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45 Cards in this Set

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List the Steps of the Scientific Method:
1) Make an observation
2) Form a Hypothesis
3) Test the Hypothesis
4) Draw Conclusions
5) Share Results/ Develop a Theory
What is a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is a proposed answer to a question.
What is a control? Variable?
A control is the variable in the experiment that stays the same. The variable is the one that changes throughout the experiment.
What is technology?
Technology is the use of knowledge to solve practical problems.
For an experiment to be legitimate, what must another scientist must be able to do?
For an experiment to be valid, another scientist must be able to replicate the experiment and get the same results.
What are the SI units based on?
The SI Units are based on the metric system and in units of ten.
What are the SI units for mass, density, length, and volume?
The SI Unit for mass is the kilogram (kg). The SI unit for length is the meter (m). The SI unit for density in . The SI unit for volume is .
What is precision? Accuracy?
Precision is a gauge of how exact a measurement is. Accuracy is the closeness of a measurement to the actual value of what is being measured.
What are the units for a cubic meter? How many ml is this?
The units for a cubic centimeter are . A centimeter cubed is equal to 1 ml.
Where is most of the mass of the atom located?
Most of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus.
What particle in an atom has a positive charge? Negative? Neutral?
A proton has a positive charge. A neutron is neutral. An electron has a negative charge.
What are isotopes?
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons and different mass numbers.
If something has a atomic number of 6 and a mass of 13 and no charge, how many electrons, protons, and neutrons does it have?
Atomic Number (# of Protons) = 6

Mass Number (sum of protons and neutrons) = 13

Electrons = 6
Protons = 6
Neutrons = 7
What subatomic particles are found in the nucleus? Outside the nucleus?
18. Protons and neutrons are inside the nucleus. Electrons are outside the nucleus.
Describe Rutherford's experiment and what he discovered.
19. Rutherford projected alpha rays onto a thin sheet of gold. Some of the alpha particles deflected back He concluded that the positive charge of an atom is concentrated in one part.
Define compound. Element. Is sugar a compound or an element.
A compound is a substance that is made from two or more simpler substances and can be broken down into those simpler substances. An element is a substance that cannot be broken down. Sugar is a compound.
Define mixture
A mixture retains some of the properties of their individual substances. It can vary because the composition of a mixture is not fixed.
Define heterogeneous mixture. Homogeneous mixture. What type of mixture is salt water?
In a heterogeneous mixture, the parts of the mixture are noticeably different from each other. In a homogeneous mixture the substances are so evenly distributed that it is hard to distinguish one substance in a mixture to another.
Where are metals and nonmetals found on the periodic table.
Metals are on the left. The nonmetals are on the right.
What are the properties of metals? Nonmetals?
Metals are elements that are good conductors, solid at room temperature, and ductile. Nonmetals are poor conductors, most are gas at room temperature, and brittle.
What are the 4 states of matter?
The four states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.
What is viscosity?
Viscosity is the tendency of a liquid to keep from flowing. (Honey has a high viscosity.)
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
Kinetic Energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Potential Energy is energy that is stored as a result of position or shape.
What happens to particle motion when the temperature changes.
If the temperature increases, the particles move faster. If the temperature decreases the particles move slower.
What is the formula for density. If one object floats on another one, which one is more dense.
Density is mass divided by volume. If object one floats on object 2, object 2 is more dense
Chemical Property, Chemical Change, Physical Property, Physical Change
A chemical property is any property that produces a change in the composition of matter. A chemical change is a change that occurs when a substance reacts and makes one or more new substances. A physical property is any characteristic of a material that can be observed without changing the composition of the substances in the material. A physical change is a change that occurs when the properties change but the substances stay the same.
Characteristics of Noble Gases
Noble gases are colorless, odorless, and extremely uncreative.
Ions? What type of charge results from from gaining or losing electrons.
An ion is an atom or group of atoms that has a positive or negative charge. When an element gains electrons, it gets a negative charge. When it loses electrons, it gets a positive charge.
Write oxygen gas as a symbol. What types of bonds does oxygen gas have?
The symbol for oxygen gas is . Oxygen gas forms a covalent bond (a bond between two nonmetals.) An ionic bond would be between a metal and a nonmetal.
Which electrons, closer to the nucleus or farther, are easier to remove and why?
The electrons farther from the nucleus are easier to remove because the nucleus is not pulling on it as much.
Covalent Bond. Polar Covalent. Ionic Bond
A covalent bond is a bond in which two atoms share a pair of valence electrons. A polar covalent bond is a covalent bond is a covalent bond in which the electrons are not shared equally. An ionic bond the force that holds cations and anions together.
When covalent bonds share 2 electrons it is called a _____ bond
When two atoms share two pairs of electrons, it is called a double bond.
Carbon Dioxide has how many atoms?
Carbon dioxide has three atoms (one carbon and two oxygen)
What do electron dot diagrams show?
Electron dot diagrams show the number of valence electrons in an atom.
How many dots are shown on sodium?
Sodium has 1 valence electron because it is in column 1.
How many dots are shone on an oxide ion?
An oxide ion has 6 valence electrons.
How many dots are shown on an oxide ion?
The first level holds 2 valence electrons. The second level holds 8 electrons. The third level holds 18 electrons. The fourth level holds 32 electrons.
How many electrons fit on each level.
Sodium forms a positive ion because it has 1 valance electron, and it is easier to lose one electron than gain seven. Oxygen is a negative ion because it has 6 valance electrons and it is easier to gain two than lose six.
Which group of elements do not normally react?
The noble gases do not normally react.
What is evidence that a chemical change has occurred.
Evidence that a chemical change has occurred includes a change in color, production of a gas, or a formation of a precipitate.
What factors speed up chemical reactions and why?
Factors that affect reaction rates include temperature, surface area, concentration, stirring, and adding a catalyst. ‘
What is the difference between an exothermic and endothermic reaction? Which one gets colder?
An exothermic reaction is when heat is released. An endothermic reaction is when heat is absorbed. An exothermic reaction gets colder. Endothermic equations have energy written in the reactants because heat is absorbed.
Where are the reactantsand products found in a chemical equation?
The reactants are on the left. The products are on the right.
What is an alloy? Give an example
An alloy is a mixture of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal. An example of an alloy is steel.
Solute. Solvent. Solution. In salt water what is the solute and what is the solvent.
A solution is the mixture that forms when substances dissolve and form a homogeneous mixture. A solvent is a substance that dissolves other materials. A solute is material that dissolves in a solvent. In salt water, the water is the solvent and the salt is the solute.