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64 Cards in this Set

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Main purpose of PTH
maintain normal ionized calcium level
How does PTH help maintain normal ionized calcium levels?
1) Increases Ca reabsorption by kidney

2) Stimulates bone resorption leading to Ca release into plasma

3) Stimulates formation of active vitamin D

4) Decreases phosphate reabsorption in kidney
What decreases PTH secretion?
negative fb from calcium
Mutations in the ______ receptor of parathyroid cells lead to familial hyper or hypocalcemia
2 major hormones regulate calcium levels
1,25 OH Vit D

1,25 OH Vit D: Effects on calcium metabolism
<b>Increases Ca and phosphorous absorption in GI tract.</b>

At high levels, stimulates bone resorption by stimulating osteoclast differentiation.
What is the main regulator of 1-hydroxylation of Vitamin D?
Where does the conversion of 25 OH Vit D --> 1,25 OH Vit D (1 hydroxylation) occur?
Those who are volume (depleted, overloaded) will have increased reabsorption of sodium and calcium
Majority of Ca reabsorption occurs in the
proximal tubule (linked with Na reabsorption)
Where is the PTH dependent excretion of calcium?
distal tubule
If PTH levels are increased, distal tubule calcium reabsorption (increases, decreases)
Loop diuretics (increase, inhibit) Calcium reabsorption while thiazide diuretics (increase, inhibit).
Inhibit; Increase
Which diuretic class is iused in someone with kidney stones?
Effect of Hypercalcemia on Renal Water Excretion
Causes diuresis (nephrogenic DI)
What is the clinical presentation of hypercalcemia?
"Stones, bones, abdominal groans, and psychic moans"

Severity dept on degree of hypercalcemia.

CNS: lethargy, depression, etc

Neuromuscular: weakness

Cardiovascular: hypertension, arrhythmia

Renal: polyuria, hypercalciurina, stones

GI: constipation, N/V

MSK: pain

Bone: osteoporosis, fractures
Differential Diagnosis of Hypercalcemia: First step
Distinguish between <b>excess PTH</b> and <b> other causes of hypercalcemia</b>.
Differential Diagnosis of Hypercalcemia: Causes of high PTH
Primary hyperparathyroidism

Familial hypocalcuric hypercalcemia
Most common etiology of high PTH resulting in hypercalcemia?
Primary hyperparathyroidism
What is usually cause of primary hyperparathyroidism?
Adenoma (usually 1 of 4)
4 parathyroid gland hyperplasia is more likely to occur in (MEN, primary hyperparathyroidism)

Prim hyperpara is more likely to just be 1 of the 4
Primary hyperparathyroidism:

Will see (increased, decreased) Ca and (increased, decreased) phosphate on labs
Increased; Decreased
How to distinguish between

Primary hyperparathyroidism

Familial hypocalcuric hypercalcemia (FHH)
In FHH, urinary calcium will be low.
Differential Diagnosis of Hypercalcemia: PTH Indept
1) Hypercalcemia of malignancy: Most common (Humoral vs associated with solid tumors)

2) Vitamin D toxicity

3) Granulomatous disease

4) Meds

5) Other endocrine causes
Most common cause in hospitalized pts
hypercalcemia of malignancy
Why does granulomatous disease cause hypercalcemia?
Increased formation of 1,25dihydroxyvitaminD within granulomas.

Granulomas have 1-hydroxylase activity, causing increased levels of 1,25OH Vit D
Pathophys of immobilization causing hypercalcemia
Prolonged bedrest results in increased osteoclastic resorption and decreased bone formation

Occurs in context of decreased renal function
Elevated PTH with elevated urinary excretion of calcium: what disorder?
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Elevated PTH with low urinary excretion of calcium: what disorder?
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH)
Clues to diagnosing Vit D poisoning
Hypercalcemia with low PTH.

