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126 Cards in this Set

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What would not be effect of heat
Decreases inflammation
Are concerned with right and wrong judgement
The scope of practice for massage
Allows various levels of practice based on educational training requirements
Disinfection would not be a what
A common path of infection
The effects of water are primarily
A therapeutic application for warm water therapy would be
Muscular Spasm
A professional boundary
Defines personal, physical, and emotional space within the therapeutic relationship
Generally, what would be used for acture injury or acute inflammation
Cold or ice
The overall effect of general cold is
Decrease metabolism
Increase stimlation
Decrease physiological functions
A client with a cold comes in for a massage; this is what type of pathogenic organism
What would not be effect of heat
Decreases inflammation
Are concerned with right and wrong judgement
The scope of practice for massage
Allows various levels of practice based on educational training requirements
Disinfection would not be a what
A common path of infection
The effects of water are primarily
A therapeutic application for warm water therapy would be
Muscular Spasm
A professional boundary
Defines personal, physical, and emotional space within the therapeutic relationship
Generally, what would be used for acture injury or acute inflammation
Cold or ice
The overall effect of general cold is
Decrease metabolism
Increase stimlation
Decrease physiological functions
A client with a cold comes in for a massage; this is what type of pathogenic organism
Athlete's foot is an exmaple of what type of pathogenic organism
Strive for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal stregths, limitations, and effectveness and continued education and training
Code of ethics
Attending a seminar or treating low back pain is an example of
Standards of practice
A massage therapist in Ohio is licensede to
Use a blood pressure cuff to take blood pressure
Take a clients temperature using a thermometer
Washing hands with _____ would be the lest effective means for reducing bacterial counts on hands
Antimicrobial impregnated wipes (towelettes)
When washing hands with soap and water, wet hands first with water, apply an amount of product recommended by the manufactor to hands, and rub hands together vigorously for at least _____ seconds
Using cold water to wash linens is not a proper what
Sanitation practice
Phlebitis is
An inflammation of a vein,often in the leg
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is
The presence of a thrombus in a deep vein of the lower leg
Thrombus is
A blood clot
Embolus is
A blood clot transported by the blood
Phlebitis signs and symptoms may include edema, stiffness, and pain. Vein may streak red. This is a definite regional contraindication and may be a general contraindication if servere
Signs and symptoms of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) may include swelling, edema, heat, and pain described as aching and throbbing
DVT often presents as unexplained pain in one calf. ( As oppsoed to soreness in both calves after a vigourous workout.) The Homan's test (passive dorsiflexion of foot on painful leg) is postive for DVT if the dorsiflexion is painful. Suspected DVT clients should be referred to a physician immediately and massage is contraindicated
A thrombus is stationary blood clot and an embolus is a blood clot being moved through the vessels
The danger of a DVT is that if the thrombus in the calf breaks loose, it could become a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the heart)
A sign is
An objective evidence of disease that can be observed or measured
A symptom is
A subjective change in the body that is not apparent to an observer
Monoculeosis is
Induced by epstein barr virus, symptoms include fatigue, fever and swollen glands
Anemia is
Reduced red blood cell count symptoms include fatigue and pallor
Hemorphilia is
Blood clotting disorder, spontaneous bleeding
Varicose veins are
Enlarged veins, tend to form thrombi
The appropriate massage consideration for _____ is general massage with gentle massage on affected region
Varicose veins
The appropriate massage consideration for _____ is gentle massage systemically under a physicians's supervision
is contagious
Swelling of the right arm would be an example of
Local disorder
Massaging one area of the body to influene another area is known as
Derivative massage
A condition isloaged to an individual body part or organ is
Local disorder
Universal percautions are
A system of infection control to protect against exposure to blood and or other body fluids
A therapist should rinse hands under hot running water with fingers
The direction doesn't matter, but should include nails, thumb, fingers, and arm
Which aseptic technique is used most frequetly bya massage therapist
The code of ethics that a massage therapist agrees to operate under include
Promoting the professionalism of massage therapy in their community
Honoring the worth and individuality of each client
Performing only services they've been trained to deliver
Maintaing personal health, physically, mentally, and emotionally
You mention to a current client that you've given the Governor of Ohio a massage would be a
Questionable ethical action
An informed consent form given by a massage therapist could include the information that
A massage is not a substitute for medical treatment of any illness
If the client experinece any pain or discomfort, he should immediatlely inform the massage therapist
Massage therapist do not perscribe or diagnose
Other thatn to determine contraindications,no medical assessment had been performed
The general benefits of massage have been explained to me
While doing deep kneading on a client's back, their vertebrae pops, correcting a subluxation. This is
Normal and within our scope of practice
