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65 Cards in this Set

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What was the Russian Social Democratic Party?
Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
Men- moderate socialists say best hope is to stay with Kerensky regime.
Bol - advocate overthrow of Kerensky regime.
- welcomed war as opportunity for revolution.
What were the causes of the Russian Revolution?
1. War destroys the Czar of Russia - Nicholas II
- people lose faith/trust in him
2. War failures
- Nicholas married to a German, loyalty questions
3. Rasputin Scandal
- Czar son is a hemopheliac, Rasputin only one who can help but causes hate amongst citizens, rumored love with Czarina.
4. Failure of Nicholas II
- cannot keep soldiers supplied
- Says he will command army, but is unsuccessful.
- Food shortages
What were the soviets?
Function local governments that challenged the newly formed Kerensky government.
Who was Alexander Kerensky?
1. moderate socialist who creates a provisional government.
2. orders the arrest of the czar and family to appease radicals.
What was the provisional government?
Moderate socialist government that was created by Kerensky after the Czar abdicated.
Who was Lenin?
- Intellectual who was devoted to Marxist communist revolution.
- Recognized as leading communist radical in Europe.
- Wants pure revolution, no compromise.
In his book What is To Be Done, Lenin criticized both social democrats and trade unions. What were his criticisms?
- Social Democrats were wrong in wanting industrial development and building a large proletariate group before revolution.
- He criticized Trade Unions for settling for short term reformist gains rather than true revolution change.
How did Lenin believe that Marxist revolution would come to Russia?
- Small, tightly organized elite party could possess the proper dedication to revolution and resist spies.
- Not large, democratic group
How was the origin of the Bolshevik party?
- At the London Congress of Russian Social Democratic Party, Lenin split the party in two.
- Lenin's radical group became bolshevik because it meant majority.
What was Lenin's opinion of uniting the Russian Proletariat and peasantry?
Lenin urged the uniting of peasants and proletariat.
- He said gov could not suppress that alliance.
- Elite professionals would provide leadership for working class.
In his book What is To Be Done, Lenin wrote of "wise men." Who were these wise men, and what role did they play in Lenin's dream of revolution?
- Wise men= professional revolutionaries, fully dedicated to the cause, leaders.
- Helped organize revolution, lead the people, combat political police.
Who was leon Trotsky?
- Collaborator with Lenin
- Helped lead revolution while Lenin was exiled. (Nov Revolution)
How did the Bolsheviks come to power?
- Germans got Lenin back in to Russia by train.
- He leads the November Revolution against Winter Palace.
- Destroys Kerensky government.
Why would Lenin be willing to accept the terms of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
- Ends the war
- Doesn't care about borders in Communism, Internasionalism.
- Thinks temporary, communist will spread quickly.
What were the White Russians? What were the Red Russians?
White - Non-communists
Red - Communists
What happened to the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI?
Broken up into the British and French mandates. These mandates were not colonies and would be broken into new nations eventually.
What were the French and British Mandates?
French: Syria and Lebanon
British: Iraq and (Palestine was held on as a mandate for some time)
Who was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk?
General Kemal drove Greeks out of Turkey and made a new arrangement by the treaty of Lausanne. Abolished Ottoman caliph.
How did the nation of Turkey come into being?
Greeks invaded Turkey in Turko/Greek war to enforce the treaty of versaille, but Turks fought back, gaining independence.
What were the Big Four powers represented at Versailles?
1. US
2. England
3. France
4. Italy
Who was Woodrow Wilson? What were the major goals of his 14 points?
1. President of the United States
2. Major goals included:
- Democracy
- Self-determination
- League of Nations
What were the successor states?
- States/nations that followed the old empires after they were broken apart. Austria/Hungary
- Purpose was:
1. Make sure Austria/Hungary never strong enough to start war again.
2. Give homelands for ethnic people who live there.
3. New nations were democratic.
(Czechoslavkia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland)
What was the purpose of the League of Nations?
- Body of sovereign states that agreed to pursue common policies and to consult in the common interest, especially in matters of war. Enforce Treaty of Versaille
- Prevent another war by keeping conditions peaceful.
