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256 Cards in this Set

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Protestant Movement was a call for what?
For church reform
Reason behind the reformation?
Dissatisfaction with the roman catholic church and the pope in particular (corruption)
The voices that were particularly strong were from?
The North
Martin Luther was originally a what before becoming a monk?
Law Student
Martin Luther studies theology where?
In Wittenburg
What did Luther believed earned you salvation?
Faith in Christ's sacrifice alone: only God's grace not good works would save man.
What famous document was Luther in charge of?
The 95 Thesis (only 2 sacraments rather than 7 in church doctrine)
What were the consequences of the 95 Thesis?
Excommunication by the pope and put on trial for heresy
Describe Luther's Translation of the Bible while in hiding?
-From Greek to Latin
-In vernacular so everyone could read and interpret the bible for themselves
Music of the Reformation?
-Hymns to be sung by congregation not only by clergy
-Lyrics in Vernacular
-Battle hymn of the reformation : Luthers "A Mighty Fortress in our God"
What influence the Northern Renaissance?
The Reformation
What did the Northern Renaissance renew/revive?
Spiritual values and teachings of the early church fathers
What did artwork of the Northern Renaissance Reflect?
Religious change/ renewed religious faith, moral conflicts, human folly
During the Northern Renaissance there was a huge spark of interest in what?
Human, animal, and plant anatomy
Which device was a huge help in the mass production of art and vernacular literature of the Northern Renaissance?
The Printing Press, which helped further education, beginnings of national pride, and individual self consciousness
Who supported the Northern Renaissance?
princes, churchmen, and the rising middle class
Because of the Reformations the ideas of what spread to other parts of Europe?
How did the Anglican Church form?
Henry the VIII breaks from rome for personal reasons (he wanted a divorce) and he declares himself head of the Church of England
Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance
-Revival of classical/world ideas
-Study of translation of classical texts
-Art:heroic, new techniques
Characteristics of the Northern Renaissance
-Religious renewal
-Study and translation of early christian texts
Art: new media and genres
What influence the Northern Renaissance?
The Reformation
What did the Northern Renaissance renew/revive?
Spiritual values and teachings of the early church fathers
What did artwork of the Northern Renaissance Reflect?
Religious change/ renewed religious faith, moral conflicts, human folly
During the Northern Renaissance there was a huge spark of interest in what?
Human, animal, and plant anatomy
Which device was a huge help in the mass production of art and vernacular literature of the Northern Renaissance?
The Printing Press, which helped further education, beginnings of national pride, and individual self consciousness
Who supported the Northern Renaissance?
princes, churchmen, and the rising middle class
Because of the Reformations the ideas of what spread to other parts of Europe?
How did the Anglican Church form?
Henry the VIII breaks from rome for personal reasons (he wanted a divorce) and he declares himself head of the Church of England
Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance
-Revival of classical/world ideas
-Study of translation of classical texts
-Art:heroic, new techniques
Characteristics of the Northern Renaissance
-Religious renewal
-Study and translation of early christian texts
Art: new media and genres
Thomas More was chancellor to who?
King Henry VIII
What work of Thomas More was a political satire that described an ideal state/ community?
Describe Thomas More
Christian Humanist who remained catholic despite the king's break with rome
What modern evils did Thomas More denounce
Capitalism & religious fanaticism but he was a huge proponent of Christian Charity and religious tolerance
Montaigne was
-A French Humanist
What did Montaigne question?
The superiority of any one culture over another
What did Montaigne believe the essence of true education was?
Self- examination
What did Montaigne encourage?
Skepticism and open mindedness; asking questions rather than repeating what was taught
Montaigne believed that education
would enable to live in harmony
Montaigne was the father of what?
The personal essay
Characteristics of the personal essay
-Short prose piece
-vehicle for probing or trying out ideas
-addressed subjects such as friendship, virtue and education
William Shakespeare wrote during what period of time?
Golden Age of England (elizabethan england)
What types of plays did Shakespeare create
Shakespeare secular dramas were for what purpose?
What influenced Shakespeare's plays?
