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12 Cards in this Set

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We have smell of burning in the cockpit. Request to proceed to the nearest airport

В пилотской кабине появился запах гари,похожий на сгоревшую электропроводку

A smoke of unknown origin appeared in the cockpit

Request Flight Level Change due to blocked pitot and static probes caused by severe icing

Полет в плотной слоистой облачности, в условиях сильного обледенения произошла закупорка приемников полного и статического давления.

We expect 30 min delay due to luggage identification. Checked in passenger has not boarded the aircraft.

Предполагается задержка вылета (примерно на 30 минут) для опознавания багажа. Пассажир,прошедший регистрацию,не явился на вылет.

We lost right engine thrust due to birdstrike. Request priority landing

При взлете на малой высоте, столкновение со стаей больших птиц,потеря тяги правого двигателя

We expect departure delay for indefinitely time. The aircraft was damaged with a baggage trolley during pushback.

2) We expect departure delay for uncertain time. The aircraft collided with a luggage trolley.

Сообщите о предполагаемой задержке вылета на неопределенное время, во время буксировки самолет получил повреждение (столкновение с багажной тележкой)



Why did you become a pilot?

It's not a difficult question! My father used to be a pilot so he would often take me to the airdrome where I could watch the planes taking off and landing.Besides my parents have been always friendly and hospitable and they would have friends around once a week at least.Most of our guests were pilots, telling a lot of stories related to aviation.So,all those talks,their uniforms,songs about skies must have determined my future.

Where would you be working now if you were not a pilot?

I just can't imagine myself not flying (OR without my job).

Unable, TCAS RA. Clear of conflict,resuming own navigation. We will file incident report upon arrival.

Не могу выполнить команду диспетчера,выполняю команду системы TCAS,после посадки заполню стандартную форму о летном происшествии

Assymetric flaps extension. Request return to the stand and maintenance stuff for inspection

На рулении асинхронный выпуск закрылков

We unable to extend flaps more than 10, request the longest runway

Не можем выпустить закрылки более 10, прошу самую длинную полосу для посадки

What does rudder do?

Rudder allows the plane to turn left and right relatively plane's yaw axis.