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31 Cards in this Set

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According to our textbook, during the time of transition, what takes place, making it the most productive work in the life of a group?

members and leaders are learning about each other’s capacity and style for change
What is the goal of the transition stage?
to create a safe and trusting climate that encourages members to take risks by identifying and exploring their fears
From a psychoanalytic perspective, how is resistance defined?
as the individual’s reluctance to bring into conscious awareness threatening material that has been previously repressed or denied; also as anything that prevents members from dealing with unconscious material
How is resistance defined from a broader perspective?
as behavior that keeps us from exploring personal conflicts or painful feelings; as a way we attempt to protect ourselves from anxiety
As a group leader, what can you do to reduce members’ fear of self disclosure?
Reinforce emphatically to members that they can make themselves known to others and at the same time retain their privacy
What does our textbook say is the basic purpose of a therapeutic group?
to provide people with opportunities to see themselves in a new light and get a better picture of how others perceive them
According to our textbook, what are two forms of behavior that most group leaders encounter?
Silence and lack of participation
What does our textbook say about members who do the most damage in a group?
they have also been the most damaged
What purpose does storytelling serve?
Used as a defense, it can be any form of talking about out of group life that is done in a detached manner
According to our textbook, what is often the necessary first step in healing?
the release of pain
What forms can hostility take in a group?
caustic remarks, jokes, sarcasm, and other passive aggressive tactics
What is transference?
the feelings clients project onto the counselor
What is countertransference?
when counselors project their own unresolved conflicts onto the client
By what two things is the working stage characterized?
the commitment of members to explore significant problems they bring to the sessions and by their attention to the dynamics within the group
What moves the group into the working stage?
the members’ commitment to work through an impasse
What 5 themes must be resolved during the working period of a group?

1. disclosure versus anonymity

2. authenticity versus guardedness

3. spontaneity versus control

4. acceptance versus rejection

5. unity versus fragmentation

Homework is a basic part of what theoretical approach?
cognitive behavioral

What 4 guidelines should be considered in determining your own position on the issue of leader self disclosure?

1. consider finding your own therapeutic group

2. ask yourself why you are disclosing certain personal material

3. disclose information related to what is going on in the group

4. ask yourself how much you want to reveal

With what 4 positive features has feedback been associated in group work?

1. increased motivation for change

2. greater insight into how one’s behavior affects others

3. increased willingness to take risks

4. group members evaluating their group experience more positively

During what stage(s) is corrective feedback most credible, useful and accepted by members?
during the working and ending stages
What can result from a lack of confrontation in a group?
According to our textbook, when is a group most cohesive?
when group members no longer get lost in the details of daily experiences and instead share their deeper struggles with universal human themes
With what two therapies is catharsis frequently associated?

Gestalt therapy and psychodrama
What opportunity does the final stages of group evolution provide members?
to experience healthy endings to relationships
According to our textbook, what is the most important thing about the group experience?
what the members take with them by way of new learning to enhance the quality of their lives
What factors determine the way group leaders talk about the upcoming ending of a group?
1. whether the group is open or closed
2. the loss or abandonment concerns that members have experienced
3. the length of time the group has been together
4. the age of the group members
5. the cultural background of the members
6. the psychological functioning of the group
7. the level of cohesion within the group
When dealing with feelings of separation, what is the central task of the leader?
to remind members that the cohesion they now have is the result of active steps they took
Under the guidelines for applying group learning to life, as the group approaches termination, what is the task of the leader?
to help members reflect on what they have learned, how they have learned it, and what they intend to do with their insights
When are group members inclined to inappropriately refer to other members and break confidentiality?
when members discuss the “how” of their experience
After the termination of a group, what invaluable measure can a follow-up group session provide?
To assess outcomes when requested by group members
What are the 5 tasks for members during the final stage of a group?

1. deal with feelings about separation and termination so members don’t distance themselves from the group

2. prepare to generalize learning to everyday life so members don’t get discouraged and discount the value of the group work

3. complete any unfinished business such as issues brought into the group or issues that pertain to people in the group

4. evaluate the impact of the group and remember that change takes time, effort, and practice

5. make decisions and plans concerning changes members want to make and how they will go about making them