-Medieval plays
-classical drama
-plots from classical,medieval and modern romances
Shakespeare used what kind of characters?
Stock and stereotypical
What did Shakespeare explore?
Human nature and what psychological forces motivate human behavior (hamlet )
How were most of Shakespeare's plays written?
mostly in renaissance verse form: blank verse (unrhymed and rhymed close to vernacular speech) Sonnets (the english sonnet)
Shakespeare's brilliant eloquence of language and breadth of expression contributed to what?
The evolution of the English Language
Albrecht Durer was born, raised, and worked in the rising urban center where?
Durer was what type of artist?
Graphic Artist (many media), painter
Durer studied what type of art?
Italian Renaissance
Durer focused mostly on what in his works?
Religious subjects and moralizing themes (supporter of reformation) but also secular subjects such as landscape and self portraiture.
Durer believed in what?
new realism and little idealization
Durer had a deep attachment to what?
physical world: investigated human, animal, and plant anatomy
What new genres did Durer use?
1. engravings and woodcuts
2. landscape painting (as subject on its own)
What new media did Durer use?
Oil Paint(portraiture) and water color (landscape)
Hans Holbein (the Younger) was the greatest what?
German portraitist
Hans Holbein's work was?
-realistic and precise portrayal: Life like
-captured personalities
Hans Holbein was the first to do what?
paint domestic group portraiture (more's family)
- also painted english royals
Lukas Cranach (the Elder) was a
Cranach's was a court painter where?
Cranach's Style was?
usinf flat iron form
He was a supporter of what? and who did he focus his work on?
-Reformers and family members
What did Grunewald bring to religious subject matter?
spiritual intensity and emotional subjectivity unmatched elsewhere in europe.
Grunewald's landmark piece Isenheim Alter piece was commissioned to what?
offer solace to the victims of disease and plague at the hospital of Saint Anthony
Grunewald rejected what?
harmonious proportions and figural idealization in favor of exaggeration and precise detail
The principal difference between the humanism of Italy and that of Northern Europe was the greater (BLANK) emphasis of the latter
Name a characteristic not associated with the sixteenth- century Calvinist
Separation of Church and State
In More's Ideal Society
Cooperation replaced competition and material greed
Erasmus' Praise of Folly is a landmark example of?
It is true to say of Durer that he was...
-A master of engraving techniques
-among the first to explore the genre of landscape
-deeply influenced by italian renaissance art
Which Northern Renaissance artist was reputed to have perfected oil painting in such works as his Arnolfini Wedding?
Jan van Eyck
Luther's Chorales were meant to be sung by who?
by the entire congregation
What were the three technologies that powered industrialization?
Steam power, coal, iron
Name some of the inventions during industrialization
telephone, telegraph, camera, electricity(light bulb), x-ray
Which nations where industrialized?
Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany (1871) Italy (1861) and later the United States
Economic and social consequences of industrialization changed what?
the nature and character of human work, altered relationships between human beings, and affected the environment
Industrialization created wealth for who?
a small minority of the population (entrepreneurs, capitalist)
Name some characteristics of industrialized nations becoming colonial powers.
-scramble for overseas possessions
-leader in colonial possessions
-underdeveloped countries due to exploitation
What are some characteristics of socialism?
-economic/social reform
-capitalism unjust
-common ownership, administration in means of production and distribution in the interest of the public good
Karl Marx wrote what book?
The Communist Manifesto
What did The Communist Manifesto feature?
-critique of european industrial capitalism and its effects on society and the individual
What are some of Marx's beliefs
-more radical than socialism (communism)
-violent revolution permissable
-new society, class-less society
-abolish private ownership
What were some of the novels written by Charles Dickens?
Oliver Twist
Nicholas Nickelby
David Copperfield
What is a novel written by
Mark Twain?
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
What two novels were written by Leo Tolstoy?
War and Peace
Anna Karenina
What was the novel written by Dostoyevsky?
Crime and Punishment
What novel did Gustav Flaubert write?
Maddam Bovery
What was the social criticism of Realism?
