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17 Cards in this Set

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Primary function of colostrum

Immune protection.

Humans are born with an immature immune system due to being born earlier than is ideal due to large head size needing to fit through the pelvis

What gives colostrum its yellow colour?

Beta Carotene

Colostrum Facts

What are the special facts about colostrum


L - Living Cells

L - Lactoferrin

L - Laxative

A - Secretory IgA

M - Microbiome

A - Vitamin A

S - Sugars HMO’s human milk oligosaccharides

P - Protein

G - Growth Factors

LLLMAS Pee Green

Living cells in colostrum

What are the 2 main types of white blood cells?

1. Macrophages (90% of cells) engulf and absorb pathogens.

2. Lymphocytes

Lactoferrin in breast milk

What does it do?

Protects against infection by binding and transferring iron,keeping it away from pathogens that need it for growth.

Laxative effects of colostrum. How and why?

- contains a lot of easy to digest whey protein.

-helps clear meconium and its reservoir of bilirubin.

- Whey to Casein ratio of colostrum 90:10

What is secretory IgA?

- An immunoglobulin in milk but higher in colostrum


- 15-40 times higher in 1st 24hours

Another name for prolactin inhibiting hormone


Are antidepressant drugs safe in breast feeding?

Yes - mostly

What class of drug is not recommended in breast feeding as there is not enough evidence to prove its safe?

Statins - cholesterol reducing drug - potentially could affect babies cholesterol synthesis an essential component of neonatal development

How long should a mother’s consumption of a food suspected to be causing baby reflux/discomfort be eliminated for at minimum?

2 weeks. It is better to eat everything in moderation and take note of any issues which may be diet related before restricting

What are the main hormones responsible for secretary activation or Lactogenisis II

Prolactin cortisol and insulin.

Prolactin is essential for initiating and maintaining milk production.

The final differentiation of the alveolar Epithelial cells in a mature milk cell, only occurs after exposure to cortisol and insulin.

Which hormone is a prolactin inhibitor?


What page can babies roll from front to back and back to front?

18 to 22 weeks

What developmental observations would suggest that a baby is four months old?

1. Mimicking facial expressions

2. Rolling from front to back and back to front

3. Reaching for objects with one hand

4. Holding head steady and unsupported

What percentage of a maternal caffeine intake is available to the baby via breastmilk?


Which contrast agent given to a mother, during a scan is not compatible with breastfeeding due to baby safety?

Mangafodipir - pump and dump for 12-24hours

& Radioactive Iodine

The below options are fine


