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181 Cards in this Set

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What era did prostitution really start to flourish?

The Victorian Era

What is the study of sexuality known as?


The opening of the vagina is known as...

Vaginal Introitus

What part of the female anatomy deals with pleasure/arousal as its only function?


What secretes fluids in a woman during sexual arousal?

Bartholin's gland

What is at the end of the vaginal canal and beginning of the uterus?


What is the initial onset of menstruation called?


What is the smooth head of a penis called?


What is the sperm-carrying tube called?

Vas Deferens

What secretes fluid before ejaculation occurs in a male?

Cowper's Gland

When fluids gather in the urethral bulb it is called...


What intersex condition has ambiguous internal and external reproductive anatomy but gonads that match their chromosomal sex?

Pseudo Hermaphrodite

Understanding oneself sexually and having interpersonal sexual skills and integrity are two characteristics we consider to be part of...

Sexual Intelligence

Sexual behaviors that provide pleasure without the possibility of procreation have been viewed at various times as...

Immoral, Sinful, and Perverted

If you were a person in ancient China, you would be...

Encouraged to participate in a range of sexual activities within marriage for spiritual growth as well as pleasure.

Which belief system actively promotes sexual activity- oral sex, sensual touching, and intercourse- for spiritual growth and harmony in addition to procreation?


What created an environment that increased equality and flexibility of gender roles?

World War 1

A science writer hears of a 35-year-old male who lost his penis at circumcision. He interviews all family members, reads medical records, and writes a book about the topic. What is this an example of?

A Case Study

What does a vaginal photoplethysmograph measure?

increased vaginal blood volume

In female anatomy, what has the fewest number of nerve endings

The inner two-thirds of the vagina

What is the opening of the vagina referred to as?

The Introitus

What procedure is associated with the perineum?


What does the term vulva refer to?

The female external genital structures

What do the vestibular bulbs do during sexual arousal?

Engorge with blood

What are the folds of tissue in the vagina referred to as?


What are the 3 layers of the vagina (in order)?

Mucous, Muscle, and Fibrous

What is the name of the tissue that lines the inside of the uterine wall?


The Grafenberg spot is believed to be the female counterpart to the male...

Prostate Gland

What refers to the blood engorgement of blood vessels in particular body parts in response to sexual arousal?


What is a name for painful menstruation?


What is the cessation of menstruation?


What is the foreskin of a penis also known as?

The Prepuce

What is the name of the thin strip of skin connecting the glans to the shaft on the underside of the penis?

The Frenulum.

The average scrotal temperature is several degrees higher or lower than body temperature?


What is the condition called when one or both testicles fail to defend from the abdominal cavity to the scrotal sac?


A vasectomy involves the what?

Vas Deferens

The primary function of the epididymis is to do what?

Store Sperm

A major portion of seminal fluid comes from the what?

Seminal Vesicles

What is the name of what happens when semen is expelled into the bladder?

retrograde ejaculation

What is it called when a male experiences orgasm without direct genital stimulation?

Nocturnal Emission

The _____ of the penis can be retracted, and circumcision involves the permanent removal of this sleeve of skin.


A condition known as ____ exists when a man has extremely tight foreskin.


A cheesy substance known as ____ can accumulate under the prepuce of the penis, causing discomfort and possible infection.


Our biological maleness or femaleness is called ____.


The psychosocial concept of our maleness and femaleness is called ____.


Sex chromosomes determine our...

Genetic sex

When his older sister teases him, nine-year-old Tyrone does not cry because he has learned that boys are not supposed to cry. This exemplifies the concept of what?

Gender Role

How many weeks after conception do the sex hormones begin to play an important role in sex differentiation?

Eight Weeks

In the embryo, female sex structures develop from _____, and male sex structures develop from ______.

Mullerian ducts and Wolffian ducts

In Turner's syndrome, the chromosome combination is _____.


In Klinefelter's Syndrome, the chromosome combination is ____.


What are some characteristics of individuals with Turner's Syndrome?

Normal external female genitals, lack of menstruation, and feminine gender identity.

One study of fatally androgenized females raised as girls revealed that MOST of them were interested in traditionally ____ activities.


Most children have developed a firm gender identity by how many years?

Three years

Except for the reproductive cells, human body cells contain how many chromosomes?


Surgical procedures for persons requesting sex reassignment are most effective for ___ to _____ transsexuals.

Male to Female

Unhappiness with one's biological sex or gender role is known as what?

Gender Dysphoria

A ____ crossdresses for sexual arousal.


A _____ crossdresses in order to feel comfortable and congruent.


____ individuals tend to be more aware of their feelings of love and more able to express them.


What are three parts of the limbic system?

Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Hypothalamus

The neurotransmitter ____ tends to facilitate sexual arousal and pleasure, while ______ appears to inhibit sexual activity.

Dopamine; Serotonin

Of the main senses, ____ tends to predominate during sexual intimacy.


The mouth and the genitals are examples of ____ erogenous zone.


The upper and lower back are examples of the ____ erogenous zone.


Substances known to inhibit sexual behavior are called:


____ is sometimes referred to as the "love" hormone.


Oxytocin is produced in the:


Autistic children who commonly exhibit a reduced ability to form social attachments and express love, often have significantly reduced levels of:


Androgens and estrogens belong to the general class of hormones called:


In men, the primary source of androgens is the _____, while the ____ is/are where the remaining androgens are produced.

Testes and Adrenal Glands

Both the ___ and ____ produce androgens in the female body.

Ovaries; adrenal glands

What type of testosterone is the MOST influential in sexual motivation in both men and women?

Unattached (free) testosterone

What are the four steps in the Masters and Johnson's Model?

Excitement, Plateau, Orgasm, and resolution.

The medical term for castration is:


The earliest known sexual manuals were produced in:


What describes victorian attitudes towards mortality?

Hypocritical and repressive

Where is the average penis size the longest?


What "Style of Loving", according to Lee emphasized physical beauty?


What "Style of Loving", according to Lee was characterized by turmoil and jealousy?


What "Style of Loving", according to Lee was based on shared interests and practicality?


Which of Gottman's destructive communication tactics deals with refusal to communicate?

Stone Walling

What is the most important sense when dealing with sexuality- the "cornerstone of human sexuality"


Who created the Continuum of Sexual Orientation


Engaging in homosexuality as a way to be more desirable to males is known as:

Performative Bisexuality

What event was the beginning of the Gay Rights Movement?

Stone Wall

Where in the relationship does passionate love typically occur?


Toni and Jodie have lived together for many years and enjoy an intimate, committed relationship with one another, although their relationship is no longer the priority it once was, Sternberg would characterize this type of love as:

Companionate love

The love style in which all three components of passion, intimacy, and commitment are present is called:

Consummate love

The three components of Sternberg's theory of love are:

Passion, intimacy, and commitment

According to John Allan Lee, an altruistic love style is characterized by...

Selfless, giving love with no expectation of reciprocity.

Ever since Thach met his new girlfriend at school, he feels that his life is like a rollercoaster. He can't stop thinking about Ann and feels intensely jealous whenever he sees her talking to any other men. According to Lee, That's style of loving is:

Posessive love

The euphoric intensity associated with passionate love may be due, at least in part, to:

Neurotransmitters such as PEA and norepinephrine

When we are repeatedly exposed to a person wo lives or works near us, we tend to find that person more appealing. This is called:

The mere exposure effect

Micah wants to be close to others but believes that others don't want to be close to him. Micah displays:

Anxious-ambivalent attachment

The two types of celibacy are ____ and ____.

Partial and Complete

Erotic fantasies are generally considered a(n) ___ part of sexuality and may actually ___ a(n) relationship.

healthy and enhance

The Reverend Sylvester Graham, who promoted the use of whole-grain flours and whose name is still attached to graham crackers, wrote that ejaculation reduced...

Precious vital fluids

Which of the following is a source of milder-tasting ejaculate?


Individuals who are primarily heterosexual and have some degree of sexual interest in and/or experience with the same sex are referred to as...


To better understand the relative influences of social environment (nurture) and genetic makeup (nature), researchers often use...

Twin Studies

Throughout history, what has been used in an attempt to "cure" homosexuality?

Lobotomy, Psychotherapy, and Castration

Therapy to help homosexual clients cope with negative societal attitudes is known as...

Gay-affirmative therapy

In the 18th century, Italian adventurer _____ was noted for his animal membrane condoms tied with a ribbon at the base of his penis.

Giovanni Cassanova

In the 1870s, who was instrumental in enacting national laws that prohibited the dissemination of contraceptive information through the US mail?

Anthony Comstock

Contraceptive effectiveness is best evaluated by looking at...

The Failure Rate

Seasonale reduces the number of menstrual periods from 13 per year to...


The most commonly used oral contraceptive in the US is the...

Combination Pill

____ Provides fluctuations of estrogen and progestin levels during the cycle.

The Triphasic Pill

Fertility awareness can include...

Mucus, calendar, and basal body temperature methods.

Vasectomy involves cutting and closing the...

Vas Deferens

_____ is the most effective method of birth control except abstinence.


At what age does a woman's fertility typically peak?

20-24 years

Sixty percent of couples that attempt to become pregnant succeed within _____. If attempts are unsuccessful after ____, a couple should consult with a physician.

