leaky epithelium**

- movement depends on electrochemical gradient
***what makes epithelium leaky?***
whether Na+ or H20 can move easily, in a paracellular fashion
water generally moves through *leaky epithelium*, via constitutively-expressed:
aquaporin 1
sometimes water can move through tight epithelium, via:
hormonally-expressed aquaporin 2
**there is NO change in the ____________________ of the PCT, despite the movement of solutes**
PCT reabsorbs:

(4 percents)
1. 67% of NaCl, water, and K+

2. most HCO3

3. all glucose/AA's
6 apical transporters/pumps of the PCT:
1. Na+/glucose symport

2. Na+/AA symport

3. Na+/Cl symport

4. Na+/H+ antiport

5. AQ1

3 basolateral transporters/pumps of the PCT epithelium:
1. Na+/K+ ATPase

2. glucose transporter

3. aquaporin 1
water moves despite isosmolar nature of the PCT b/c:
a series of small pockets of solute transport occur,

and water follows
***what is the maximum activity of the Na+ / glucose transport?***
180 mg/dL
plasma glucose [ ] =
filtrate glucose concentration
even a meal of straight sugar won't raise plasma glucose (and thus filtrate glucose) past:
180 mg/dL
when plasma glucose exceeds 180 mg/dL, some of it remains in:
the PCT => keeps going through tubules

=> **retains water** => polyuria, thirst
polyuria =
high urine output
What are the steps to reclaiming HCO3 in the PCT?

1. CA generates HCO3 and H+ from intracellular Co2 and H20

2. H+ gets sent into tubular lumen via Na+/H+ antiport

3. combines with HCO3 in filtrate to make CO2 and H2O

4. CO2 enters cell, combines w/ H2O to form HCO3 and H+

5. HCO3 is sent out to peritubular caps via Na+/HCO3 symports on the basolateral surface
Renal Tubular Acidosis =
systemic acidosis due to failure of kidneys to balance acids-bases properly
proximal RTA =
failure to reclaim filtered HCO3

=> loss of HCO3 to urine
Franconis Syndrome =
general PCT dysfunction = impaired reabsorption of solutes (glucose, AA's, bicarb)
Franconis Syndrome =>

glucosuria, proximal RTA, etc
urea in the PCT: ___% of it is passively reabsorbed
plasma urea [ ] =
filtered urea [ ]
H2O reabsorption in the PCT concentrates urea =>
urea moves out of PCT due to this concentration gradient
the LOH **always** reabsorbs more:
salt than water
because the LOH always reabsorbs more salt than water, fluid at the end of the LOH is:
hyposmolar fluid =
dilute fluid

- the fluid has less solutes/more water than the interstitium
concentration of fluid entering the LOH is _____ mOsm/L
300 mOsm/L
***what does the ascending limb ACTIVELY do?***
it actively ***reabsorbs NaCl***
what does the ascending limb use to reabsorb NaCl?
NKCC transporters
what is the ascending limb **impermeable to**?
because it's impermeable to water, the ascending limb is called the:
diluting segment

=> makes the fluid mostly water
NKCC transporters are located in:
the thick portion of the ascending limb of the LOH
NKCC transporters *always* reabsorb:
1 Na+, 1 K+, and 2 Cl's
what's the significance of the NKCC transporters reabsorbing 4 ions?
they create a **future gradient for water** to be reabsorbed
what drives NKCC transporters?
tubular K+

(NKCC's are secondary active transporters)
how does K+ enter the tubules?
via ROMK's

(apical K+ channels)
what do you absolutely need for NKCC's to work?
a high concentration of K+ in the tubular lumen
diuretics ~~ both:
water AND solute excretion
best example of a diuretic =
***what do diuretics block?***
**NKCC transporters**

=> less water reabsorption, b/c that future gradient isn't created
Barter's syndrome =
mutations of NKCC transporters
Barter's syndrome presents as if:
loop diuretic is always present
2 results of Barter's syndrome:
1. hypokalemia

