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75 Cards in this Set

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Rise of the CCP
-Strong base in North China, esp. with local peasants
-Gained favor with land reform, rules of discipline, and party persuasion
-Speak Bitterness--turn peasant fear into political motivation, incite hate of landlords
-once in power, goals were increased agricultural production (for industry) and stopping inflation
how did Chinese culture develop?
developed laregly in isolation; tended towards unification
emphasized on ideal and proper principles of society
emphasized on living by ren (humanity that is developed) by knowing the li (propriety)
First Fiver Year Plan
Thought Reform
-Mao feared intellectuals
-reeducation campaign targeted at intellectuals to teach them party ideals
-cleansing process to make them worthy of Mao
Great Leap Forward launched
May 1958 ended June 1960
Permanent Revolution
-Mao thought gradual development would lead to the end of the revolution and free market capitalism
-by making ideology at the focus, it would keep the revolution from stopping
Great Leap Forward
Increased investment
Huge targets
people moved out of ag into industry
communes created
industry "walking on two legs"
material incentives abolished
spike in morality
30 million excess deaths
worst famine
Launch of Cultural Revolution and officially ended in 1969
1966 after attack on Wu Han in press
Cultural Revolution
Students and radicals overthrow capitalists and take over society
mobilization of young people
Great Leap Forward
-Millions of people working hard would lead to rapid growth
-Manpower is China's greatest resource
-Peasants have two good qualities: ignorant and desperate
-Materials taken from useful projects to fuel backyard steel production--waste leads to decrease in productivity
-20-30 million people die
-leads to discontent of cadres who tended to themselves in desperation
Problems with China in 1949
huge country, crime (opium addiction), communication, economy (inflation and no currency, bad agriculture), taking out western powers (reliance on USSR), literacy and starvation
People's Communes
-30,000 people each
-based on hours worked; led to decrease in productivity
-became self sufficient-no bureaucratic oversite
-present false productivity numbers:prevents gov't from enacting reforms
Treaty of Nanjing
August 29, 1842, signed by Cornwallis
Ended the opium war in China. China agreed to a fixed tariff for Britain, and China had to cede Hong Kong.
Mao Zedong thought based on
self reliance, continuing revolution, class struggle, role of peasants, role of party and mass mobilisation
Early Solutions of Mao's government
Bring down inflation, sieze foreign assets, nationalise banks, gas, electricity and transport, establish new system of government, introduce renminbi, unify China
The May Fourth Movement
Protested against Treaty of Versailles, which granted German possessions in Qingdao to Japan. One of the most important political movements led by many officials at Beijing University. Led by Li Dazhao, Beijing U librarian
Cultural Revolution
-Mao sees the party as corrupt and decides to purge it
-turns to the masses (the Red Guard)
-PLA becomes a political player
-PLA publishes "Quotations of Mao"
Mao’s government was structured around
CCP, central government and PLA
Mao controlled China through
Cult of personality, PLA (kept law and order, propaganda, cadres), government and local CCP, terror and repression
Cult of personality propaganda through…
posters, books of his quotes, songs, operas and films / served purpose of creating loyalty to Mao
Chang Kai Shek
Sun Yat Sen's student. Studied in USSR. Became president of first military academy, Whampoa. In 1928, formed Nationalist government in Nanjing, purged Communist members. Busy fighting Communists during Japanese invasion of China. Plead to League of Nations for help.
Land Reform
(1950-52)Approximately 700,000 executions and killings of landlords.About 40% of cultivate land was redistributed and 60% of the population benefitted.
Deng Xiaoping
-pragmatist: economic development is first priority, not ideology
-FOUR MODERNIZATIONS: agriculture, industry, defense, and science
-economic reform included privitization: increased productivity
-abandoned communes: who would take over their roles
-privitization led to unemployment, increased taxes by local cadres, corruption
-slimmed down but modernized military
Kang Youwei
1858-1927, Emperor Guangxu's tutor
Inspired by Utopian ideas and surely the 100 day reform:
no nations
governments popularly elected
parental education, nurseries
school for children
adults assigned to work in agriculture
hospitals and homes for sick and old
public dorms and dining halls
special awards for inventors, etc
dead cremated
First Five Year Plan
Collectivisation led to…
Greater CCP control rurally and some peasants better off foodwise
Dr. Sun Yat Sen
Father of the Chinese Revolution. Studied in USA, became Christian. Formed Saving China Association. Sold printed Chinese Bibles. Worked with General Huang Xing to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. Assumed office as provisional president after the 1911 Revolution, but he wasn't even in China. Established the Three People's Principles (Nationalism, democracy, people's livelihood)
Positive Industrial results of FFYP
Almost all production exceeded targets such as Coal, steel, cement, electricity, trucks, machines and bicycles all exceeded production targets.
Negative Industrial results of FFYP
Only Locomotives and insecticide and a couple of others failed to meet targets.
Failures of FFYP
Many workers illiterate and poorly trained and freedom restricted, consumer goods neglected, huge loans to USSR owed
General FFYP successes
Living standards rose, workers had greater income and job security
Why launch GLF
FFYP not agriculturally succesful and more food needed for industrialisation. Also allowed peasants to partake in revolution
Mao Zedong
1893 - 1976, Hunan Province
Discontent against intellectuals. Led long march (1934-1935). Tried to give more power to poor peasants, cadres distributed food.
GLF Failure
Weather conditions; flood south and drought north, anti-rightist campaign purged many experts, waste of work, USSR withdrew experts, grain exported.
