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21 Cards in this Set

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Genital difference

Males: wolffian ducts, penis, scrotum

females: mullerian ducts, clit, labia`

undifferentiated stage

males and females start this way in womb

around 7th week after conception

-2 gonads

-mullerian and wolffian ducts

- mesonephras(?)

Male/Female differentiation

Male: testes occur at 7th week; mullerian --> epididymis --> vas; produce testosterone

Female: ovaries at week 13/14; mullerian --> fallopian tubes --> uterus --> upper vagina; produce estrogen

gender is clear by week 12

SRY gene

sex determining region on Y chromosome

synthesis of testis-determining factor

gonads = testes

testes secrete mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS)

Klinefelter's syndrome


male with extra X

no sperm is made and testosterone is low

Homologous organs

organs from same tissue

glans penis = glans clitoris

scrotum = outer lips

testes = ovaries

Inguinal Canal

7 months after conception

testes descend from ab cavity into the scrotum

closes after desecnded

undescended testes


testes remain in ab cavity at birth

can be both or one testes

inguinal hernia

inguinal canal doesn't close completely

loops of intestines allowed to enter scrotum later in life

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

-intersex condition

genetic female as fetus, but later the adrenal gland produces excess androgens prenatally --> external genitals are partly or completely male at birth

AIS: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

body is unresponsive to androgens

usually a genetic male has ambiguous external genitals that are female-appearing.

-may produce testosterone but cells don't recognize it

John Money

Said that sex change can be done up until 18 months to choose gender of intersex child

-proved wrong when people later felt they were being people they didn't want to be after the change

Endocrine disrupters

Chemicals in environment that affect endocrine system and biological functioning

-Atrazine: inhibits binding to estrogen receptors

-PCB's: anti-estrogen/androgen

-ex: early human puberty; low-sperm count and estradiol levels similar to women

Sex Hormones

testes: make androgens

ovaries: make estrogens and progesterone

adrenals produce androgens in females (DHEA)

HPG axis

Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, negative feedback loop for regulating sex hormones


Releases GnRH to regulate pituitary gland secretions to gonads


monitors levels of sex hormones

inhibited by high testosterone levels and high estrogen levels

Pituitary gland

release FSH and LH

Female hormone flow

Low estrogen and progesterone --> GnRH release --> FSH/LH release --> Follicle and ovum development (FSH) and Estrogen secretion (LH)

- negative feedback of estrogen to hypothalamus/LH, inhibin from ovaries to FSH production

Male hormone flow

Low testosterone --> GnRH release --> FSH/LH release --> spermatogenesis/testosterone secretion

-negative feedback of testosterone to hypothalamus/LH and inhibin from testes to FSH

prolactin and oxytocin

produced by pituitary in women

prolactin: stimulates milk production in mammary glands

oxytocin: stimulates milk ejaculation and uterine contractions