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28 Cards in this Set

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Youth is wasted on the young.

As you get older, you wish you could back and make different decisions.

Bite off more than you can (chew)

To do too many things at one time.

Speak of the devil.

When you are talking behind someone’s back and they suddenly appear.

Chip off the old block.

When somebody closely resembles their parents.

To throw someone under the bus.

When you blame someone else for something you old.

It takes two to tango.

It takes two people to make or break a relationship.

Rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

When you are doing something to fix a station but it doesn’t matter.

All in the same boat.

When anyone is in the same station.

Steal someone’s thunder.

To take credit for something that somebody else did.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Don’t make a decision on someone based on their appearance.

Wait until the last gun is fried.

To wait until the last possible moment to do something.

Take it with a grain of salt.

When you don’t take something that seriously.

On thin ice.

When you are in a very tough situation.

Don’t quit your day job!

Do what you are good at.

Last straw.

Something that happens which leads to the end of something.

To pull the wool over somebody’s eyes.

When you intentionally try and trick or fool somebody.

Leave no stone unturned.

When you search for something.

Not playing with a full deck.

When somebody is not mentally stable.

Bells and whistles.

Extra luxuries.

To make long story short.

When someone gets to the point of their discussion.

Jump ship.

To get out of a situation very quickly

Turn the other cheek.

When you purposely ignore a situation.

Same song and dance.

When someone gives you the same excuse over and over

Dance to the beat of a different drummer.

When someone behaves much differently than others.

Tip of the iceberg.

When you see only the smallest part of a problem.

Fishing with dynamite.

When something is really easy.

Taste of your own medicine.

When you do something to somebody that they have done to you.

Under the gun.

When you are under a lot of pressure.