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41 Cards in this Set

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what are the 2 eye drugs that should be in your eye kit

what should you NOT use

1. tetracaine

2. proparacrine

*DONT use atropine- anti Mus, lasts ~2 weeks so pt will be dilated TOO LONG
dont use steroids with + flourecin dye
what type of eye complaint might you refer
1. painless loss of vision
why is a pin hole used?
ppl with near vision (cant see far) used for visual acuity test to block out peripheral light
what is entropion? how is it treated

what is ectropion, how is it treated
in turning eyelid, tx- surgery

outward turning of the eyelid, tx- surgery. (no tears getting to eyes)
what is it called when your eyelid turns inward, how can you treat it

*tx w/surgery
we know what pinguecula and pterygium are. how are they treated
artificial tears
topical constrictictors
*refer if really severe, can cause blindness
whats a subconjuntival hemorrhage
its a common, self limited, seen with HTN

red on the cornea
blepharitis is...

what are the 2 types
inflammation of lid margin

1. staph
2. seborrheic (dandruff)

*feels like a foerign body or burning
tx for blepharitis
1. warm compress
2. diluted baby shampoo to cleanse
3. AB- ciloxin, bacitracin, minocycline, keflex
whats a doc word for stye

tx if AB needed

**if upper eyelid use topical, if lower eyelid use drops
hutchinsons on nose....
sign of HSV (zoster)

**check the eye, can cause glaucoma
**Tx with acyclovir 5/day
how does zoster of the eye present and what is the tx
swelling, see the dermatomal lesion, hutchinsons sign on tip of nose (CN5)

*tx with acyclovir or famvir
how is a foreign body removed from the...

1. conjunctiva
2. cornea
1. conjunctive- irrigate or cotton swab

2. cornea- hypodermal needle, refer

**use a topical AB for both obviously
HSV on teh eye...
looks like a dendritic lesion that lights with woodslamp

**refer, dont use steroids
tx for corneal abrasion
2. flourecin stain to see it
3. AB: ciloxin, erythromycin, bacitracin, sulfa
4. pressure patch

**HSV, refer
herpes zoster tx
herpes simplex tx

in teh eye
1. zoster- acyclovir
2. simplex- viroptic, NO STEROIDS
causes of conjunctivitis
1. allergy
2. viral
3. bacterial
4. tear deficiency
if the conjunctival discharge is.... what is teh cause

1. purulent
2. clear
3. stringy, white
1. purulent- bacteria
2. clear- viral, also will have preauricular lymphadenopathy
3. stringy white- allergy

most common cause of purulent conjunctival discharge


Topical AB qid, warm compress
is viral conjunctivitis contagious

what are sx

*sx include: watery discharge, preauricular lymphadenopathy, URI, fever
what is the super HIGHLY contagious conjunctivitis

**if you have photophobia or decreased vision refer
when do you refer viral conjunctivitis

1. watery discharge
2. palp preauricular lymphadenopathy
3. URI, sore throat
4. photophobia, decreased vision
photophobia, decreased vision
tx for allergic conjunctivitis
this is the one with stringy, white mucous

allergy can be: chemical, cosemetic, hay fever, eczema, asthma

*tx w/topical ANTIHISTAMINES
this is the tx for,,,

1. antihistamine
2. surgery
3. tears, topical constrictor
4. warm compress, baby shampoo, clioxin, bacitracin, minocycline, keflex
5. acyclovir
6. irrigation, topical anesthetic
7. no anesthetic, pressure patch, AB
8. viroptic, no steroids
1. antihistamine: allergic conjunctivitis
2. ectropion, entropion
3. pterygium, pinguecula
4. blepharitis
5. zoster
6. irrigation for conjunctival foerign body
7. corneal abrasion
8. HSV
what happens if you wear your contacts too long
1. pain, tearing in AM
2. corneal edema
3. resolution if no corneal abrasion
4. reassure, FU
is infiltrative bacteria in cornea a big deal
OH YA!!!! can totally penetrate in just days
what are the 2 kinds of cellulitis of the eye
1. preseptal: vision, pupil, motility are all normal (tx w/oral AB and warm compress)

2. orbital: pain fever, blurred vision, diplopia, abnormal pupil (tx- refer, blood culture, hospitalize, orbital CT, ENT if needed
preseptal cellulitis is what? what is the tx
cellulitis in teh eye that does NOT cause changes in motility, pupil, vision

tx w/ oral AB and warm compress
what class of drugs are super common for causing dry eyes
muscrinic antagonists
tear deficiency is called

what are some sx and causes
keratoconjunctivaitis sicca- burn, foerign body sensation, reflex tearing

**seen with antiMuscarinics, old, RA, Steven johnsons,
other than drops what can you do to tx tear deficiencies
punctal occlusion
with a blow out fracture what do you do for eye health
check pupil
check to be sure cheek can move/feel
motility, diplopia
orbital x ray (waters view)
order CT
oral AB
what is teh super bad eye burn to get

**reacts with lipids to form a soap, penetrates really easily

**ex anhydrous ammonia
tx for alkali burn
oh, this is bad news. it forms a soap and gets really bad


**acid burns are not nearly as bad as acid
acid burn
not as bad as alkali, wont penetrate, the acid is neutralized by tears
what is included in DR (diabetic retinopathy)

how can effects be minimized
macular edema, AV nicking, proliforative vascular

Decrease by... CONTROL the sugars
when you see floeaters...
retinal detachment

Flashes of light, curtain/veil peripherally

can decrease vision
CN palsies can happen how
systemic ischemic disease

termoral arteritis
vasculiits of medium size vessels, ischemic optic neuropathy (reninal artery in the optic nerve), CN palsy, retinal vascular occlusion
sx of temporal arteritis
HA, jaw pain, shoulder pain, blindness, weight loss, sed rate is not good to dx
dx and tx of temporal arteritis
dx: sed rate not useful, do bx--> giant cell infiltrate

tx: oral cortical steroids, tx immediatly, get bx w/in 1 week