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97 Cards in this Set

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Autonomic Nervous System
-Always efferent; never afferent
-functions below level of consciousness, but can be affected by higher brain function
-Sympathetic & Parasympathetic divisions
-innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands
-Works through reflex arc
-Maintains homeostasis of key visceral functions necessary for life
Enteric Nervous System
an extensive network of neurons and nerve networks located in the walls of the digestive tract
Autonomic Nervous System (Reflex Arc)
-Maintains HOMEOSTASIS for key VISCERAL functions necessary for life
-low blood pressure --> carotid sinus --> CN IX --> Medulla Oblongata --> ANS --> heart --> BP up
Dual Innervation
-actions are antagonistic in most cases
-in a few cases, they function cooperatively
-work sequentially, not at the same time
Somatic Efferents
-innervates skeletal muscle
-control is precise & voluntary
-one neuron between CNS & peripheral effector
Autonomic Efferents
-cardiac m., smooth m., & glands
-control is diffuse & involuntary
-two neurons between CNS & peripheral effectors
(autonomic ganglion w/ pre & post ganglionic fibers)
Neurotransmitters in ANS
-Cholinergic Neurons (Acetylcholine)
-Adrenergic Neurons
Cholinergic Neurons
-synthesize & release acetylcholine
-Preganglionic efferent neurons of both SNS and PNS
-Postganglionic neurons of PNS
-Some postganglionic fibers of SNS
Adrenergic Neurons
-synthesize & release norepinephrine
-Postganglionic neurons of SNS
-Adrenal medulla is a modified sympathetic ganglion
Neurotransmitter Receptors in ANS
Neurotransmitter Receptors in ANS (importance)
-important in pharmacological & clinical practice to block or stimulate specific receptors
Mechanisms of Signal Transduction used by Autonomic Receptors
-Second Messengers --> used by autonomic receptors for membrane signaling mechanism
-cAMP & IP3
-Thus receptor stimulation triggers a series of intracellular molecular events within the membrane which eventually result in an end-organ response.
-These mechanisms of signal transduction use ion channels or enzyme activation-inhibition which controls the formation of second messengers.
-Messengers modify the activity of intracellular signaling pathways within the
intracellular space.
Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic
-Sympathetic promotes (fight or flight)
-Parasympathetic inhibits (rest & digest)
-Organ specific with few branches/ divisions off of neurons
-Origin--> cranial & sacral
-Divisions of ANS
-S2-S4 --> innervate repro, urinary, & gastrointestinal systems
Parasympathetic Divisions of ANS
Nuclei in Brain Stem:
1)Ciliary ganglion (CN III) --> intrinsic eye muscles
2)Pterygopalatine ganglion (CN VII) --> lacrimal gland
3)Submandibular ganglion (CN VII) --> submandibular gland
4)Otic ganglion (CN IX) --> parotid salivary gland
5)Intramural ganglion (CN X) --> contained in walls of thoracic & abdominal cavities

Nuclei in Spinal Cord:
S2-S4 --> pelvosplanknic nerves --> innervate repro, urinary, and gastrointestinal systems
Sympathetic Nervous System
-highly divergent --> mass effect (bllod vessels, heart, organs, etc.)
1)Chain ganglion (paired) --> head, neck, thoracic cavity, limbs
2)Colateral ganglion (unpaired) --> Visceral effectors in adominopelvic cavity
3)Adrenal Medulla (paired) --> release hormones to effect many organs
4)Stellate ganglion --> when inferior cervical ganglion fuses w/ T1 of Chain Ganglion

