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10 Cards in this Set

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"to notice ~"
can be used either with a noun or sentence+の/こと

1) 間違いに気が付きませんでした。
I wasn't aware of my mistake.
2) 宿題を忘れたことに気がついたのは授業が始まってからだった。
It was after the class started that I noticed I had forgotten my homework.
indicates that something has been done with a great deal of trouble, that someone has spent a great deal of time to reach a certain state

1) 人がせっかく作ってくれた料理を食べないのは失礼です。
It's impolite not to eat food which someone has taken the trouble of preparing for you.
2) せっかく習った漢字は忘れないようにしましょう。
Please try not to forget kanji, which you spent considerable time and energy to learn.
V(plain present affirmative)わけにはいかない
means that one cannot do certain things for social/moral/situational reasons. when the negative form of the verb is used, the meaning is switched to the affirmative, i.e. it has the sense of "can't help but do~"

1) これは先生の本だからあなたに貸すわけにはいきません。
Since this is my teacher's book, I can't very well lend it to you.
2) 忙しくても寝ないわけにはいきません。
Even though I'm busy, I have no other choice but to sleep.
"but, and yet"
used to qualify a preceding statement. often followed by ~わけではない or ~わけにはいかない

1) アメリカの大学生はよく勉強するがそうかと言って勉強ばかりしているわけではない。
American students study a lot, but that doesn't mean that they spend all their time studying.
2) 寮舎の食事はまずいねえ。
Dormitory food is bad.
Yeah, but we still have to eat it, so...
V(plain present)ために
"in order to"
indicates a purpose for one's action when ため is followed by の the phrase modifies a following noun

1) この頃は遊ぶためにアルバイトをする学生も多いそうだ。
I hear that these days there are many students who work part time so that they have money for fun.
2) 辞書は言葉の意味を調べるためのものです。
A dictionary is a thing you use to look up the meaning of words.
"even when~, even if~"
The main sentence is usually in plain present. Nouns and -adjectives take the form ~であっても
but they are usually contracted to でも

1) アメリカンフットボールは雪が降ってもやるそうです。
I hear that they play football even when it snows.
2) 日本料理はたくさん食べても太らないそうです。
I hear that with Japanese food, even if one eats a lot, one doesn't gain weight.
a classical equivalent of ~ない
used especially in the written sense between clauses with the meaning of なくて/ないで or in the form ずに meaning "without doing"

1) アメリカで二年間日本語の勉強をしていったのでひどいカルチャショックも受けずすぐ日本の生活になれました。
Since I had studied Japanese for two years in America, I did not have much culture shock and got used to life in Japan quickly.
2) 寝ずに勉強すると病気になるでしょう。
If you study without sleeping, you'll get sick.
"according to"
usually followed by an expression like [V(plain)そうだ]

1) 天気予報によると今日は午後雨が降るそうだ。
According to the weather report, it will rain this afternoon.
2) 今日の新聞によると昨日カリフォルニアで地震があったそうだ。
According to today's newspaper, there was an earthquake in California yesterday.
This suffix attaches to kanji compounds and expresses the idea of ~になる or ~にする

1) 戦争後日本はずいぶん西洋化した。 
Since the war, Japan has become quite westernized.
2) 映画化された小説は多い。
There are many novels which have been made into movies.
a contraction of the causative passive -せられる
not used with -す endings.

1) たいてい一学期に一つは論文を書かされる。
In general, we are made to write at least one paper a semester.
2) 長い時間たされるのはだれでも嫌だ。
Nobody likes to be kept waiting for a long time.