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37 Cards in this Set

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New Federalism
a method of distributing a a certain portion of federal power to state government
Revenue Sharing
state and local government could spend their federal dollars however they thought neccisary
Family Assistance Plan (FAP)
a policy that stated that every family of four with no outside income would receive $1,600 a year. However, they had to take any job offered (of reasonable work).
Nixon Administration (Increase)
What did they do?
- Increased Social Security
-Increased Medicare
Increased Medicaid payments
-made food stamps more available
Southern Stratagy
Nixon's attempt to attract Southern conservative Democrats by appealing to their unhappiness with the federal desegregation and liberal supreme court
an economic situation where the United States faced high inflation and high unemployment
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
"foreign policy should be based solely on consideration of power, not ideals or moral principles"
A policy aimed at easing cold war tensions
SALT Treaty #1
a FIVE YEAR agreement
limited the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (long ranged missiles)

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
Nixon's scandal where he was accused of spying on the Democrats headquarter at the Watergate Office.
Nixon's decision of holding back funds for certain programs he did not like. (POWER ABUSE). (impounded almost $15 billion and affected over 100 federal programs)
The President's men
A small loyal group to Nixon. Included
-H. R. Haldeman (Chief of staff)
-John Ehrlichman (Chief of Domestic Advisers
-John Mitchell (Attorney General)
-John Dean III (Presidential Counsel
Saturday Night Massacre
Where Nixon goes on a firing "massacre" as an attempt to cover up his tracks
National Energy Act
a tax placed on gas-guzzling cards
-extended tax credits for the development of alternate means energy
Jimmy Carter-- Human Rights
He believed the United Stated needed to commit itself to promoting human rights worldwide.
-Cut off military aid to countries that did not practice Human rights
-Established the Bureau of Human Rights
Camp David Accords
The first signed peace agreement with an Arab country.
Rachael Carson
a marine biologist who published "Silent Springs".
the book warned against growing use of pesticides.
-silent springs meant that birds killed off by pesticide would no longer sing.
Earth Day
A day dedicated to saving the planet by hosting environmental awareness activities.
Environmental Protection Agency
-set and enforced pollution standards
-conduct environmental research
Three Mile Island
an incident where a nuclear reactor over heated and leaked radiation in the United States
New Right
Right-winged grass root groups who supported single issues that reflected their key interests.
Conservative Coalition
an alliance of business leaders, middle class voters, disaffected Democrats, and fundamentalist Christian groups
Moral Majority
consisted of mostly evangelical and fundamentalist Christians who interpreted the Bible literally
1. Budget Cut
2. Tax Cuts
3. Increased Defense Spending
Supply- Side Economics
if rich people payed less taxes, they would earn more money and create more jobs for the poor
Strategic Defense Initiative
STAR WARS. Outer space nuclear missile defense
Sandra O'Connor
Reagan's nomination to the supreme court, She was the First woman ever to serve .
cutting back of federal regulation of industry.
How did Reagan win in 1984
Businesspeople - who wanted deregulation of the economy
Southerners- who welcomed the limits on federal power
Westerners- who resented federal control on mining
Reagan Democrats- who agreed with Reagan on limiting federal Government and thought that the Democratic party had drifted too far left.
Geraldine Ferraro
Representative of New York who was chosen to be Walter Mondale's running mate. Ferraro was the first woman on a major party.
Mikhail Gorbachev
the general secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.
"openness". it allowed for open criticism of the Soviet Government
the restructuring of the Soviet Union
INF treaty
Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty 1987
eliminated two classes of weapons in Europe and allowed the on-site inspection of military installations
Rebels who opposed and eventually topples the Dictatorship in Nicaragua.
those against Sandinistas