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139 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
To face, To look out on
Dar a + Article + Noun
To make known
Dar a conocer
To run into
Dar con
To wind
Dar cuerda
To shout, to scream
Dar Gritos
To strike (the hour)
Dar la hora
To thank
Dar las gracias
To give regards to
Dar requerdos a
To hug
Dar un brazo
To take a walk
Dar un paseo, Dar una vuelta
To go for a ride (in a car)
Dar un paseo, Dar una vuelta en coche
To Hurry
Darse prisa
To realize (that)
Darse cuenta de (que)
To shake hands
Darse la mano
To blame
Echar la culpa
To strike (the hour)
Dar la hora
To thank
Dar las gracias
To give regards to
Dar requerdos a
To hug
Dar abrazos
To take a walk
Dar un paseo, Dar una vuelta
To go for a ride (in a car)
Dar un paseo, Dar una vuelta en coche
To Hurry
Darse prisa
To realize (that)
Darse cuenta de (que)
To shake hands
Darse la mano
To blame
Echar la culpa
To mail (a letter, a card, ect)
Echar (una carta, una tarjeta, ect)
To spoil, To ruin
Echar(se) a perder
To burst out laughing
Echarse a reír
To be about to
Estar al punto de
To be up to date
Estar al día
To be well-informed
Estar bien enterado
To be fed up with
Estar harto de
To be in a good/bad mood
Estar de buen/mal humor
To be in style
Estar de moda
to be back
Estar de vuelta
To be starving, dead tired, sleepy
Estar muerto de hambre, cansancio, sueño
To be about to...
Estar para + Infinitivo
To not be in the mood for jokes
No estar para bromas
To be in favor of
Estar por
To (not) pay attention, To (not) listen to, (to ignore)
(No) hacer caso a
To hurt someone
Hacer daño a alquien
To make a stop
Hacer escala
To play the role/part of
Hacer el papel de
To lack, To be in the need of, to be lacking
Hacer(le) falta
To emphisize
Hacer hincapié
To make the bed
Hacer la cama
To pack ones suitcase
Hacer la maleta
To smash, to tear into pieces
Hacer pedazos
To let someone know, To inform
Hacer(le) saber
To take a trip
Hacer un viaje
To pay a visit
Hacer una vista
To ask a question
Hacer una pregunta
To take charge of
Hacerse cargo
To get hurt, To hurt oneself
Hacerse daño
To get late
Hacerse tarde
To make the bed
Hacer la cama
To pack ones suitcase
Hacer la maleta
To smash, to tear into pieces
Hacer pedazos
To let someone know, To inform
Hacer(le) saber
To take a trip
Hacer un viaje
To pay a visit
Hacer una vista
To ask a question
Hacer una pregunta
To take charge of
Hacerse cargo
To get hurt, To hurt oneself
Hacerse daño
To get late
Hacerse tarde
To look good/bad
Tener buena/mala cara
To be calm
Tener calma
To be hot
Tener calor
To be jealous (of)
Tener celos (de)
To feel like, to have an urge to (2 answers)
Tener deseos de, Tener ganas de
To have a sore (throat, headache, ect)
Tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza, ect)
To be envious (of)
Tener envida (de)
To be successful
Tener éxito
To be cold
Tener frío
To be pleased to
Tener mucho gusto en
To take into account
Tener en cuenta
To be hungry
Tener hambre
To be to blame (for), to be one's fault
Tener la culpa (de)
To have the floor
Tener a palabra
To feel sorry for
Tener lástima de
To take place
Tener lugar
To be afraid (of)
Tener miedo (de)
To keep in mind
Tener presente
To be in a hurry
Tener prosa
To have to do with
Tener que ver con
To be right/(wrong)
(no) tener razón
To be thirsty
Tener sed
To be tired
Tener sueño
To be lucky
Tener suerte
To be ashamed (of)
Tener vergüenza (de)
That's it
Eso es
It is true, It is so
Es verdad
There's no doubt
No cabe duda
Of course, Obviously
Claro que sí
I agree
Estoy de acuerdo
To be right/(wrong)
(no) tener razón
To be thirsty
Tener sed
To be tired
Tener sueño
To be lucky
Tener suerte
To be ashamed (of)
Tener vergüenza (de)
That's it
Eso es
It is true, It is so
Es verdad
There's no doubt
No cabe duda
Of course, Obviously
Claro que sí
I agree
Estoy de acuerdo
There is no other solution
No hay más remedio
Ok, It's alright
Está bien
No way
De ninguna manera
Of course not, Obviously not
Claro que no
I don't agree
No estoy de acuerdo
No way!
¡Que Va!
Don't even think about it
Ni lo sueñes
It can't be
No puede ser
It's hard to believe
Parece mentira
I doubt it
Lo dudo
¿En serio?
Ya don't say...
¡No me digas!
It doesn't matter (to me)
No (me) importa
It's all the same (to me) [2 answers]
(Me) da lo mismo, (me) da igual
Whatever you say
Como quieras
What a pity! [2 answers]
¡Que lástima!, ¡Que peña!
That's not fair
Eso no vale
I can't stand it anymore
No puedo más
It seems that....(to me)
(Me) parece que
As far as I know,
Que yo sepa
That is to say [2 answers]
Es decir, O sea
The fact is (that)
Es que
Do you mind?
¿Te importa?
How do you like it?
¿Que te parece?
How's that for you?
¿Te parece bien?
What would you do?
¿Que harías tú?
As far as I know,
Que yo sepa
That is to say [2 answers]
Es decir, O sea
The fact is (that)
Es que
Do you mind?
¿Te importa?
How do you like it?
¿Que te parece?
How's that for you?
¿Te parece bien?
What would you do?
¿Que harías tú?