2. dehydration
the descending LOH is ________;

salt and water pass freely, equilibrate b/w the lumen and the interstitium
b/c the ascending limb is impermeable to water, but actively reabsorbs NaCl, fluid in the lumen is _______________, while it's ________________ in the interstitium
dilute in the lumen;

concentrated in the interstitium
***NKCC's of the ascending limb always create a gradient (i.e. difference) of _________***
200 mOsm/L

(between the lumen and the intersititum)
horizontal gradient ~~

1. the concentration difference between the interstitium and the ascending limb, created by the NKCC's

2. how the descending limb will equilibrate with the interstitium after the NKCC's do their work
pump-equilibrate step =
fluid comes down and around LOH, and NKCC's create a gradient of 200 between the interstitium and the ascending limb,

followed by descending limb equilibrating with the interstitium
shift step =
more filtrate coming in from the PCT moves osmolaritys around the bend and up in to the ascending limb

=> horizontal gradient is no longer 200

=> pump-equilibrate again
vasa recta =
*peritubular* caps of the renal medulla

fall and ascend with LOH
**main role of the vasa recta:**
prevent the dissipation of longitidunal gradients surrounding the LOH

- it *matches* the interstitum concentrations/exchanges at the LOH
the descending portion of the vasa recta ~

1. solutes enter it

2. water exits it
the ascending portion of the vasa recta ~

1. solutes exit

2. water enters VR
3 transport mechanisms of the VR:
1. NaCl and water by passive diffussion

2. paracellular water via AQ1

3. urea via UT3
600-1200 mOsm/L is considered:
the high osmolarity at the turn of the LOH ~ high concentrations of:

**Na+ and urea**
the LOH **always** reabsorbs more:
salt than water
hyposmolar =
100 mOsm/L is considered:
early DCT:

1. **further dilutes** tubular fluid

2. = TIGHT epithelium
how does the early DCT further dilute tubular fluid?
by **further Na+ reabsorption**
what transporters does the early DCT use to reabsorb Na+?

(Na/Cl Co-transporters)
b/c of the early DCT, osmolarity of the fluid goes from:
100 Osm to 80 Osm
the early DCT is made of tight epithelium, which means it's **impermeable to:**
the late DCT's role =
Na+ reabsorption
how does the late DCT reabsorb Na+?
**via ENaC's**
Na+ reabsorption is coupled to:

K+ or H+ *secretion*
thiazide diuretics inhibit:
inhibiting NCC's => dec. Na+ reabsorption =>
dec. water reabsorption => increased Na+ and water excretion
Gitelman's syndrome =
loss of function of NCC
Gordon's syndrome =
opposite of Gitelman's
Liddle's syndrome =
**gain of function of EnaC's**
what does gain of function of EnaC's cause?

1. hypokalemia

2. hypertension
why does increasing the reabsorption of Na+ cause an increase in BP?
b/c water follows Na+
the decision to absorb water or not is made at the:
fluid at the beginning of the DCT is:

whether or not the DCT reabsorbs water depends on:
the presence or absence of ADH
high *urine* osmolarity ~~
little water ~~ ADH is *present and active in the body*
hyposmolar fluid leaving the LOH presents a favorable gradient for reabsorbing water at the DCT, if:
ADH is around
50% of urea is reabsorbed at:
the PCT
from the DCT through the medullary CD, which segments of the kidney are *permeable* to urea?
only the medullary CD
**the medullary CD absorbs urea only if:**
***ADH is present***
as water leaves the medullary CD (in presence of ADH), the urea gradient:

=> urea moves down concentration gradient and out of lumen
with ADH present, ___% of urea is reabsorbed at the medullary CD
without ADH, ___% of urea is reabsorbed at the medullary CD
0% - none of it

=> excreted
ADH present => ____________ urine
ADH does NOT alter _______________________ by the DCT or CD's
Na+ reabsorption;

ADH only alters water reabsorption
high flow rate through the LOH => less:
Na+ reabsorption => higher osmolarity of tubular fluid
how much water do you lose per day?
1.5 L
how much of the 1.5 L lost per day is lost as urine?
0.5 L
you *must* excrete ______ mOsm of solute as waste product every day, b/c that's how much you create
600 mOsm
ADH = dipsogen:
stimulates thirst
what do osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus sense?
**plasma** osmolarity
if plasma osmolarity is too high, osmoreceptors cause:
the posterior pituitary to release ADH