What was the Weimar Republic of Germany? By what authority was the Weimar Republic created?
1. Democracy forced upon Germany by the League of Nations.
- Authority created it: League of Nations
2. Most weren't loyal to it and communist revolutions arose.
Why did the US fail to sign the Treaty of Versaille or join the League of Nations?
1. Senate did not approve treaty.
2. Senate did not approve League of Nations
- US involvement in war was unpopular with people
- Committed lots of money/men didn't get much out
- If a member of the League, could go to war without congress approval, due to terms set by the League.
Why would the Germans feel betrayed by the Treaty of Versailles?
1. Loss of Alsace and Lorraine
2. Stripped foreign colonies
3. The "polish corridor"
4. Limited military
5. Occupied by foreign militaries
6. Reparation payments
7. Creation of Weimar Republic
What were the buffer states and what did they buffer?
1. They were states to separate Russia from the rest of Europe. Keep Communism away (Isolate) from Europe.
2. Poland, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
What economic and diplomatic crisis was addressed by the Dawes Plan?
- German reparations payments.
- Dawes Plan reduced level of reparations based on the German ability to pay.
- US would make loans to Germany to pay, then get interest later.
How did the Dawes Plan reflect the growing role of the US in international affairs?
- US did not have any obligation to step in, but they did.
- Brought stability to Europe through the plan.
What responsibility did the League of Nations have toward the "successor" and buffer states?
- They promised to protect the Treaty of Versaille which had created those states.
What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
- War will be renounced as an instrument of foreign policy.
- 63 nations
- Statement of Idealism, no provision for punishing nations who do not comply.
How did the Great Depression contribute to the end of the Hopeful Years?
1. Germany was not receiving the loans anymore, couldn't pay reparations to European countries, who in turn could not pay debts to America.
Who was Benito Mussolini?
1. Leader of Facists in Italy
2. Was appointed prime minister and then eventually took power by decree after fascists took control of chamber of deputies.
What were the Black Shirts?
Mussolini's army of fascist followers.
What was the March on Rome?
1.The fascists marched on to Rome to try and bring change. King would not use army against the march, which allowed fascists to gain ground and intimidation.
2. Mussolini soon offered prime minister spot
Why is fascism a form of Social Darwinism?
1. Superior races have natural rights to destroy or exploit enemies.
2. Felt that they must remain pure and strong or they could be overcome.
How did fascist philosophy differ from communism?
1. Both were forms of socialism
2. Communism emphasizes idea of a classless society. Fascists believe that one race was superior.
3. Fascists were nationalistic. They did not like communist idea of class warfare.
How did fascist philosophy differ from democratic liberalism?
1. Socialism not built on human equality (universal suffrage)
2. Should be built upon the leadership of one powerful person.
3. No place in facism for social contract.
4. Fascists said in DL too much power was in the hands of people who couldn't control it.
How did fascists use the appeal to the ancient past to their advantage?
1. Brought people in by saying things could return to the glory of the past. (Roman past)
2. Hitler linked Jews as always being hated, so it went in accordance to his philosophy. (Teutonic past)
How did fascists use Christianity to their advantage?
1. Said fascists were the great defenders of Christianity against godless communism.
How did fascists use nationalism to their advantage?
1. Facism accepts nationalism and national loyalty.
2. Said that each citizen had an obligation to the state.
3. This helped because a strong leader could prevail that was not hampered by democracy.
How did fascists use socialism to their advantage?
1. State has responsibility towards the welfare of the people.
2. Everybody gets jobs through the arms race, industrializing, etc.
Who was Adolf Hitler?
1. From Vienna, Austria.
2. Art student at heart
3. Went to prison for two years for trying to overthrow Weimar Republic.
4. Was elected chancellor after getting out and took over as dictator - one party.
How was Hitler able to use the Treaty of Versaille to his advantage?
1. Hitler saw it as a betrayal of the German people.
2. Stops paying reparation payments, which frees up money towards economy/military.
3. Also knows that League of Nations and England/France won't stop him from taking lands, so he takes Czech and Poland and Austria.