There was a huge famine across China in the years
1959-62. Around 20 million people died in this time period even in Beijing the death rate rose 250%. Half those dead under 10 and suicies 250,000
Social results of GLF
Prostitution, banditry and cannabalism (re)emerged. State violence increase, communism less trusted
Traditional views of women
Patriarchal, women oppressed with foot binding and lack of education. Arranged marriages, dowry, prostitution, concubinage
Women under mao
in labour force increased from 8% to 32% under Mao. Percentage of female deputies in National People’s congress increased from 14% in 1954 to 23% in 1975. Prostitution stamped out.
Marriage Law of 1950…
outlawed arranged marriages, payment of dowries, bigamy and concubinage. It also allowed divorces to be attained much easier and gave property rights to women, equal rights as men
Failures of Women's rights;
Only 13% CCP membership was female, patriarchal society wouldn’t change quickly, innapropriate labour, Mao had concubines, family life destroyed in GLF, famine brought back old attitudes
Why did Mao focus on education?
Literacy essential for indoctrination and good workforce for economic development
New language
Introduced in 1955 a new form of mandarin that could be written and understood by all dialects and regions
Health before 1949
Water-born diseases prevelant, worm infestation and lack of sanitation, many on fringe of starvation. Only hospitals in cities nothing rurally
Helath reform through
Mass campaigns such as Patriotic Health Camapaign for sanitation and hygeine
Health successes
Helathier population generally, Death rates gradually declined, drinking water improved, peasants educated on causes of diseases,
Health care provision under Mao
Urban hospitals, paramedics at villages, towns had health centre and county hospitals had doctors, barefoot doctors provided rural care
Helath care help in rural
Barefoot doctors and Rural Cooperative Medical Schemes
The Cultural Revolution was…
A struggle to change culture, a power struggle in CCP, a rectification campaign
CR: struggle to remould culture…
art, literature to socialist, attack on non-socialist literature (Proletarian writers for purity), culture struggle was class struggle
CR: power struggle in CCP…
Mao wanted his inluence in CCP, Mao didn't think Liu or Deng were socialist they were purged, many in CCP were purged Mao took total control
CR: rectification campaign…
authority taking capitalist road, Mao mobilised millions, Mao felt cadres too comfortable, personality cult put Mao at centre of continuing revolution
Four olds
old culture, old customs, old ideas and old habits
Events of CR
Mao created and sent Red Guards to destory four olds, set up adult red guards, set up revolutionary comittees, purged Deng Liu and many others, then installed PLA as most important
Turning point of CR
Politburo criticised CR as Mao limited red guards, Mao felt criticism showed need for CR and re-released the factional fighting
What destroyed by CR
books, museums, libraries, cultural centres
Who was blamed for CR
May 16th group…
What were in control after CR and who involved
Revolutionary committees with CCP officials, PLA and revolutionary rebels.
Results of CR on youth and education
Between 1968 and 1976 12m young people were sent to the countryside without formal education. Universities close 1966 for 2 years, middle schools closed for 8 months
CR effect on Leisure/Culture
Leisure replaced with violence denounciations, scholars and writers persecuted only media was propaganda (Red book)
CR effect on family
Destroted nuclear family, youth scattered post CR
CCP ideas & life
1) Gave land to peasants, lowered taxes
2) Outdated practices abolished [foot-binding, prostitution, child slavery]
3) Equality - officials lived in caves with people when bombs flatten Yanan
Peasants all like the communists. Then some of the city people go over to them too.
Rapid inflation mean that people went on strike, reverted to robbery, and order collapsed and conditions worsened in cities.
Communists announce the creation of the People's Republic of China
1st October 1949
Common Programme, 1949
Promises revolution, land redistribution, industrialisation, civil rights, equal rights for women and all nationalities.
Five things to know about the years of great change--
1) Marriage Law [1950]
Arranged marriages, killing of unwanted female babies, marriage of children & bigamy outlawed.
2) Agrarian Reform Law
-speak bitterness meetings
-land given to everyone.
3) Mutual aid teams share animals & equipment
4) Thought Reform [1951]
5) Mass campaigns [Swat the fly]
Why? --
THE IDEA: To expand heavy industry.
BECAUSE: Peasants' farms were too small to be farmed efficiently.
IDEOLOGICALLY: They didn't want the peasants to get concerned about profits.
Mao admits its failure in 1959
The Great Leap Forward
The idea and seemingly-awesomeness of the Great Leap Forward
-Mao thought he could harness the power of the people.
-The plan was to develop heavy AND light industry.
- Muchos propaganda incl. posters, slogans, newspaper articles, loudpeakers play revolutionary music & speeches.
The actual uselessness and failure of the Great Leap Forward
1) Everyone was making backyard steel. Which was actually useless because everyone melted frying pans to make it.
2) Officials at each level of government exaggerated figures, meaning people were given generous meals and nobody knew the scale of the problem.
Great Leap Forward abandoned
-What happened?
-Late in 1960
1) Communes made smaller
2) Backyard steel abandoned
3) Peasants allowed private plots of land
4) And to sell part of their produce in a market for profit
5) City workers' wages increased
- Summer 1966
- Students and schoolchildren in Bejing [Called themselves Red Guards]
-So what did the Red Guards do?
1) Mass parades.
2) Aimed to get rid of "four olds"- old culture, customs, ideas and habits.
3) Used violence. Attacked anything capitalist or bourgeois, [shaving western hairstyles, smashing luxuries]
By 1967 law and order had broken down.
- How did Mao try to restore order?
1) September - Mao reopens schools and colleges
2) Where Red Guards are violent, PLA disiarms and disbands them.
3) Those in cities encouraged to "go down to the country" to re-educate themselves and learn from the peasants. 18 million young people did.
By 1969 order was mostly restored & the cultural revolution was over.
-Consequences [4]
1) Moderates expelled from the party and Liu imprisoned.
2) Farming severely disrupted
3) Industrial output fell drastically
4) Education missed out on - by 1981 120 million people under 45 couldn't read or write.