Three months and six months

What is in vitro fertilization (IVF)?

eggs are removed, fertilized in laboratory with partner's sperm, introduced into uterus.

A side effect of medication used to stimulate ovulation is...

Multiple births

A medical abortion is 99% effective in ending the pregnancies of

less than seven weeks

The safest and most widely used technique for pregnancy termination between 13 and 21 weeks is...

Dialation and evacuation

A fertilized ovum is called a(n)


The multicellular descendant of the united sperm and ovum that implants on the wall of the uterus is known as the...


The sex of the fetus can often be distinguished by the...

second trimester

What is the protective, waxy substance that covers the fetus?

Vernix Caseosa

The second stage of labor involves what?

the birth of the infant.

What is the yellowish liquid produced by the breasts after delivery called?


Approximately ___% of infertility cases involve male factors.


Fertility awareness is also referred to as...

Natural family planning

Oral contraceptives were first available in the United States in what year?


Rubbing one's genitals against another's body or genitals is called...


Being in love or romantically involved with more than one person at the same time is called...


People in committed relationships who engage in sex with others as a recreational or social activity is called...


Having more than one husband or wife at a time is called...


This disorder is named for the lack of interest in sexual activity.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)

This disorder is named for extreme irrational fear of sexual activity.

Sexual aversion disorder (SAD)

This disorder is named for the inability to attain or maintain lubrication-swelling response.

Female genital sexual arousal disorder

This disorder is when the physical response is present, but there is a lack of sexual excitement or pleasure.

Female subjective sexual arousal disorder

This disorder is named for the unwanted genital arousal in the absence of sexual interest.

Persistent sexual arousal disorder (PSAD)

This disorder is named for the inability over a period of at least 3 months to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity.

Erectile disfunction (ED)

This disorder is named for the absence, delay, or diminished intensity of orgasm.

Female orgasmic disorder

This is what an absence of orgasm is called.


This is when a male only has difficulty orgasming during intercourse.

Male Coital anorgasmia

This is when someone has a difficulty orgasming with manual or oral stimulation.

Partner anorgasmia

This is the most common sexual disorder.

Premature ejaculation

This is when intercourse is painful.


This is when a woman has strong, involuntary contractions of the outer third of the vagina.


This type of STIs can be cured

Bacterial STIs

The following STIs are this kind: Clamydia, Gonorrhea, NGU, and Syphillis

Bacterial STIs

This type of STIs can not be cured

Viral STIs

The following STIs are this kind: Herpes, Hepatitus, Genital Warts (HPV)

Viral STIs

What is another word for a yeast infection?


This is the most common bacterial STI.


This is the most common viral STI.

Genital Warts (HPV)

This is when someone has an uncommon type of sexual expression.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone receives sexual arousal primarily from a body part or inanimate object.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone has the intense sexual attraction to physical body parts (excluding genitals, breasts, and butt)


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone cross dresses for the purpose of sexual arousal.

Transvestic Fetishism

This atypical sexual behavior is when someone gets sexually aroused from giving physical or psychological pain.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone gets sexually aroused from receiving pain/bondage.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone reduces the blood supply to the brain during heightened sexual arousal.

Autoerotic Asphyxia

This atypical sexual behavior is when someone has pleasure from receiving enemas.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone is sexually aroused from contact with feces.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone is sexually aroused from contact with urine.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone exposes genitals to an involuntary observer.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone is sexually aroused from observing others undressing or engaging in sexual activity, without consent.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone has recurrent, intense sexual urges involving touching and rubbing against non consenting people.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone is sexually involved with animals.


This atypical sexual behavior is when someone is sexually aroused from viewing or having intercourse with a corpse.


What are the types of rape?

Stranger, Acquaintance, Statutory, Date Rape

What is the most common type of rape?


Rape correlates with what mental disorder?


What is the most common form of incest?

Brother/sister and first cousins

What is the most reported form of incest?


This is when compliance with unwanted sexual advantages is made to secure a job or favorable treatment.

Quid Quo Pro

This is when a work environment is made unfavorable

Hostile/Offensive Environment

What magazine made pornography popular?


What movie made pornography popular?

Deep Throat

What is a 20 billion dollar industry?

Child pornography

This is the most common male sexual disorder.

Premature ejaculation

This is the most treated male sexual disorder.

erectile disfunction

This is written, visual, or spoken material depicting sexual activity or genital exposure, intended to arouse.


This is depictions of sexuality which display mutuality, respect, affection, and balance of power.


The stages of this STI are a red painless chancre sore, painless rash, no observable symptoms, and severe disorder/blindness/death.
