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101 Cards in this Set

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the male Gonads
the testes
an organ wich produces the male gamate, sperm
contains the DNA acrosome
contains enzymes to help protect the sperm
contains many mitochondria wich make ATP, so the sperm has energy to move
a typical flagaellem, propells the sperm
the testes have a muscular covering (pouch of skin) called the _____
inside the testes there are 500 tightly coiled tubes called the _____
seminiferous tubules
______ ____are lined with spermatogenic celss in various stages of development
seminiferous tubules
sertoli cells
located between the developing sperm cells in the semifurnouse tubules
sertoli cells
they support, protect, and nourish permatogenic cells, phargcytize degenerating spermatogenic cells

produce inhibin
regulates sperm production
ledig cells
make terstostorone
seminal fluid
provides a mixture of nutrients and water

(produed my the seminifurous tubules)
the "journey" of the sperm
• Seminiferous tubule
• Straight tubule
• Epidermis
• vas deferens
• urethra
• penis
• out of the body
prostate gland
(located directly under th bladder)

it secrets a fluid, which aids in sperm mobility
cowper's gland
makes fluid that removes residue urine from the urethra
wich might harm the sperm
seminal vessicle
contributes nutrients to the semen
the process by which the seminiferous tubules of the testes produce sperm

at the end of the enitire cycle,there are 4 viable sperm that are made
with in the testes, the sperm develop from immature sex cells called _____
at the start of puberty the _________ _______ (in brain) starts to secrete 2 hormones that have profound effects on male reproductive orgnas:

FSH and LH
pituatary gland
stimulates leydig cells to secrete the hormone testostorone
_____ and testosterone act on the seminferous tubules to stimulate spermatogenesis
organs which produce and contain the femaile gamete (eggs or ova)
The eggs develop inside a cavity called the _______
graafian follicle
When the egg is mature, it breaks out of the ovary and enters one of the ______

This process is called ____
fallopian tubes

If it is fertilized, the egg will implant itself in the _____
If it is not fertilized, itll travel thorugh the uterus, through the opening between the uterus and vagina called the ____, and out through
the _______, wich is also called the _____


birth canal
is a chemical secreted by a gland or organ in one part of the body tht controls a chemical reaction in another part
hormones that control the menstrual cycle are made in the ______ and ______
ovaries and pituitary gland
secondary sex characteristics
characteristis girls get during puberty
Follice Stimulating Hormone

A hormone that initiates the maturation of the egg and stimulates the ovaries to sectrete estrogens

(where its made)
secreted by the pituitary gland

(where its made)
secreted by the ovaries

Their main function is the development and maintainance of female reproductive structures
 Stimulated by FSH
 Builds uterine lining
 Stimulates production of LH

Luiteinizing Hormone

(Where its made)
secreted by the pituitary gland
Hormone that stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone
When the LH in the blood reaches a certain level, the follicle breaKs releasing a mature egg
After ovulation, LH causes the broken follicle to fill with cells forming a yellow-body called the_______
corpus luteum
The corpus luteum begin to secrete _______ wich brings about continued growth of the uterine lining
Whats the hormone of pregnancy?
LH; Because it maintains the uterine wall
Corpus luteum gets a signal from the fertilized egg in the form of _______ that’ll keep the uterine lining thick
HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin)
what happens if there is no signall from the fertilized egg to the corpus luteum
the uterine lining wont stay thick, so itll shed (menstration)
the production of eggs in the ovary
Eggs develop on the ovary from immature cells called _______
Oogoioa contain the ____ number of chromosomes
ovulation takes place on day ___
14, half way through the menstration cycle
In humans, the production of oogonio stops at ______
During the early development of the female organism, the oogonia divide many times by ______to form a supply of oogonio
By about the ____ month of development, the oogonia with the baby’s ovaries begin to develop into cells called_______

primary oocytes
When the first meitoc division takes place in the primary oocyte, does the cytoplasm of the cells divides unequally?
No; One of the daughter cells is large and receives most of the cytoplasm

what is the large daughter cell wich receives most of the cytoplasm called?
secondary oocyte
in Oogenesis, What is the smaller daughter cell called?
first polar body
In Oogenesis each of the daughter cells has the _____ number of chromosomes
haploid (1n)

