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25 Cards in this Set

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Sun spots

variations in solar activity 11-22 years related to social/ climatic events


published theories which solved the mystery of the ice ages

Tilt of the earth on axis

21-24.5 degrees with 40,000 year cycle

Variation in time of far position and near position

21,000 year cycle

Solar radiation in the hemispheres

only in the northern hemisphere

Rising in Canada causes what?

Changes in climate/ colder and longer winters


global ash covering and blocking the sunlight caused a 5 year climate change

Palio dating methods

oxygen 16/ 18 isotopes

The past 12,000 years

holoscence= present inter glaciacer

Warmest period in past glacier time?

2,000 year period centered around 7,000-8,000 years BP

Period known as the 'Little Ice age'

600 PB to 200 PB= 400 year time period

Washington and Valley Forde

1780-1880's got close to being a continental advance

Inadvertent climate change due to man

c02 increase- 30% increase since 1900's

The climate of cities

Urban heat island

cities are warmer by and average temp of 2-5 degrees

Urban heat island is _________ in the winter


Urban heat island is _________ during the day


Evaporative cause of city heat

in the city, everything is dry by design= little to no evaporative cooling/ 55% of the cause

Surface area heat in cities

side area is more than top area/ sides emit IR and it is trapped between sides= warmer temp in the city

Wind in the city

builings create friction= redirection of wind down the city canyons either up of down/ less wind in the city

Frequency of fog in the city

30-50% more because topographicly located in valleys/ valleys have more fog

Precip in cities

cities have slightly to moderatly more precip than country side/ 10-30% more

Advertant climate change caused by humans

Cloud seeding

Cloud seeding application

1. to prevent and reduce hail

2. Snow fall increase

3. fog into snow

4. Warm cloud seeding mechanism= more precip

Argon half life

very long half life with the ability to date igneous rocks that are not very old


long half life- no short term precision