Ideals, morals, values of honorable and proper conduct
Legal practices are
Mandated by the Ohio Medical board
Standards of practice are
Ideals put into practice
Scope of practice is
The where, when, and how professional may provide a service or function as professional
Considered unethical
Tells a client he needs to lose weight
Did not stop working on a client's feet when the client asked her to
told a joke containg sexulal innuendo
Completely undraped a client's buttocks while massaging the hips
Walked in to ge a char without knocking first while a client was getting dressed
Told a client that physical therapists were bad at dealing with neck pain and she could fix the neck problem
Spent session time complaing about problems with her children
Accepting the responsibility to self, cllients, and associates to maintain physical, mental and emotional well being, is and example of
Code of ethics
A practitionerof massage may not use the applicationsof ultrasound or diathermy is example of
Because the Ohio law explicitly states the treatment be external application, a massage therapist may not treat the part of the masstger muscle which is accessed inside the mouth
Massage therapist are allowed to perform colonic irrigation
Massage therapist are allowed to perform hydrotherapy
Although ethical decisions oftern require a judgement call, there are some absolutes. These are:
We as professionals do not breech sexual boundaries with a client
We will refer a client when their needs are out of our scope of practice
Our purpose is to give help and avoid harm
All clients will be givencomplete information about the treatment
Are these statments true or false
If a client tells you her dentist has said she has TMJ dysfunctions you
Need a written presciption from her dentist, doctor, or chiropractor before you may massage the TMJ muscles inside her mouth
A massage therapist may diagnose
The 3 phases of writer cramp are
Spastic Contraction
In massge office, the trash canin the bathroom must be covered
Massge oils and lotions must be dispensed in a way to prevent contamination
Solied massage linens must be washed in a 10% bleach solution and hot water
Heating in a massge room must be adequate to maintain 72 degrees
If a client has osteoporosis you would apply
General massage, with no aggressive pressure on the bones
A whoosing pulse and unusual mass in the abdomen could be
Aortic anerurysm
IN the mnemonic device for remembering what to watch for in moles the A stands for
The b stands for
The C stands for
The D stands for
The best way to kill pathogens (antiseptic)is
Extreme heat
The most effective diaphoretic (producing sweat) is
Themost effective analgeic (pain relief) is
The way to decrease pain by soothing and increasing blood flow to the area is to apply
The best antiedemic ( something to reduce swelling) is
The best anesthetic ( something to reduce sensation) is
The best antipyretic (something to reduce fever is
The treatment that most promotes peristalsis is
Heat ____ pain
Ice ____ pain
The primary effect of ice is to ____ circulation
The secondary effect of ice is to _____ circulation
To soothe a muscles cramp apply
The way to decrease pain by decreasing sensation and decreasing inflammation is to apply
The best way to create a pumping action( expanding, then constricting the vessels) at an area of muscle soreness, is to apply
Heat, then ice
For recent injuries, R.I.C.E is most effective. R.I.C.E stands for
Heat _____ inflammation
Ice_____ inflammation
Do not use heat
On fresh injury
Over a 10-15 minute time period, a prolonged ice application produces these sensations: pain, warming, aching or throbbing, and____
If a client complains of low back stiffness, apply
Moist heat
Water is 38 degrees would be
Painfully cold
Water that is hotter than 110 degrees
Should never be used on the body
If a client has compromised circulation do not apply
When applying frozen gel packs what would not be true
Place directly to skin
Instance where ice is appropriate
____ bacteria, are benefical and harmless. They are the most numeros forms of bacteria, and they perform useful functions such as aiding in teh digestive process and other bodily process
_____ are parasitic organisms that thrive in a warm, most enviroment. Molds and yeast are examples
What isthe body's majordefense against the invasion of pathogens
Healthy intact skin
____ are a class of proteins produced in the body in response to contact with antigens(toxins); they serve to immunize the body against specific antigens
A ____ is thecausative agent for AIDS
____ is themost complete process of eliminating pathogens from an objector surface
Lysol, Chlorine bleach, and alcohol are all agents used to ____
____ is typically achieved by using running water, soaps, or detergents
A massage practitioner's hands should be washed
Before and after each session
Alcohol, Hydrogen peroxide, Boric acid are
The application of heat or cold therapies causes's physiological changes in the body. The nature and extent of the changes depends on
Size of the body area being treated
Duration of the application
Thermal conductivity of the body part being treated
Using thermal treatments below freezing or above___ F may damage tissues
115 degrees
The application of heat causes
A prolonged application of cold reduces the body temperature, causing
The application of cold agents for therapeutic purpose is know as
The application of cold may cause
Reduction of nerve sensitivity
Muscle spasm
What is the third sensation felt by a client after the application of ice
Sensation of pain
Application of cryotherapy
Immersion baths
Vasocoolant sprays
Compressor unitswith thermal packs and controls
What would be a chemical effect of water
Drinking water as an aid to digestion and elimination
Lung disease
Kidney infection
High blood pressure would be what of hydrotherapy
What would be a immediate effect of cold water applications
Surface blood vessels control and blood is driven into the interior of the body