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14 Cards in this Set

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The bottom line

The most important fact about what you are discussing.

الخلاصة او النقطة المهمة لموضوع نقاشك


➡️Well, I think the bottom line is if you love somebody , you will accept them no matter what.

◾💡The bottom line is we don't have a stronger partner anywhere in the world than the United Kingdom.

💡The bottom line is your son is doing the right things.

Cross that bridge when you come to it.

If you say"I will cross that bridge when I come to it" you mean that you will deal with this problem when it happens, or if it happens .

يعني ما بدا بدينا عليه



➡️Don't spend all your savings now. What are you going to do ?

◾I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


💡You can't make me talk to you.

◾No, I can't, but the police can.

💡Fine, I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Cut to the chase.

If someone cuts to the chase they start talking or dealing with the important stuff instead of wasting time with less important things.

يقطم من حيث المخلبس

الانتقال من الحديث الجانبي إلى صلب الموضوع.


➡️You know what? I have had enough of this. Let's just cut to the chase.

➡️I will cut to the chase. We just don't have money for the project.

➡️Here's the problem with self-help books and seminars: they don't cut to the chase.

The icing on the cake

This idiom has two meanings, one is good, and the other is bad.

Good one:

If you describe something as the icing on the cake you mean that it is an extra good thing that makes a good situation even better.

حلا فوق الحلا

➡️He was already happy with his salary, the icing on the cake came when he received a large bonus.

Bad one:

Something bad added which made a bad situation a worse.

زاد الطين بله.

➡️I lost my job today and the fact that my car broke down was the icing on the cake.

In two minds.

If you are in two minds about something, you are not able to reach a decision or opinion about something.

محتار بين قرارين او رأيين


➡️I'm in two minds about going to college . On one hand, it's required for most of the jobs, but on the other it is so expensive.

➡️It shows you that everybody can be two minds about this.

Make a mountain out of a molehill.

To Talk or complain about small, unimportant problem if it is important and serious.

يجعل من الحبة قبة.



◾Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. It is really not a big deal.

On the back burner.

If there is something that needs high fire, they put it on the front burners, but anything else that can wait or they aren't in a hurry to finish.


Linda put her career on the back burner after marrying a famous rich man.

Play it by ear

ارتجل دونما تخطيط مسبق

If you play it by ear, you deal with things as they happened. You don't make plans for the future.


➡️He never prepared his speeches, he always played things by ear.

➡️I don't know how to do it or what I'm doing. I'm just going to play it by ear and see how well it goes.

Sit on the fence

If you sit on the fence, you refuse to give an opinion about something.


➡️You can't sit on the fence any longer. You need to choose who of these two we need to fire.

➡️These people sit on the fence because they don't know which way to go.

يحتار او يتردد

Split hairs

يدقق في التفاصيل ويحاول ايجاد الاختلافات بين اشياء متشابهة جدا.

If someone splits hairs,they argue about very small details. Or they try to find difference between things which are really very similar.


➡️Don't split hairs, I don't care whether he is 24 or 25.

➡️You lay out all the pros. The cons. you split hairs, you go through every shade of gray.

Stick to your guns.

يصر على قراره او رأيه حتى لو أخبره الناس أنه على خطأ.

If you stick to your guns, you refuse to change your opinion or decision about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong.


➡️Once you tell your children to do something, stick your guns even if they get upset.

➡️You should stick your guns and focus on the people that matter to you.

Take a back seat.

يدع غيره يتولى زمام الأمور بالضبط مثل ان يترك غيره يقود السيارة وهو يجلس في المقعد الخلفي.

If you take a back seat, you allow other people to have the power or responsibility. To take the lead and you let other people drive while you sit on the back seat.


➡️If you know anybody else who can manage this company , I will be happy to take a back seat.

➡️So I take a back seat to nobody

The tip of the iceberg.

If something is the tip of the iceberg, it is a small part of a very large problem.

جزء صغير من مشكلة كبيرة جدا كما نقول في المثل ماقد اريت من الجمل الا اذنه.


➡️We get about 2000 complaints every year and that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Up in the air

لم يتم اتخاذ قرار بعد مازال معلقا في الهواء

If an important decision or plan is up in the air,that means, it hasn't decided yet.


➡️I was supposed to get a promotion this week but things are still up in the air because my boss is out of town.