Affects of Industrial Capitalism against the realities of poverty and inequality.
Realism brought attention to what?
Contemporary life and experience
What genre of literature was featured quite often during the time of Realism?
During the time of Realism, how were men and women portrayed?
In actual, everyday, and often demoralizing situations.
What was examined during Realism?
The social consequences of Middle Class materialism, the plight of the Working Class, subjugation of women.
Characteristics of the birth of Photography
Authentic record/documentary
Social and Artistic significance
More affordable than paintings
Aid in achieving greater realism in painting
What are some characteristics of Realist Painting
Concrete, matter-of-fact, depictions of everyday life
Contemporary, no sentimentality
Social criticism
What are some characteristics of Impressionist Painting
Life of leisure and urban pleasures
Attachment to natural surrounding, but no romanticizing/idolizing of nature
Contemporary visual experience (Physics of light, chemistry of paint, Law of Optics)
Who believed it was ''how you see'' not ''what you see''
What are some characteristics of Van Gogh?
Landscpaes, stillife, portraits
Bold colors and brush strokes
Extensive use of paint and expressive use of color
Painters emotional response to object rather than its physical appearance
Late 19th century colonialism had as its primary motivation force, the need for what?
Materials and markets
The authors of the Communist Manifesto argued that the history of all existing society is the history of what?
Class struggles
For their subject matter, the Impressionist Painters drew largely on?
The urban scene
The artist who became infatuated with unspoiled nature, especially as it existed in Tahiti was who?
What is not an economic or social consequence of Industrialization?
It brought more equality for the lower classes.
Who was the leader in the race for overseas possessions?
What was not apart of Socialist ideas?
Violent revolutions
The names William Henry Fox Talbot and Matthew Brady are associated with the history of what?
Characteristics of the Music of Debussy is?
The use of shifting harmonies
European Expansion began during what age?
European Expansion created the beginnings of what?
Globalization and Western dominated Modern World System
What had stimulated Cross-Cultural exchange between East and West since 1000 AD?
long range trade
Missionary Activity
Who had dominated the trade between East and West until European explorers ventured out?
Arab merchants, byzantine empire, ottoman turks.
How were goods exchanged considering the far distances between East and West?
The Silk Road and the sea
What developments aided in European Expansion?
Ottoman presence
Faster and more efficient trade routes
Competition with Arabs
More accurate maps and charts
Improved navigational devices
Faster, safer, more practical ships
Describe characteristics of Marco Polo
Venetian explorer
Son of wealthy merchant family
Lived at the Chinese court of Mongal Emperor Kublai-Khan
Travels recorded and Travels of Marco Polo
What are some characteristics of the religion practiced in Africa?
1. Belief in Supreme Being
2. A World of spirit in all things
3. Ancestor veneration
4. Belief in magic, rituals
What are some characteristics of African sculpture?
Mostly religious function
Mostly in wood
Featured ancestors
What are some characteristics of African literature?
Oral tradition
Genres - Epic
What are some characteristics of African music
Percussion instruments
Until what event occurred was Africa able to preserve local traditions and culture?
European Expansion
Africa was a very diverse cultural society that shared what commonalities?
1000+ languages
1000+ tribes
tribal structure: kinship with chief or elders
Belief System: animism
The muslim conquest of North Africa did what and when did it occur?
-7th century
-brought language, learning, and religion while leaving many cultural practices intact
The muslims in africa where the first to do what?
be after african commodities such as salt, gold, and slavs
African Kingdoms such as Ghana, Mali, and Songhai existed where
in the sudan and became places where arabs settled and created centers of trade, learning, and libraries (Timbuktu)
The portuguese lead the way of what?
Europeans in africa and the beginning of transatlantic slave trade
The portuguese followed the pattern and competed with which country?
The portuguese did what to the African lands?
destroyed local customs and traditions/patterns and exploited the lands and peoples
What are characteristics of the Mayan Civilization?
fortified cities and temples
written language
What are characteristics of the Inca Civilization?
