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10 Cards in this Set

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Third Estate

Who: The lowest class in France: workers, peasants, bourgeoisie

What: A group of people who were considered lower class as a part of a country's political system, which took part in the Estates General.

When: Late 18th and early 19th century

Where: France

Significance: This provided a deeper understanding of how hierarchy ran but also how power can be shifted. (Power of majority)

Natural Rights

What: a philosophical concept that all humans are born with certain privileges and protections by virtue of being human

When: 1789 relevant during FR when it was used

Where: France

Significance: What the Third Estate hopes to gain from the movement of reform.

Maximilien Robespierre

Who: French politician, leader of national convention, jacobins, committee of public safety, Cult of the Supreme Being, bourgeoisie.

When: Came to power: 1790-1794

Where: France

Significance: Robespierre escalated the reform movement in hope for change.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

What: Slogan used to unite people in the French Revolution.

When: During the French Revolution which started in 1789.

Where: France

Significance: It represented the reality goal that the French people were fighting for. Represents the ideals of a modern democracy.

Napoleon Bonapart

Who: A French military and political leader who was the Emperor of France towards the end of the French Revolution.

What: He established a dictatorship after the reign of King Louis the 16th.

When: 1804 - 1818

Where: France

Significance: Napoleon led France to have a strong military and a more modern system. The French Revolution was not revolutionary because the main goal was to balance power.

Stateless Society

What: A political organization that is based on diffusion of power amongst many leaders for different types of situations

When: 1600s

Where: The Congo Basin

Significance: To show unity in the Congo Basin before the Europeans came and forced their system.

Christianity, Commerce, Civilization

What: European ideological belief that Europeans used to guide their actions in the Congo.

When: Late 1800s/Late 19th Century.

Where: Europe

Significance: Beliefs that the European Countries way of living was superior than the Congolese.

Belgian Congo

What: Belgian Colony in Central Africa.

When: Between 1908 and 1960

Where: Central Africa

Significance: Attempted in a “model colony” and tried to fix the CFS’ mistakes.

ED Morel

Who: British journalist, author, pacifist and politician

What: Reported economic drawbacks the Belgian Congo brought to Britain.

When: Reported atrocities in the year 1904

Where: Europe, specifically Britain

Significance: To educated other countries about the atrocities in the Congo Basin. This resulted in other countries interfering.

Joseph Mobutu

Who: President of Congo/Zaire

What: President of Congo/Zaire that was the only candidate, that consequently renames the country, and stole all of the countries money.

When: 1960 - 1971

Where: Congo/Zaire

Significance: Destroyed what the Congolese had been waiting for by leading the country into corruption and stealing all the money for himself.