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87 Cards in this Set

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meds that can cuase secondary htn?
corticosteroids, alcohol, amphetamines, appetite suppressants, caffeine, cyclosporine, estrogens, nsaids, oral decongestants, thyroid (if too much), venlafaxine, chemo (bevacizumab and sorafenib..bio agents)
what is normal BP?
under 120/80
pre htn?
htn 1?
htn 2
over 160/100
drug for DM type 1 w/ htn and albunuria
DM 2 and htn adn microalb
ace or arb
DM 2 with htn, macroalbin, and renal insuff
HF and HTN meds
ACEi, diuretics
MI and HTN?
BB (non ISA) and ACE
isolated systolic HTN (usually elderly)
long acting DHP CCP
Followup for BP monitoring once med is initiated? after stable? Other things to make sure of (3)
monthly, 3-6 months, smoking cessation/manage comorbidities and complications, lipid panel
what are the 6 lifestyle things to stop for HTN?
weight reduction (5-20 drop SBP), DASH eating (8-14), Na reduction (2-8), physical activity (4-9), moderate consumption of alcohol (2-4), stop smoking
waht are the CI to thiazide diuretics?
pregnancy, persistant anuria, sulfa allergy
4 cautions with thiazide diuretics
gout, ClCr under 30, DM, dyslipidemia
what are the lab value SE that thiazide diuretics will cuase?
hypokalemia, hypERcalcemia, hypOnatremia, hypOmag, hypERuricemia (gout), hyperGlycemia (caution in DM), hyperchol (caution in dyslipid), hypertriglycer (caution in dyslipid), photosensitive
Inxs of thiazeds?
blood sugar addition with BB, digoxin toxicity with the electrolytes (hypokalemia, hypomagn), additive gout risk with cyclosporine, may increase lithium levels, nsaids/bile acid resins/decongestants can decresae effect
brand name of hctz?
microzide, oretic
brand of chlorthalidone
MOA of thiazides?
inh Na reabsorption
what is the special use remark on metolazone?
use with a loop diuretic
name 3 K sparing diuretics
spironolactone, amiloride, triamterene
spironolactone brand
MOA of K sparing diuretics
ald rec antag, works in distal rrenal tubules, Na excretion increased while holding onto K
Ci of the ald antag (K sparing)
anuria, pregnancy, hyperkalemai, chronic renal insuff
general SE considerations of the ald antag (K sparing)
increased K, decreased Na
spironolactone specific SE
gynecomastia, hair loss, menstrual irregu, impotence
specific K level where the ald antag (K sparing) are contraindicated?
Loop diuretics MOA
inh Na and Cl reabsorption in loop of henle and distal renal
furosemide and bumetanide brand
lasix, bumex
oral dose equivalence among loops for furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide?
CI to loop diuretics?
sulfa allergy, anuria, pts with hepatic coma
Genergal SE of loops
hypOkalemia, otheelectroly, gout etc, OTOTOxicity, ortho hypotension
what other meds will have additive ototoxicity?
AG, vanco, salicylates, cisplatin
loop inxns?
additive hypo effects, dig toxicity (hypokalemia), increased lithium levels, MONITOR dehydration
what is a sign of hypokalemia?
muscle cramps
what time in day should you take diuretics? K sparing?
mornign, after meals
what are the most effective thiazides for pts with impaired renal fxn?
metolazone, indapamide
brand of benazepril? enalapril? lisinopril? ramipril?
lotensin (benz), vasotec (enal) prinivil, zestril (lisin), altace (rami)
CI to ACEi
pregnancy, angioedema, bilateral renal artery stenosis
Cough, angioedema, proteinuria, tast changes, ortho hypo, preg cat D, rash/renal failure, increase in K, Lithium increase
when given electrolyte substitutes waht should you take note of ?