1. constricts blood vessels

2. via V1/ADH receptors

3. => inc. BP
ADH's antidiuretic effects occur via binding to:
V2/ADH receptors
***what's the effect of ADH on amount of solute excreted in the urine?***

- amount of solute excreted never changes due to ADH
ADH has a short:
***how does ADH change the urine flow rate?***
***it decreases urine flow rate***

(in inverse proportion to urine osmolarity)
what are 3 stimuli for ADH release?
1. change in plasma osmolarity (either direction)

2. dec. blood volume

3. dec. BP
what is the primary stimulus for ADH release?
change in plasma osmolarity
what is decreased BV sense by?
atrial stretch receptors
what is dec. BP sensed by?
what transporters do V2/ADH receptors activate in the medullary CD?
**drinking water does NOT change:**

GFR or solute excretion
hyponatremia = dec. plasma Na+, ~~
too much water in plasma ~~ ADH is too high
diabetes insipidus ~~
**too little ADH**

=> abnormal loss of water
polydipsia =
excessive thirst
diabetes insipidus comes in 2 forms:
1. central

2. nephrogenic
central DI~~ problem with:
ADH synthesis or release
how does central DI occur?

via trauma, CNS tumor
nephrongenic DI ~~
*resistance* to ADH
how does nephrogenic DI occur?

via kidney injury, Lithium meds
Glomerulotubular balance (GT) =
how the nephron reabsorbs a constant *percentage* of Na+ and water, no matter how the GFR changes

=> Na+ and water reabsorption always changes proportionally to GFR
inc. GFR => inc. COP in the peritubular caps =>
inc. driving force for the reabsorption of water => inc. Na+ reabsorption (as it follows water)/ dec. back leak of Na+
if GFR dec, => dec. COP =>
decreased reabsorption of water/Na+
GT balance can be *reset* by:
when ECV increases, the percent of Na+ and water reabsorbed _____________

in other words, *more Na+ and water is excreted* than normal
when ECV decreases, what happens to Na+ and water excretion?
they both get *excreted less*

i.e. more is reabsorbed
increased salt intake => increased water retention =>
increased ECV =>

*increased salt excretion by the kidney*
what happens if you decrease Na+ intake after having a high-salt diet?
kidney starts excreting *less* Na+ until you're back at steady state
(negative balance =
excretion > intake)
(steady state means:
excretion = intake)
macula densa cells are found within:
the walls of the DCT
the DCT is right next to:
both glomerular arterioles
JG cells secrete:
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP):

1. made in the atria

2. released during increased ECV

3. **inhibits** Na+ reabsorption

4. inhibits renin secretion

5. increases dilation of *afferent* arterioles => inc. GFR
***net effect of ANP =***
inc. natriuresis
natriuresis =
excretion of Na+
what do renal sympathetic efferent nerves do?

1. constrict glom. arterioles (afferent more than efferent)
=> dec. GFR

2. stimulate PCT's Na+/H+ antiport

3. inc. renin secretion
***net effect of renal sympathetics:***
*increase Na+ reabsorption in the PCT*

/conserve water
**renal sympathetics are activated during:**
**decreased ECV**

(hemorrhage, etc)
renin converts:
angiotensinogen into AI
AI is converted to AII via:
***what activates renin release?***

1. dec. ECV

2. dec. BP

3. dec GFR

4. inc. symp activity

5. dec. Na+ concentration at the macula densa
***net effect of RAAS = ***
reabsorb Na+ AND water
major difference between ADH and RAAS =
ADH deals with water, while AII deals with both water AND Na+
what is the most potent vasoconstrictor?

