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44 Cards in this Set

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Gender Similarities Hypothesis

Males & females are more similar than different. except that men show greater:

- Incidence of masturbation

- Porn use

- Casual sexual behavior

(Intellectual, emotional, and socially similar)


Individuals whose phenotype does not match their genotype

Turner's Syndrome

(X0) - A syndrome where the person is missing the second X chromosome. These women tend to be shorter, and sexually underdeveloped, but most still identify as female.

Klinefelter's Syndrome

(XXY) - Individuals who have an added Y chromosome, Usually are males with breasts, small testes, short penises, low testosterone. Many will identify as male, and seek gender transition

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)

A hormone variation where the fetus is exposed to high levels of androgens and experience virilization (where the genitals being to look like male sex organs)

Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS)

Persons with a male genetic makeup, but female phenotypic characteristics because their body tissues do not respond to androgens. Many identify as heterosexual females.

5-Alpha Reductase Deficiency

An hormonal deficiency where the external genitals at birth are female, but during puberty, testosterone levels kick in and they develop more male characteristics

Penile Agenesis

Males who never develop a penis. Many of these males still assume a male role

Gender Queer

When a person does not fit into socially constructed gender labels

Gender Socialization

How others react and interpret your behaviors to be characteristically male or female


A trans identity in which the individual loves the feeling of being a woman (man -> woman) and then identifies as a lesbian after transitioning into a woman

- Issues with being seen as a fetish and not a gender identity because many times, the self-arousal aspect diminishes after surgery


The assumed "gold-standard" of society, where heterosexuality is assumed

Conversion Therapy

A type of therapy aimed toward changing a person's sexual orientation

Affectional Orientation

Also known as sexual orientation, is a description of sexual attraction, sexual fantasies, and sexual preference


System of explanation that is supported by observation, and must satisfy 3 characteristics

1. Supported by empirical data

2. Falsifiable

3. Predictive power


A prediction , based on a theory, about a specific outcome, that is able to be tested in a controlled environment

Psycho dynamic theory

Sigmund Freud's theory about psycho sexual development that focuses on the location of libidinal energy


A type of therapy developed from Freud's psycho dynamic theory that works on overcoming mental health issues by understanding personality & history

Daryl Bem's Theory

Theory "exotic becomes erotic", that says that sexual orientation is not innate, but learned, when we grow up and begin to become affectionate towards that which is foreign to us (girls --> boys, vice versa)

Operant Conditioning

A process by which an individual gets frequent rewards until the individual provides the desired behavior

Oedipus Complex

Part of the phallic stage where a boy sees his father as a rival for his mother's affection

Classical Conditioning

Pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus will, over time, result in a conditioned response. (used to understand the development of various compulsive and sexual behaviors)

Social Learning Theory

A theory based on the notion that learning occurs through modelling observed beahviors


A persons's belief that she or he can competently perform a specific behavior

Social Exchange Theory

A Theory that describes how people try to maximize rewards and minimize costs

Cognitive Theories

Theories that may explain a number of sexual problems and patterns of sexual behavior due to learned beliefs


Difficult or painful sexual intercourse

Genetic Theory

Theory that looks at the role genes play in influences behavior

Socio-biological Theory

A theory that applies evolutionary biology to explain social behaviors

Intrasexual Selection

Type of evolutionary selection by which males combat each other to win over sexual mates in a species group

Intersexual Selection

Type of evolutionary selection by which the female chooses a sexual mate to reproduce with

Dual Control Model of Sexuality

A theory that suggests that human sexual responses involve the interaction two opposing neurobiological impulses: excitement or inhibition

Sociological Theory

A theory that highlights the importance of social institutions such as religion and family. They determine how sexuality is defined and expressed within a given society

Social Script Theory

A theory that indicates that social interactions are made easy and predictable because we follow culturally predefined patterns of behavior

Feminist Theory

Theory that discusses inequities between males and females and are reflected in their relationships. Only discusses "typical" sexual behavior on male pleasure, an agenda reflecting male privilege

Parental Investment Theory

A theory that says women and men are faced with different reproductive problems, owing to the biological parameters of their potential reproductive output

Female Sexuality Fluidity Hypothesis

The idea that female sexuality is more malleable than male sexuality in response to cultural influences

"Bogus Pipeline" Methodology

A research method aimed to eliminate reporting bias between men and women

Surveys Design

Collecting info about sexuality through standardized or un-standardized questionnaires

Correlational Design

Examine the strength of the relationship b/w two or more variables


Using standardized procedures to evaluate the relationship between two variables but does not use random assignment

Case Study

Examines a single event/group/individual in detail over a period of time

- Weakness: Interpretation bias, and non-generalizable results

Content Analysis

Identifies themes of meaning in a text or set of observations

Dual Control Model of Sexuality

A theory that suggests than an individual's sexual responses are influenced by the balance between neurological, environmental, and cultural processes that activate sexual response