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6 Cards in this Set

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He is pharaoh Amenhotep IV but changed his name to Akhenaton. He ruled from 1379 to 1362 B.C.E. He attempted to reform Egyptian religion and political life. By replacing many deities with a single one. The Sun God Aton.He also transfered the capital to a new location known today as Tel el Amarna. A new kind of art developed during his rule. Traditional idealism gave way to naturalism. Physical characteristics we more detailed and art was shown with more relaxed characters. The changes didn't last long because of the threat that Akhenaton posed to the priests. He was branded a heretic and fanatic by his successors.
Who is Akhenaton?
What is a polis?
A term which translates into city-state. It served as a focal point for all politcal religious, social, and artistic activities within its region. Each city had a its own which developed its own artistic style. Which led to rivalries from each city. Which also led to the ruin of the greek civilization. In each one there was a great concentration of intellectual and cultural development except where they would fight about who had the best artists.
He is the leader whose name symbolizes the achievements of the Athenian Golden Age. In 443 B.C.E. he assumed the leadership of the Athenian democracy. His political career began after the transfer of Delian League's funds to Athens. While under his leadership Athenians where devoted to making Athens glorious by building the Acropolis. Died in 429 B.C.E possibly by the bubonic plague. No successor after him could win the support of his fellow citizens.
Who was Pericles?
Appeared in late eighth century B.C.E. north of Rome in central Italy. Little are known about origins and their language has yet to be deciphered. By 700 B.C.E. they had established themselves in Tuscany which is named after them. They had a major effect on roman life and culture. They showed an outstanding sophistication and technological ability
Who were the etruscans?
He was a archaeolgist that had proven that the war against Troy and the Mycenaeans wasn't just a legend. He dedicated his life to proving those legends. He was born in Germany in 1822. He made his fortune in business so he could afford to pursue his goal. in 1870 he started excavations on Roman city of Ilium. In three years he found walls and the gate to the city. His finds proved the existence of the bronze age in greece and surpassed the splendor in the legends. The excavations that he found provided a more exact picture of the Mycenaean history.
Who is Heinrich Schlieman?
What is a Atomist?
Believed that the ultimate, unchangeable reality consisted of atoms. Particles that aren't visible to the naked eye. The first atomists led the the early atomic theory by John Dalton and the great physicist Werner Heisenberg. Werner Heisenberg discoveries in Quantum mechanics is derived from the inspirations of the Greek atomists.