The second oocyte is released from the ovary in a process called ________

Once the secondary oocyte exists the ovary, it begins to travel down the ______
uterine tube

What happens if the secondary oocyte doesn’t encounter a spermatozoan? (after traveling down the uterine tube)
it never undergoes the secondary meiotic division

When does the secondary meiotic division happen?
It only occurs when fertilization happens

During the _______ , the secondary oocyte divides unequally in to a large cell called an ootid/egg and another polar body
second meiotic division

during the secondary meiotic diviosn the first ______ may also divide into two
polar body
The outcome of oogenisis
for every one oogonioa, there is one viable egg and 3 polar bodies
Embryonic Development:

name for a baby from
Ferilization to 8 days
Embryonic Development:

name for a baby from
8 days to 8 weeks
Embryonic Development:

name for a baby from
8 weeks to birth
Embryonic Development:

After fertilization, the zygote begins a series of cell divisions known as ________
Embryonic Development:

During cleavage, the fertilized egg divides by mitosis into ____ cells, then ____, then ________, and so on


Embryonic Development:

During cleavage, the cells _____ _____
dont grow
Embryonic Development:

cleavage changes a single, large fertilized egg in to _____ ____ _____
many small cells
Embryonic Development:

The early divisions of cleavage result in a ______
solid ball of cells

Embryonic Development:

The solid ball of cells that early divisions of cleavage result in is called the ____
Embryonic Development:

the solid ball of cells rearange to form a _____
hollow sphere
Embryonic Development:

at which stage is the ebryo called a blastula
when the sollic ball of cells rearanage to form a hollow sphere and the sphere is filled with fluid
Embryonic Development:

As the bastula develops, it reaches a point at which the cells begin to grow before _____
Embryonic Development:

as the bastula reaches a point at which the cells grow before dividing the cell makes ______
varios movement
Embryonic Development:

When the blastula reaches several 100 cells, the cells on one side move inword and form a 2-layered embryo called the ______
Embryonic Development:

when does the blastula form the gastrula
When the blastula reaches several 100 cells
Embryonic Development:

The outer layer of the cells in the gastrula is called the _____
Embryonic Development:

The INNER layer of the cells in the gastrula is called the _____
Embryonic Development:

After the endoderm and actoderm are established, a third cell layer, the ____ forms between them
Embryonic Development:

What are the 3 layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)called? Why?
germ layers; because they give rise to all the tissues and organs of multicellular animals
Embryonic Development:

What does the ectoderm develop into?
• Nervouse system
• Lining o the mouth, nostrils and anis
• Epidermis, hair, sweat glands, nails
Embryonic Development:

What does the mesoderm develop into?
• Bones and muscles
• Blood and vessels reproductive and excretory systems
• Dermis of skin
Embryonic Development:

What does the endoderm develop into?
• Digestive tract
• Lining of trachea bronchi and lungs
• Liver, pancreas, thyroid, bladder
The uniting of the sperm and egg cell is called ____
In order for fertilization to take place, the males sperm must first penetrate the _______
zona pellucida
zona pellucida:
a strong membrane that forms around an ovyum as it develops in the ovary
If fertilization takes place, the _____ _______ disappears to permit implantation in the ____
zona pellucida;uterus
After it has been fertilized, the zygote quickly changes from __ _____ to ___
one cell to many.
The zygote travels down the ______ _____ or oviduct for 5 to 8 days, until it comes to rest on the ____ ____
fallopian tube; uterine lining.
what happens when the zygote travels down the fallopian tube and rests on the uterine ling?
it develpops a tiny root- like progections that penetrate the uterine lining and extract nourishment for about one month
Through a complex process of _____ ______, the placenta is developed,
cell division
What does the placenta provide? How?
the placenta provides food, O2 , and water from the mother to the baby by way of the umbilical cord.
is the term used to describe the growth period of the baby between fertilization and birth.
(in months)
month 1-3
by the end of the first trimester:
othe fetus is completely formed
 All major organs formed (heart beat on 25th day)
 Arms, legs, head, trunk, etc.
(in months)
month 4-6
o Fetus is very active
o Mom can feel the baby kick and move.
(in months)
month 7-9
o Fetus grows rapidly
 Stores fat and calcium
 Full term is 38-40 weeks