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28 Cards in this Set

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What is a lais?
-oral tradition
-story based on a folk tale
Marie de France
What is a verse?
-poet decides when each line ends and how it is read
Marie de France
What are the main points of the Werewolf Story (Bisclaurette)?
-wife gets mad because husband lied about being a werewolf
-he can't turn back and wife leaves him for another guy
-he attacks her and her new knight husband
-they have kids later that are born with pig noses
Marie de France
What are the main points of Nightingale?
-man and woman fall in love from windows
-they had never spoken before but loved each other
-wife tells husband the nightingale is keeping her awake
-he kills the bird and the woman sends dead nightingale to the other man
-ends up killing wife for being disloyal and loving another man
Marie de France
What are the main points of Sir Gawain the Green Knight?
-manuscript survived the fire in London
-romance tale- long story based on adventure and heroic actions and characters
unknown author
What are the main points of Millers Tale?
-part 2 of the Canterbury Tales
-fabliau, verse
-not a romance
-she cheats on husband
-John the Carpenter had no business marrying the beautiful woman...Cuckold
-Senex Amans- old man marrying a young woman and he couldn't satisfy her
What are the main points of Wife of Orleans
-woman and husband live in the woods
-he is supposed to be leaving but he doesn't trust her
-she brings in a male who is supposed to stay in the house
-husband dresses up as the new guy
she gets him beat up because he said he would hurt him
-woman is aware that this is the husband
-woman has an affair with the young student
What are the main points of Wakefield's Second Shepherds Play?
-play or drama
-part of a sequence of plays in Wakefield, this was the second one that had to do with shepherds
-called this because sheperds were included within the story, also put on by those in the sheep industry
-medieval shepherds going to see baby Jesus in the nativity scene
What does anachronistic mean?
-"out of time"
-when something is implemented into a story where the time frames do not match up or make sense
Wakefield's Second Shepherds Play
What is a mystery play?
-about biblical events and stories
Wakefield's Second Shepherds Play
What is a miracle play?
-about saints and their lives
Wakefield's Second Shepherds Play
What is a passion play?
-specifically about Christ, mostly his final days and hours
-made by the guild of nailers (those who made nails)
Wakefield's Second Shepherds Play
What are the main points of the City of Ladies?
-teacher unit because of the nature of the work and the way the argument is presented and her written work gives her teaching authority
Christine de Pisan
How are the women depicted as sex symbols in the City of Ladies?
-problem causers
-disloyal because of their sexual appetite
-their reaction to other written works about women
Christine de Pisan
What is an allegory?
-elongated metaphor
Christine de Pisan
What is misogyny?
-women hating
Christine de Pisan
What are some points about Saint Francis?
-he wrote the rule and guidelines for Franciscan life, it was very small
-he did not want to write a rule but felt it was necessary as his followers were growing
What are some points about Saint Anselm?
-he believed that he was being tempted by the devil because of how much he struggled with his questioning of God's existence
-he wrote the Proslogion
What are some points about the Proslogion?
-based on reason and philosophical thought
-proved God's existence through reason
Saint Anselm
What is Premise 1 about?
-God is defined as that than which nothing greater can be conceived
Saint Anselm
What is Premise 2 about?
-it is greater to exist in both reality and understanding than just understanding alone
Saint Anselm
What is Premise 3 about?
-God must exist in reality and understanding because it is greater than just understanding
Saint Anselm
What are some main points about St. Thomas Aquinas?
-he sought truth and knowledge as God's greatest gift
-inseparable from love of God
-believed in reason
-Summa Theologiae
-Summa Contra Gentiles ("few men would possess the knowledge of God")(categorized as did Aristotle)
Who was Aquinas' influence and how?
-he reviewed Aristotle (which was preserved and reintroduced by Islamic philosophers) and what was true and what was not
-his writing was a great threat to the Catholic Church
-he wanted to relate and apply Aristotelian thought to faith in God
What adversities did Abelard face?
-his book was burnt (BIG ONE)
-professional jealousy
What was Abelard's book about?
-undermining and questioning the Church Doctrine, mostly the Trinity and the belief that God has 3 forms
-he physically burned his book after being forced to by the Church
What did Heloise do to Abelard?
-Heloise's family castrated him, but he said burning the book was more humiliating and damaging than the castration could ever be
What are other facts about Abelard?
-students flocked to him
-they sought his knowledge