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11 Cards in this Set

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How do you asses tactile fremitus?
* Hands/fingers lightly on posterior chest
* Ask patient to say "toy boat" or coin"
* Move hands inferiorly, comparing sides as you go
What would cause an increase in tactile fremitus?
An increase in tactile fremitus may indicated an area of consolidated lung, such as a pneumonia
What would cause a decrease in tactile fremitus?
A decrease in tactile fremitus may occurs over a pleural effusion, pneumothorax or large pulmonary bleb
What conditions cause hyper-resonance during percussion of the lung?
Hyper-resonance occurs when lung tissue is replace by air, as in pneumothorax or emphysema
What do bronchial breath sounds indicate when heard over lobar regions?
Bronchial breath sounds indicate areas of lung consolidation, which increase the transmission of major airway sounds when compared to the softer adventitious ones.
What causes fine crackle lung sounds [rales]?
Fine crackles (or rales) is caused by the sudden reopening of partially collapsed small airways. Usually occurs in late inspiration.
Provide a differential for fine crackle lung sounds.
Scarring/pulmonary fibrosis, pus/pneumonia, blood/alveolar hemorrhage, or fluid/pulmonary edema
What causes coarse crackles?
Airflow through large central airways rupturing fluid films and bubbles.
What are the six cardinal symptoms of the respiratory system?
1) Chest Pain
2) Cough
3) Dyspnea
4) Sputum
5) Hemoptysis
6) Wheezing
What are the six cardiac cardinal symptoms?
1) Chest pain
2) Dyspnea
3) Edema
4) Fatigue
5) Palpitations
6) Syncope
What are the clinical names for protrusion and inversion of the sternum?
Pectus carinatum and Pectus excavatum.