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7 Cards in this Set

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Splitting up of the cytoplasm. In animals, the cytoplasm constricts at the edges of the cell. In plants, a cell wall is laid down in the position of the metaphase plate.
A short phase of mitosis. Centrioles grow/produce spindle fibres. Spindle fibres attach to the centromere of the chromosomes. Each centromere is attached to both poles. Chromosomes pulled to the metaphase plate or equator.
chromosomes become more distinct ,they coil up, shorten, thicken. The chromosomes have become more distinct and are seen to consist of two chromatids joined by a centromere. The centrioles migrate to opposite poles of the cell. The nucleolus continues to shrink and disappears. The nuclear envelope disintegrates.
Chromatids reach the poles of the spindle.
They begin to uncoil. They become less distinct.
Nuclear envelope starts to reform.
Spindle fibres contract. The centromere divides.
Chromatids (daughter chromosomes) are pulled to opposite poles of the cell. Each half of the cell receives one chromatid from each chromosome.
Stages within this include G1, S and G2 phase. This stage comes between successive cell divisions. It is not really part of mitosis, but mitosis couldn’t happen without it.
DNA replication occurs (allowing for the double stranded chromosome which later divides).
Cellular structures are made (subsequently divided between the two daughter cells).
Cell cycle
the sequence of cell growth and cell division.
It includes:
cell growth
synthesis of organelles
DNA copying and checking of genetic information
Mitosis - chromosomes divide
Cytokinesis - cytoplasm divided between the daughter cells