Rami Communicantes --> connect spinal nerves to chain ganglion
1)White ramus communicans --> goes in
2)Gray ramus Communicans --> leads out
Cutting Spinal Nerve
Loss of ALL sensory & motor
Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves
names for what they innervate (ex. cardiac nerve)
solitary nucleus
-carry & receive visceral sensation from facial, glossopharyngeal, & vagus nerves as well as from ascending spinal tracts
-Receives primary afferent neurons related to cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal functions
-can participate in autonomic reflexes
adequate perfusion
-significant amount of blood flow to perform metabolic function at that time
-there is not enough blood for all organs to perform optimally at the same time
More important to raise blood pressure or lower it?
-much more important to raise blood pressure if it is low than to lower it if it is high
Visceral Afferent Fibers
-mostly visceral pain
-lie in dorsal root ganglia together with somatic sensory fibers
-or in the the sensory ganglia associated with cranial nerves (VII, IX, X). The chief visceral afferents from the heart, lungs and alimentary tract (pharynx to transverse colon) have their somae in the nodose ganglion and project via the vagus to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS).
Sympathetic Characteristics
-CNS visceral motor neurons --> lateral gray horns (T1-L2)
-PNS ganglia --> near vertebral column
-Preganglionic fibers --> short; acetylcholine
-Postganglionic fibers --> long; normally NE (sometimes NO or ACh)
-Has enlarged terminal knobs which release neurotransmitter near cell
-lots of divergence
-stimulates metabolism; increases alertness (fight or flight)
Parasympathetic Characteristics
-CNS visceral motr neurons --> Brain stem & S2-S4
-PNS ganglia --> intramural
-Preganglionic fibers --> long; ACh
-Postganglionic fibers --> short; ACh
-Have junction that release transmitter to special receptor surface
-little divergence; specific target
-promotes relaxation; nutrient uptake; energy storage (rest & digest)
Referred pain
-the phenomenon of pain perceived at a site adjacent to or at a distance from the actual site of an injury's origin
-e.g. myocardial infarction, appendicitis
visceral neuroendocrine response
Gap Junctions
-direct communication
-functional syncytium
-heart & single unit smooth muscle
Synaptic Communication
-presynaptic knob releases hormones --> bind to receptors on postsynaptic neuron
-transmitted near blood vessels & travel long distances to target
"classic" hormone
endocrine cell releases hormone, goes into bloodstream, travels to target cell
"local" hormones
-cytokine: signaling molecules such as proteins, peptides, or glycoproteins used in cellular communication
-paracrine: kind of cytokine that is released by a secretory cell & effects a neighboring cell
-autocrine: cell that releases hormone is also the target cell
Hormone Receptor
-protein molecule to which a molecule binds strongly
-presence or absence of specific receptor determines hormonal activity
Target Cells
-specific cells that possess receptors needed to bind and "read"hormonal messages
Neural vs. Endocrine Control
Nervous System
-Secretory Cell --> Neuron
-Target Cell --> Neuron, Muscle, or Gland
-Messenger --> Neurontransmitter
-Pathway for Communication --> across synapse
-Specificity --> Receptors on postsynaptic target cells
-Time til effect --> immediate
-Duration --> brief

Endocrine Systems
-Secretory Cell --> Endocrine cells
-Target Cell --> Most cell types in body
-Messenger --> hormone
-Pathway for Communication --> via bloodstream
-Specificity --> Receptors on target cells throughout body
-Time til effect --> delayed
-Duration --> long
Endocrines Controls
-long term processes
-ex growth, development, & reproduction
Hormones divided into 3 groups
-based on chemical structure
1)Amino Acid Derivatives: hydrophillic
2)Peptide Hormones: most common
3)Lipid Derivatives
Amino Acid & Peptide Hormones
-Remain functional for less than an hour
-diffuse out of bloodstream & bind to receptor
-Broken down & absorbed by cells of the liver and kidneys
-Broken down by enzymes in plasma or interstitial fluid
Thyroid & Steroid Hormones
-Remain in circulation much longer
-Enter bloodstream (more than 99% become attached to special transport proteins)
-Bloodstream contains substantial reserves of hormones (inactive form)
Cell Surface Receptor (plasma membrane)
-proteins & peptides and catecholamines & eicosanoids
-generate second messengers which alter activities of other molecules
Intracellular Receptors (cytoplasm & nucleus)
-steroids & thyroid hormones
-alter transcriptional activity of responsive genes
Catecholamines & Peptide Hormones
-are not lipid soluble
-unable to penetrate plasma membrane
-Bind to receptor proteins at outer surface of plasma membrane (extracellular receptors)
-Cannot have direct effect on activities inside target cell
-Use intracellular intermediary to exert effects i.e. second messengers (cAMP, cGMP, Calcium ions)
binding of a small number of hormone molecules to membrane receptors leads to thousands of second messengers in the cell & thus magnifies the effect of the hormone on its target cell
Lipid Derivatives
Cholesterol --> Steroids
-are generated by the action of phospholipases on triglycerides in which one of the fatty acids is arachidonic acid.
-have hormone-like activity
Three Classes of Eicosanoids
-regulate the synthesis of the cellular messenger cyclic AMP -Since cAMP is involved in many cellular processes, prostaglandins affect many cellular functions. -Some prostaglandins regulate muscle contraction during labor. -Other elevate body temperature (they produce fever), and cause inflamation and pain.
-are involved in the formation of blood clots, and the reduction of blood flow to the site of a blood clot.
-are responsible for the contraction of the smooth muscle lining the airways
-excess of leukotrienes results in, for example, asthmatic attacks, as well as allergic reaction resulting from bee stings, penicillin, etc.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID)
-such as aspirin & derivatives of ibuprofen
-inhibit cyclooxygenase activity of PGH2 Synthase (COX enzymes).
-inhibit formation of prostaglandins involved in fever, pain, & inflammation.
-inhibit blood clotting by blocking thromboxane formation in blood platelets.
Anti-Asthma Medication
-inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase, e.g., Zyflo (zileuton)
-drugs that interfere with leukotriene-receptor interactions
-eg. Singulair (montelukast) & Accolate (zafirlukast) block binding of leukotrienes to receptors on the plasma membranes of airway smooth muscle cells
Lipid Derived & Steroid Hormones
-lipid soluble
-able to penetrate plasma membrane
-bind to intracellular receptor proteins
-alter rate of DNA transcription in nucleus
-change patterns of protein synthesis
-directly affect metabolic activity and structure of target cell
Amplitude Coding or "Pattern Recognition"
-amount of hormone released
-pattern of hormone release/secretion
Endocrine Reflexes
-functional counterpart of neural reflexes
-controlled by negative feedback mechanisms (in most cases)
Endocrine Reflexes can be triggered by
1)Humeral Stimuli
2)Hormonal Stimuli
3)Neural Stimuli
Humeral Stimuli
-change composition of extracellular fluid
Hormonal Stimuli
-arrival or removal in specific hormone
Neural Stimuli
-arrival of neurotransmitters at neuroglandular junctions
Down Regulation
-presence of a hormone triggers decrease in number of hormone receptors
-when levels of a particular hormone are high, cells become less sensitive
Up Regulation
-absence of hormone triggers increase in number of hormone receptors
-when hormone levels are low, cells become more sensitive
Endocrine Organs
-encapsulated; can be removed from body in one piece
-eg pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal galnds, pancreas
Pineal Gland
-astrocyte-like neuroglial cells
-neuron-like pinealocytes
-production of melatonin
Postulated Functions of Melatonin
-role as antioxidant
-role as immunoregulator
-role in mechanisms of learning & memory
-role in biological clock
Corpora Arenacea/ Psammoma bodies/ brain sands
-used to show brain displacement; show up on x-rays
Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis)
-Anterior Pituitary (adenohypophysis)
-Posterior Pituitary (neurohypophysis)
-connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland
Rathke's Pouch
gives rise to the anterior pituitary
Posterior Pituitary Hormones
-released from, but not made in the posterior pituitary
-Neurosecretory neurons in hypothalamus --> infundibulum --> posterior pituitary
Anterior Pituitary Hormones
-made & released in anterior pituitary
-decreases urine volume
-increases blood volume --> increases blood pressure
-made in supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus

-travels down hypothalamic-posterior pituitary stalk
-produces contractions in breasts for release of milk
-produces contractions during labor
Anterior Pituitary
-under control of hypothalmus
-has many target endocrine galnds
-not neural tissue like hypothalamus
Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system
-Primary capillary plexus --> receives hormones from hypothalamus
-Secondary capillary plexus --> surrounds anterior pituitary
Thyroid Gland
-stores hormones in an inactive state (not common; hormones usually made on demand)
-thyroid hormones contain iodine
-thyroglobulin --> colloid, innactive precursor to thyroid hormones
-very short, underdeveloped (mentally & physically) --> cretinism in children
-metabolic rate lower in adult --> sluggish; weight gain --> mixodema
-higher than normal body temp --> calorigenic effect
No iodine in diet
-No T3 or T4 made --> lots of TSH & TRH --> goiter
Parafollicular Cells
-produce calcitonin (antagonistic to PTH
-calcitonin --> lowers body calcium (Ca from bloodstream into bones)
High Calcium Reflex Arc
High Ca --> detected by C-cells --> release calcitonin --> Ca into bone --> lower [Ca] in bloodstream
Adrenal Cortex (3 layers)
1)Zona Glomerulosa
2)Zona Folliculada
3)Zona Reticularis
Adrenal Medulla
Deep to 3 layers of adrenal cortex
-epinephrine/norepinephrine --> increased cardiac activity, blood pressure, & glycogen breakdown
Zona Glomerulosa
-outer layer
-cells shaped like balls
-mineralcorticoids (aldosterone) --> affect renal absorption of Na & water
Zona Folliculada
-middle layer
-glucocorticoids (cortisol) --> anti-inflammatory effects
Zona Reticularis
-deepest layer
-cells --> inner connecting web
-androgens --> not important in adult men
Adrenocorticotropin Hormone (ACTH)
Anterior pituitary --> adrenal cortex --> releases androgens & cortisol
mineralcorticoid --> increases blood volume by osmosis
Parathyroid Hormones
-round chief cells embedded in thyroid gland
-PTH --> raises blood levels of Ca
-controlled by humeral response to Ca levels
-production under control of hypothalamus
-promotes general body growth
-Liver will produce insulin like growth factors (somatomedins) --> effects bone growth
-Leutinizing Hormone (LH) & Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
-Stimulate ovaries in females & testes in males
-stimulates ovaries in females --> estrogen & progesterone
-stimulates testes in males --> testosterone
stimulates gonads --> gamete productions (ova & sperm)
-cradled in flexture of deuodenum
Ascinar Glands
-produce enzymes that breakdown virtually everything
-produced by alpha cells
-catabolizes fuel stores
-increase in glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids in blood
-made by beta cells
-promotes fuel storage
-lowers blood glucose levels, fatty acids, and amino acids
Delta Cells
-stimulated by protein rich meal
-inhibits glucagon & insulin secretion
Pancreatic Polypeptide
-produced by F Cells
-stimulated by protein rich meal
-acts on digestive organs such as gallbladder & pancreas
Diabetes Mellatus
-associated with pancreas
-affects glucose concentration in body
Diabetes Insifidus
-associated with ADH & paraventricular nucleus