Build roads,bridges, temples and fortresses
What are characteristics of the Aztec civilization?
City builders (tenochtitlan)
Roads, canals, aqueducts, temples, palaces, ceremonial plazas
solar calender based on mayan calender
After columbus other spanish explorers went to the americas such as who?
Landmarks from Cortes: Letters from Mexico and defeated the aztecs in 1521
What is being exchanged during the Columbian exchange?
food, technology, religion, disease
the Columbian exchange was the onset of what?
a global economy dominated by the west bc of wealth acquired through overseas endeavors and the interchange of culture and intermix of peoples
One of the most influential Baroque artists was which designer of the piazza in front of st. peters basilica?
In 17th century england, the influential calvinists who called for churchly reform where known as?
The term baroque in painting compromises all of the following?
Illusionistic effects
strong contrasts of light and dark
theatrical flamboyancy
Which technique did Rembrandt develop?
"Gobelins" is the name associated with the production of what?
French Tapestry
The first permanent orchestra in europe was established by who?
Louis 14th
The text in opera is called
The Baroque era represents a turning point in music because it witnessed what?
The adoption of of equal temperament tuning
the development of oratorio
and the birth of the opera
The concept of the church militant was defined by Loyolas landmark work, the what?
Spiritual Exercises
Giovanni Gabrieli became celebrated for his what?
Clear and simple religious music
Which man was not a significant figure in the scientific movement?
Which men were a significant influence in the scientific revolution
In his " Novum Organum" Bacon objected to what?
The corruption of science by superstition and theology
Descartes' proposition "i think therefor i am" demonstrates what?
a premise he could not doubt
The works of Boucher and Watteau reflect a style
known as Rococo
expressed upper class taste
and was of great delicacy and sensuality
John Locke maintained that
Legitimate government required the consent of the governed
Genre painting depicts scenes of what?
ordinary life
Which 19th century composer who wrote the piece nicknamed "surprise" is often called the "father of the Symphony"
The fusion of arts and politics that exalted the ideal service and sacrifice to one's county is exemplified by which landmark?
David's "oath of the horatti"
Henry Fielding and Samuel Richardson were both noted 18th century writers of which new literary form?
The belief in a mechanistic universe fashioned by a creator God who does not directly intervene in the affairs is called
Romanticism might be said to have rebelled against all of the following
religious authority
By "sublime" romantics like wordsworth were referring to
awe-inspiring nature
Whose "ode on an Grecian urn" concluded that "beauty os truth. truth is beauty"
Which of the following poetic techniques is least associated with the poetry of walt?
Conventional meter, he often used free verse, alliteration, and assonance
The most popular musical instrument of the 19th century was the
Which of the former slaves learned to read and write and personally authored a memoir with his or her own hand?
Fredrick Douglas
Goethe's hero Faust is the epitome of the western
Romantic anti-hero
In Delacroix's Liberty leading the poeple, the artist featured those whom he considered the heros of revolutionary france, including
members of the working middle and working classes
Darwin contributed to the study of biology chiefly by
developing the theory of natural selection
The style of which landmark work was described by its critics as "indian gothic" because of its eastern influences on its design?
Brighton Pavilion by John Nash
When was WWI?
Why was it called a world war?
Becasue numerous nations where involved
The Assassination of who was the major cause of the war?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
In World War 1 there was an advancement in what?
The russian revolution of 1917 had many characteristics, what were they?
-food and fuel shortages caused by an involvement in WWI
-forced abdication of the tar
- reign of terror
-Lenin architect of Soviet Communism
-classless society
BUT: dictatorship over rather than of the proletariat
What leads up to the second world war?
-great depression
-failed democracy
Hitlers totalitarian regime was a what?
national socialism as an extreme form of nationalism
what are some characteristics of the holocaust?
-long history of anti-semitism
-annihilation of Europe's jewish population
-camps and technology
Baroque used to mean grotesque and absurd but now the term describes an artistic style that is dominated by what?