KCL rather than NaCl
3 monitoring parameters for ACE
serum K, fluid staus, renal fxn
what ethnic may not benefit as much?
brand name of irbesartan
brand losartan
valsartan brnad
brand olmesartan
CI to BB (5)
2nd/3rd degree heart block, sinus brady, cardio shock, decomp HF, pulm edema, pregnancy
how must BB discontinuing be handled?
do not abruptly withdraw
waht are the many SE of BB
depression, sexual dys, hyperglyc, vivid dreams and hallucination, hyperlipid, brady, ortho hypo, CHF
what is an additional warning when pt is DM?
can mask hypoglycemic symptoms
what is a combined alph and beta blocker?
carv (coreg)
what are the differences for nebivolol (bystolic?)
also an increased NO release with Beta blocking....2d6 inxns
name the 4 BB with isa activity
carteolol, acebutolol, penbutolol, pindolol
what ethinicity many BB not be as good in?
what hypo symtpom sdo BB not mask?
hunger and sweating
Beta1 selective BB?
aten, meto, esomolo, bisoprolol, betaxolol, acebutolol
name 3 alpha blockers?
prazosin (minipress), terazosin (hytrin), doxazosin (cardura)
alpha blocker caution
if concurreet use of PDE-5 inh (sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil)...avoid concurrent use with tamsulosin, alfuzosin
SE of alpha blockers (prazosin, terazosin, doxazosin)
post hypo, first dose SYNCOPE, dizzy, vergtigo, HA, weakness, depression, edema, sexual dysfunction
what meds when combined with alpha blockers may increase orthostaiss?
TCA's and antipsychotics
CI to nondihydros?
2nd/3rd degree heart block, hypotension, Acute MI, pulm congestion, sick sinus rythm
waht are the SE of Nondihydros that are more common with verapamil?
constipation, gingival hyperplasia
SE of nondihydros?
Ha, flushing, dizzy, constipation, edema, gingival hyperplasia, fatigue, bradycardia, nausea
Inxns important to the nondihydros
Increase CCB levels: azoles, cimetidine, ciproflox, erythromycin, valproid acid, PI....decrease CCB: carbamazepine, bariturates, phenobarb, rifampin, rifabutin
what meds can CCB increase the levels of?
carbamazepine, cyclosporine, digoxin, statins, lithium
what is the mech of the dihydros?
purely afterload reducers, no AV node or HR effects
name a few dihydros
amlodipine, felodipine, nicardipine...IPINE
which dihydros are reflex tachy seen?
none with amlodipine...felodipine, nicardipine, nisoldipine, IR nifedipine
SE of dihydros
periph edema, HA, flushing, hypotension, dizzy, rash, gingival hyperplasia
name some central acting Alph ag
clinidine (catapres), guanfacine, methyldopa
waht is the side effect profile of central actin alpha
antichol (sedation, dry moth), sexual dysfunction, brady, reboutn htn, constipation, depression
inxns of central acting alpha?
watch for additived antihyper, CNS depr (antipsycho), methyldopa can increase lithium...methyldopa: LFT changes, hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, lupos like syndrome
moa of peripheral adrenergic antags?
decrease catecholamines and 5HT decreasing peripheral resistance and increasing plasma volume and decreasing CO
what are the SE concerns with the periph adren agents reserpine (serpasil) and guanadresl
induce depressoin, park state, nasal congestion, lethargy, brady
name the 2 direct vasodilators
hydralazine, minoxidil
major SE of hydralazine?
reflex tachy, lupus like syndrome, dizzy fluid retention
major SE of minoxidil?
fluid retention, tachy,
name the direct renin inh?
aliskiren (tekturna)
CI to aliskiren?
preg, bilateral renal art stenosis
SE of aliskirne
hyperkalemia, increased Scr, diarrhea, hypo, angioedema
typically the direct renin inh and direct vaso are good for combo therapy
goal MAP reduction for hyper emergency?
less than 25% reduction in 30-60 min, reach 160/100 within 2-6 hours, measure bp every 5-10 min until goal map achieved,
htn emergency vs urgency
PO vs IV
hyp emergency/urgency meds
pg 180
pt counseling pg 181