Will also see elevated phosphorous
Suppressed PTH with normal levels of 25 and 1,25 Vit D: what disorders are possible?
Hypercalcemia of malignancy, Endocrinopathies
Acute treatment for any etiology
of hypercalcemia
Hydration with normal saline : increases hydration and results in increased calcium excretion.

Add loop diuretic AFTER volume repletion.
Primary hyperparathyroidism that is symptomatic: Treatment
Surgery for all symptomatic patients
Primary hyperparathyroidism that is asymptomatic: Treatment

calcium-sensing receptor agonist (cinacalcet) - binds to Ca sensing receptors and decreases PTH secretion
What is cinacalcet?
calcium-sensing receptor agonist - binds to calcium sensing receptors and decreases PTH secretion
Pamidronate or zoledronic acid: what are they?
bisphosphonates: MOA
Inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption
Tx of granulomatous diseases (Eg sarcoidosis) that cause hypercalcemia due to increasing Vit D
Total Calcium measured in blood
Bound Calcium + Ionized = Total Calcium measured in blood
Clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia
Impaired NMJ signaling - manifestations

Calcium precipitation
3 major questions to approaching hypocalcemia
1) Is ionized hypocalcemia present? (gets at difference between low albumin)

2) If there PTH deficiency or abnormal PTH action?

3) If no, is there abnormal vitamin D action?
If calcium is low and PT glands are normal, PTH should be _______
In PTH deficiency vs. Vitamin D deficiency, how will phosphate differ?
PTH deficiency: phosphate will be high (PTH increases phosphate excretion)

Vit D deficiency : Phosphate will be Low
How is ionized calcium affected by pH?
Alkalosis: Lowers ionized calcium

Acidosis: increases ionized calcium
Symptoms of hyperventilation are due to what?
transient decrease in ionized calcium ---> hypocalcemia
Signs of hypocalcemia
Chvostek's sign (Face) and Trusseau's sign (arm)
Lab findings in hypoparathyroidism
Decreased calcium

Increased phosphate

Normal urinary cAMP response to PTH infusion

Increased renal calcium clearance

Decreased intestinal calcium absorption

Hypoparathyroidism: Tx
1) Vitamin D: must use physiologic replacement with active vitamin D metabolites or high doses of ergocalciferol

2) Calcium supplements
Why is pseudohypoparathyroidism thus named?
It looks like hyperparathyroidism (Low Ca, high Phosphate) but it isn't.

PTH is actually increased.

It is actually <b>PTH Resistance </b>.
What will the urinary cAMP response be to PTH infusion in pseudohypoparathyroidism?
Pseudo-pseudo hypoparathyroidism: what is it?
same genetic defect (PTH resistance) as pseudohypopara, but NO hypocalcemia
What is the abnormality that causes pseudo hypoparathyroidism?
Gs alpha abnormality
Treatment of PseudoHypoparathyroidism
Same as Hypoparathyroidism: Vit D, Ca supplements
What is familial benign hypocalcemia?
asymptomatic hypocalcemia with normal PTH
What is treatment for familial benign hypocalcemia?
NONE. Treatment to normalize Ca causes renal insufficiency.

Recognize and do not treat
What will cause abnormal 25-hydroxylation of Vitamin D?
SEVERE liver disease, microsomal enzyme inducers (phenobarb, alcohol)
Abnormal 1-hydroxylase: Causes
Renal disease (common)

1- hydroxylase deficiency
Abnormal vitamin D action: causes
Abnormal vitamin D receptor
Glucocorticoid treatment
Clinical Manifestations-Classic D Deficiency
1) Hypocalcemia

2) Increased PTH

3) Decreased phosphorous

4) Possibly osteomalacia
Vit D deficiency: tx
supplementation of Ca and Vit D

(Tx guidelines are similar to those of hypoparathyroidism)
refers to the excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the parathyroid glands in response to hypocalcemia
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is especially common in what patients?
those with renal failure
25 OH vitamin D target :
> 30 ng/ml
If serum calcium is low and parathyroid glands are normal, there shuld be an ______ in PTH and its physiologic effects