How was Hitler able to destroy the Weimar Republic?
1. Hitler was elected chancellor and then dictator when Hindenburg died.
2. Reichstag fire and enabling laws: the fire, set by communist, allowed Hitler to say that more power was needed to keep order which pushed him higher up with enabling laws.
3. Germany became one party dictatorship.
Occupation of the Rhineland...
1. Hitler used this to test the resolve of France/England and the League to see if they would fight back.
2. Nobody was willing to go to war to protect it, Hitler cheered as a hero in Germany.
Annexation of Austria
1. Treaty of Versaille had forbade unification, but Hitler violated treaty, League did nothing to stop him.
2. Hitler gets all those resources, economic, military, political, etc.
3. Hitler said the German people needed land, which was why he was taking over nations.
Spanish Civil War
1. Francisco Franco, Spanish fascist tried to take over Spain.
2. Hitler sends troops to gain experience in war and because Franco is fascist.
3. League does nothing to punish once again.
The Czech crisis and the Munich Conference of 1938: Who was Nevill Chamberlain? What was the policy of appeasement?
1. Nevill Chamberlain was the prime minister of England.
2. Said that many times it was not worth going to war to stop small invasions that Germany made.
What was the purpose of the Hitler/Stalin Pact of 1939? Why did this pact encourage Hitler?
1. Purpose of the Hitler/Stalin pact was to create a peace so that Hitler would not have to worry about being invaded from the east.
2. This encouraged Hitler because he could focus all his attention on the west side of things.
Why did WW2 begin with the German invasion of Poland?
Why are England and France important to this?
1. Hitler had told Munich Conference that Czech sudentenland was last gain, but he broke this.
2. Hitler assumed nobody would act.
3. England/France choose to go to war to stop Germany spreading.
What happened to the "buffer" states when the war began?
1. Buffer states were under Russian occupation.
2. Russia got the western half of Poland, Germany got the eastern half.
How was Japan treated by the Treaty of Versaille?
1. They were taken very seriously, unlike China
2. They were awarded German land claims in China and the Pacific.
Why did China refuse to sign the treaty of Versaille?
1. China was pretty much ignored in the treaty, this caused resentment.
How did communism become a revolutionary force in China?
1. After China was ignored in the treaty by European powers, revolutionary forces developed.
2. China was torn in three ways:
1. European domination
2. Weak republic
3. Communist revolution
Who was Mao Tse-Tung?
1. Communist leader of China in 1949.
2. Leader of the Red Army
Who was Chiang Kai Shek?
1.Led the northern expedition to unifiy the country of China.
2. Influential leader in Nationalist party.
What was the Long March?
Military retreat of the red army from the Chinese Nationalist army led by Chiang Kai Shek.
What was Japan's policy of a "sphere of co-prosperity" in Asia?
1. Liberate Asia from foreign colonial powers.
2. Place Japan at the head of a united Asian empire.
How did Japan's Asia policy challenge the European spheres of influence in China?
1. Japan was very dependent on foreign countries for imports and so by liberating foreign colonial powers, they were pushing away their supply of goods.
2. Sphere of Influence: European countries had colonies in Asia, but a great deal of resentment arose.
How did Japan's Asia policy apply to mainland Asia?
1. They took control of Manchuria.
2. Were eventually given French Indochina by Germany as a reward for alliance.
What was the "rape of Nanking" in 1937?
1. Japan launched a full scale invasion of China.
2. Thousands of Chinese slaughtered.
3. US/England condemn action and cut off supplies to Japan.
What was the Tokyo/Berlin/Rome Axis?
1. Treaty with European fascist powers, Italy and Germany.
How did a Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor on Decebmer 7 1941 lead the US to war in both Europe and Asia?
1. The US declares war on Japan because of the attack.
2. Germany declares war on US since Japan is their ally.
3. US declares war on Germany.
What were the Nuremberg laws? What was Kristallnact?
1. Robbed German Jews of their citizenship.
2. "Night of Smashed Glass" Thousands of Jewish stores and synagogues were burned or destroyed.