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33 Cards in this Set

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What happened to London in 1851? What did it symbolize?
visitors crowded into London's Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition.
symbolized- triumph of industrial age
Britain's sucess in industrialization became a _____ for others in Europe, and around the world.
What arethe 6 reasons that the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain?
1. natural resources
2. human resources
3. stable economy
4. stable government
5. new technology
6. good social conditions
What 2 natural resources did Great Britain have an abundance of that helped power machinery and make new machines?
coal and iron
T/F? Britain had a stable gov't that supported economic growth.
What invention made it possible to build railroads?
steam locomotive
created by: George Stephenson
What did Robert Fulton invent?
named: Clermont
T/F? The Industrial Revolution had an affect on all aspects of people's lives.
Who urged farmers to grow turnips to restore soil?
Charles "Turnip" Townshend
Who invented the seed drill?
Jethro Tull
Who improved the steam engine?
James Watt
What is the process of taking over and fencing off public lands?
Who bred stronger horses for farm work?
Robert Bakewell
What was an agricultural improvement of the 1600s?
fertilizer from livestock
How did the "energy revolution" contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
It provided efficient energy for industry.
Who produced better quality and less expensive iron?
Abraham Darby
What were privately built roads that charged a fee to travelers who used them?
What is the place where workers and machines are brought together to produce goods called?
Who was the hard-woring entrepreneur who invented yhr waterframe to speed up spinning?
Richard Arkwright
Who built a steamboat that traveled at speeds of more than 5 MPH?
Robert Fulton
In what British industry did the Industrial Revolution first take hold?
Who smashed machines and burnt factories because they hates them taking away their jobs?
the Luddites
Who founded Methodism?
John Wesley
What book did Adam Smith write and what did he believe?
Wealth of Nations; no gov't involvement, strongest survive
What did Thomas Malthus believe?
population would outpace food supply; urged families to have less kids; war, disease, and famine are good
What concept did David Ricardo introduce and what did he believe?
"Iron Law of Wages"; Working class never escape poverty.
What is utilitaianism?
happiness for all
What did Stuart Mill believe?
free market is bad, only the strong survive. Need gov't involved to help poor
What is Socialism?
indiviuality is bad; to end all inequality; people own and operate factories together, no difference between rich and poor; wants to end poverty; utopia
What is communism?
for of socialism that sees class struggle between employers and workers as inevitable.
Who is known as the "father of communism"?
Karl Marx
What book did Karl Marx write and what did he believe?
Communist Manifesto; utopians unrealistic, wanted working class to rebel and form communist countries
Karl Marx's name for the working class, whom he felt should triumph over the bourgeoisie.