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32 Cards in this Set

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Obstructive lung disease
decreased FEV1/FVC
blue bloater with increased reid index (ratio of mucus thickness to wall thickness)
Chronic bronchitis
Pink puffer
Charcot's - Leyden crystals (eosinophilic membrane) and Curschmann's spiral (whorled mucus plug)
Bronchial asthma
Restrictive lung disease
increased FEV1/FVC
Lung CA Complications
hemoptysis, horner's syndrome, superior vena cava syndrome (tx with radiation), hoarseness (recurrent laryngeal nerve), and paraneoplastic syndrome (Cushing's, SIADH, hypercalcemia [small cell lung Ca] and ELS)
Horner's syndrome
ptosis, miosis, and anhydrosis
Lung Ca Diagnosis
Sputum, CXR, and CT scan, 45-50 yrs old
pancoast's tumor
bronchogenic apical tumor associated with horner's syndrome
bronchiolitis (age, mcc, dx, tx)
0-1yo, RSV is the most common cause, viral URI followed by tachypnea and expiratory wheezing, treat with humidified oxygen and bronchodilators
Croup (age, mcc, dx, tx)
1-2 yo, parainfluenza is the most common cause, viral URI followed by a barking cough and inspiratory wheezing, subglottic tracheal narrowing (steeple sign), treat with humidified oxygen and bronchodialators
Epiglotitis (age, mcc, dx, tx)
2-5 yo, H. flu type B is mcc, high fever with drooling and respiraotry distress, swollen epiglottis on lateral X ray (thumb sign), tx with antibiotics and preparation for intubation
silicosis increases the risk of infection with...
M. tuberculosis
Tuberculosis (TB)
Ghon focus, could spread to vertebral bodies (Pott's disease)
Pott's disease
spread of TB to vertebral bodies
Kussmaul's breathing
diabetic ketoacidosis
transudative effusion
CHF, cirrhosis, and protein losing enteropathy
exudative effusion (leaky capillaries)
malignancy, infection (TB) and PE
bilateral hilar adenopathy in a black patient
sarcoidosis (dysnea, increased ACE, noncaseating granuloma and hypercalcemia)
honey comb pattern on CXR
interstitial pulmonary disease
cardiomegaly, kerley b lines and prominent pulmonary vessels...
CXR findings in pulmonary edema
absent breath sounds in a trauma patient...
tall male with acute shortness of breath
spontaneous pneumothorax
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
usually d/t DVT (inc risk factor with stasis, endothelial injury and hypercoagulability), hampton's hump on X-ray, hypoxia plus hypocarbia
Asthma: Acute attack in children treatment
treat with corticosteroids
Asthma: Mild persistent asthma treatment
treat with inhaled beta-agonist and corticosteroids
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
Failure to thrive in infants, frequent pulmonary infection (pseudomonas and S. aureus), greasy stools and + sweat chloride test (>60 in children), mostly caucasians, associated with fat soluble vitamin deficiency and mucous plugs
Goodpasture Syndrome
autoantibody against alveolar and glomerular basement membrane (hemoptysis first followed by glomerulonephritis)
occupational exposure to asbestos
malignant mesothelioma
MCC of pneumonia in IVDU
S. aureus (can also lead to bacteremia)
MCC of pneumonia in hospitalized patients
Klebsiella (currant-jelly sputum)
MCC of opportunistic cause of pneumonia in AIDS patients
pneumocystis carinii