-florid ornamentation
-spatial grandeur
-theatrical flamboyance
that speaks to the senses and emotions but also portrays authority and absolute power
Describe italian Barque painting
-religious themes
-appealed to the senses not the intellect
-vigorously life like
-new techniques: foreshortening, centered on the action, bold contrast of light and dark
Describe northern baroque landmarks
-mostly secular themes
-driven by wealthy protestant middle class
-less theatrical display but embraced spatial grandeur and expansiveness
-literature, visual arts and music
Italian baroque architecture was often where?
the exterior and interior of churches, interior of palaces and theaters and gardens
Who were two great painters of northern baroque
Two great literary pieces from the northern baroque were what?
the king james bible
and Miltons paradise lost
Louis the 14th established the French academies for what reasons?
To regulate art and support it, but with strict guidelines
Louis the 14th also established what?
1. Ballet
2. Theater
3. First court orchestra
4. Opera
Louis the 14th was a patron of the arts who is specifically interested in what kind of portraiture?
What are three types of musical compositions?
Sonata, Suite, Concerto
Johann Sebastian Bach was known for what?
1. A mighty fortress is our god
2. Christmas oratorio
3. Art of fugue
What are some of the characteristics of Handel's landmark production Messiah?
Libretto; versus from King James Bible
Composed in 24 days
Famous Hallelujah chorus
The Vivaldi is famous for what piece?
Concerto: The Four Seasons
What are the characteristics of an Oratorio
1. Spiritual/Religious
2. Concert Hall/Church
3. No plot/story line
4. No scenery/Costumes
5. Soloists/Chorus
What are some characteristics of an Opera
1. Secular/Worldly
2. Opera House
3. Plot/Story Line
4. Scenery/Costumes
5. Soloist/Chorus
(e.g.; Monte Verde's Orfeo)
Name some characteristics of the rise of absolutism in France
1. Pinnacle of Power, Wealth, and Prestige
2. Oversees exploration and expansion
3. Cultural and intellectual leader
During Baroque Age, art was meant to what?
Glorify the King and Absolute Rule
Enlightenment means what?
What is Enlightenment?
The ability to use one's rational powers without guidance from others. Also known as the Age of Reason
What inspired the Enlightenment?
Scientific revolution
-Rational inquiry (Objective attitude toward nature)
-New tools and experimental methods
-New learning; Sciences
During the Age of Reason what was needed for progress and betterment of human kind?
Science and Reason, not religion
Demand for social and political equality was?
Liberating Role of Reason
During the Age of Reason there was a revival of what?
Neoclassical arts and ideology
During the Age of Reason there was a formation of what?
Social sciences
The scientific Revolutions had three main characteristics
1. Direct observation and experimentation (Vesalius and Bacon)
2. Mathematical theory as a method of verification
3. New instruments to measure, test, and predict
Nicolas Copernicus did what?
Universe heliocentric rather than geocentric which was established on the evidence of mathematical calculations.
Johannes Kepler developed what?
Heliocentric theory and laws of planetary motion
What were the reasons for the French Revolution
Class and equality and financial crisis.
What were some literary genres of the enlightenment?
Newspapers and periodicals (tattler and spectator)
Novel (Defoe)
Slave Narratives
Satire (Swift, Voltaire)
Johannes Kepler developed what?
Heliocentric theory and laws of planetary motion
Satire was the favorite weapon of whom?
Enlightenment intellectuals
What were the reasons for the French Revolution
Class and equality and financial crisis.
During Baroque Age, art was meant to what?
Glorify the King and Absolute Rule
Louis the 14th established the French academies for what reasons?
To regulate art and support it, but with strict guidelines
Satire was used to show what?
Discrepancies between real, social, and political conditions/injustices and ideas/aspirations of enlightenment
What were some literary genres of the enlightenment?
Newspapers and periodicals (tattler and spectator)
Novel (Defoe)
Slave Narratives
Satire (Swift, Voltaire)
Satire was the favorite weapon of whom?
Enlightenment intellectuals
Italian baroque architecture was often where?
the exterior and interior of churches, interior of palaces and theaters and gardens
Enlightenment means what?
