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18 Cards in this Set

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What were Aldo Leopold's 3 main points about land ethic?
What are Leopolds main obstacles for a new land ethic?
In Thinking Like a Mountain, what did Leopold confess?
That he was wrong for signing the piece of legislation to remove the wolves from the mountains.
What is Emerson's view of Nature?
Nature is perfect
Nature is morally good
Nature trumphs humans
What is Mill's view of nature?
Nature is immoral
Nature is irrational
Humans can't follow nature because we are rational
We make good of nature when we're dominating it--working the land.
What historical happenings caused Richard Sylvan to say a new enviornmental ethic was needed in the 1970's
the proposal to dam the Colorado river, and finding out that DDT was harming birds in the area.
Why did Sylvan think a new enviornmental ethic was needed?
if we think better of nature, you'll care more, and becuase of the depletion of songbirds
what does anthropocentric means?
humans are central and most significant entities in the universe.
what is human chauvinism?
privlileging humans over nonhumans
Would Leopold agree or disagree with Sylvan?
Agree becuase Leopold also believes in an non-anthropocentric view of nature.
What is Singer's viewpoint on animals?
whatever is best for the most amount of people, using as little pain as possible.
What is Regan's perspective on animals?
causing animals pain is NEVER justified.
What is a sentient animal?
animals, people. Things that can feel pain.
What would both Regan and Sylvan agree on?
No Shooting.
if humans wouldn't have taken the goats to the island in the first place we wouldn't have to deal with this issue.
Both men are vegitarians
What would Regan and Sylvan disagree on?
Captureing them. even if it's in a humane way--capturing going against animal liberation.
How would Paul Taylor feel about trees being cut down for the christmas holiday?
individual organisms have intrinsic worth.
Trees are more valuable than family happiness
you shouldn't grow a tree just to cut it down
How would Holmes Rolston feel about the trees being cut down?
doesn't matter if you cut a farmed or wild tree--when you cut it, life gets worse for the plant.
is it worse to cut a wild or farmed tree down?
it is better to cut a farmed tree, because it was planted and produced for certain reason.