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12 Cards in this Set

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What are germs?

- very small organisms that cause diseases

- they can only be seen through a microscope

Where does breeding mean?

- breeding is when organisms mate and produce off spring (children) in what conditions

I’m what conditions do germs breed in?

- warm and damp (slightly wet) places

- example: kitchen cupboards

I’m what parts of our bodies can germs breed?

- under our arms

- behind our ears

- neck

- between our toes

- hair

- Groin

- hands

What is personal hygiene?

- making sure our bodies are clean

Why is personal hygiene important?

- to make sure that germs don’t breed on our bodies

What is household hygiene?

- keeping our homes clean

What does personal hygiene involve?

- brushing teeth

- washing hands

- wearing clean clothes

- showering/bathing

How often should we brush our teeth?

- twice a day for two minutes

Why is it important to brush our teeth properly?

- to remove plaque which may cause cavities (holes)

Why is it important to bath and shower everyday?

- sweat and oil builds up on our skin

How can we stop spreading germs?

- cover our mouths when we cough/sneeze

- don’t share drinking glasses

- avoiding touching our eyes, mouth, and nose