Who were two great painters of northern baroque
What is Enlightenment?
The ability to use one's rational powers without guidance from others. Also known as the Age of Reason
Louis the 14th also established what?
1. Ballet
2. Theater
3. First court orchestra
4. Opera
What inspired the Enlightenment?
Scientific revolution
-Rational inquiry (Objective attitude toward nature)
-New tools and experimental methods
-New learning; Sciences
Satire was used to show what?
Discrepancies between real, social, and political conditions/injustices and ideas/aspirations of enlightenment
Louis the 14th was a patron of the arts who is specifically interested in what kind of portraiture?
Satire claims that reason corrupts what?
During the Age of Reason what was needed for progress and betterment of human kind?
Science and Reason, not religion
Demand for social and political equality was?
Liberating Role of Reason
Satire claims that reason corrupts what?
What are characteristics of Swift'
s Satire
-Misuse of reason produces corrupt society
-(e.g.; Gulliver's travels)
What are three types of musical compositions?
Sonata, Suite, Concerto
Johann Sebastian Bach was known for what?
1. A mighty fortress is our god
2. Christmas oratorio
3. Art of fugue
What are some of the characteristics of Handel's landmark production Messiah?
Libretto; versus from King James Bible
Composed in 24 days
Famous Hallelujah chorus
During the Age of Reason there was a revival of what?
Neoclassical arts and ideology
What are visual arts of the enlightenment
The Vivaldi is famous for what piece?
Concerto: The Four Seasons
What is the difference between Rococo and genre painting
Genre painting was of the middle and lower class instead of Aristocracy
What are the characteristics of an Oratorio
1. Spiritual/Religious
2. Concert Hall/Church
3. No plot/story line
4. No scenery/Costumes
5. Soloists/Chorus
What are characteristics of Swift'
s Satire
-Misuse of reason produces corrupt society
-(e.g.; Gulliver's travels)
During the Age of Reason there was a formation of what?
Social sciences
What are visual arts of the enlightenment
What are some characteristics of an Opera
1. Secular/Worldly
2. Opera House
3. Plot/Story Line
4. Scenery/Costumes
5. Soloist/Chorus
(e.g.; Monte Verde's Orfeo)
The scientific Revolutions had three main characteristics
1. Direct observation and experimentation (Vesalius and Bacon)
2. Mathematical theory as a method of verification
3. New instruments to measure, test, and predict
What are some examples of Neoclassic architecture?
Virginia State Capital
Arc De Triumphe
Church Lemadeline
What is the difference between Rococo and genre painting
Genre painting was of the middle and lower class instead of Aristocracy
Name some characteristics of the rise of absolutism in France
1. Pinnacle of Power, Wealth, and Prestige
2. Oversees exploration and expansion
3. Cultural and intellectual leader
What are some examples of Neoclassic architecture?
Virginia State Capital
Arc De Triumphe
Church Lemadeline
Nicolas Copernicus did what?
Universe heliocentric rather than geocentric which was established on the evidence of mathematical calculations.
Classical music of the eighteeth century was
-perfromed in concert halls and courts
-secular entertainment
-classical over popular
-harmony and clarity
What are the classical music genres?
-string quartet
The symphony orchestra was invented during what period?
age of enlightenment
Romanticism believed that the essence of human experience was what?
subjective and emotional
Romanticism was an age of what?
-the romantic hero
-spontaneity, intuition, feeling, imagination, wonder
-creative genius
-love of nature
-madness and sickness
During the age of romanticism it was a return to what?
mythic past, forklore, gothic architechture, old order
Napolean had a dissolution of what?
the old order
Classical music of the eighteeth century was
-perfromed in concert halls and courts
-secular entertainment
-classical over popular
-harmony and clarity
Napolean ablosished what?
What are the classical music genres?
-string quartet
The symphony orchestra was invented during what period?
age of enlightenment
Napolean had a dissolution of the?
old order
Napolean curtailed?
Napolean spread?
revolutionary ideas of liberty, fraternity, and equality
Napolean abolished
Napolean kindled sentiments of?