=> inc. TPR, inc. MAP
***AII acts in concert with:***
renal sympathetics
***net effect of AII + renal sympathetics = ***
greater constriction of afferent arteriole than efferent

=> dec. Pgc, dec. GFR, dec. RBF
other AII effects:

1. inc. Na+/H+ antiport at PCT

2. inc. aldosterone secretion

3. inc. ADH

4. inc. thirst
***ultimate effect of AII:***
***bring ECV back up***

(if it had decreased)


1. inc. Na+ reabsorption ***in the DCT***

2. inc. K+ secretion in the DCT
what's the mechanism by which aldosterone reabsorbs Na+?
via **rapid activation of EnaC's** =>
b/c aldosterone is a steroid hormone, it also causes:
synthesis of ENaC's
**release of aldosterone is stimulated by:**

1. elevated plasma AII

2. elevated plasma K+

3. dec. Na+ in plasma

4. dec ECV
ADH modifies water excretion _________________ of salt
normal plasma concentration of H+ =
40 nM
maximum H+ concentration =
100 nM => pH of 7 => acidotic
minimum plasma concentration of H+ =
16 nM => pH of 7.8 => alkalotic
***50% of short-term buffering is achieved by:***
intracellular proteins, which take on excess H+

- but eventually, you *need* HCO3 to take over
body pH =

6.1 x log [HCO3] / [CO2]
lung expelling CO2 isn't enough to prevent acidosis by itself, b/c:
every time we produce a CO2, we knock out a bicarb to do it

=> => ruins the HH balance
what gets rid of H+ in the long term?
the kidneys
H+ comes from:

1. metabolism

2. GI secretions

3. changes in CO2 production

4. anaerobic exercise
***kidneys recover_____ HCO3 from the filtrate***

(in normal circumstances)
***the kidneys do NOT generate:
new HCO3***
**how kidneys shape acid-base balance:**

1. reclaim HCO3 from filtrate

2. secrete H+ to be excreted

3. attach H+ to P buffers, which are excreted

4. secrete H+ as ammonium (NH4+)
we need to get rid of about 100 mmol of H+, b/c that's how much:
we produce
secreting H+ by itself and secreting it with the P buffer is:
not enough
**attaching H+ to something other than HCO3, like the P buffer, effectively gives us:**
another HCO3
how do we get NH4?
glutamine is taken up by the PCT cells;

glutaminase splits it into NH4 and aKG

- NH4 is secreted
**aKG is converted into**:
2 HCO3's !
there is no limit to the amount of NH4 that can be:
during acidosis, renal glutaminase is:

=> more NH4 as well as more HCO3
most of our K+ is:
extracellular K+ *needs* to be maintained at:
3.5 to 5 mM
even though our diet is high in K+, we can maintain the low extracellular concentration by a:

1. short-term solution

and a

2. long-term solution
short-term solution to increased extracellular K+:
**skeletal muscle stores it**

- takes K+ out of extracellular concentration

- releases it over time
long-term solution to increased exracellular K+:
**kidney changes excretion of K+ depending on the need**
which parts of the nephrons secrete K+?
principal cells of the DCT and CD's
how are principal cells of the DCT and CD's able to secrete K+?

1. basolateral Na+/K+ ATPases pump K+ in

2. ROMK's secrete K+
what stimulates K+ secretion?

1. excess plasma K+

2. aldosterone

3. increased dietary intake
acidosis is often associated with:
why is acidosis is often associated with hyperkalemia?
due to the H+/K+ antiport
incrased plasma H+ => exchange of:
intracellular K+ for extracellular H+ => inc. extracellular K+, hyperkalemia
more bicarb retained => increased:

due to HH equation
water permeability of the ascending loop is NOT altered by:
O2 dissociation curve axes =
% over PO2
Remember that DCT’s are right next to:
what do medullary rays do?
transport ultrafiltrate from cortex to medulla
***Clearance of creatinin is inversely proportional to:***
** Plasma** creatinin
LOH/interstitium ~~
countercurrent multiplication
the majority of RBF goes to:
the renal cortex
Physiological dead space includes:
anatomic dead space,

and corresponds to wasted ventilation
the ascending LOH has lots of:
Na+/K+ on the basolateral surface
V/Q of infinity =
physiological dead space
Remember that while condoms are easier to blow up, they are:
much harder to deflate as well

(~ obstructive diseases)