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73 Cards in this Set

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*all humans develop in the same order and sequence.
Qualitative Change
*Variations and modifications in functioning.
Heredity vs. Environment
*animal instincts=nature
*environment=nuture, taught to do.
Erikson's Theory of Development
*Trust vs. Mistrust
*Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
*Initiative vs. Guilt
*Industry vs. Inferiority
*Indentity vs. Role confusion
*intimacy vs. Isolation
Trust vs. Mistrust
*birth - 18 months
*Most fundamental stage in life, because develops security due to being totally dependent.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
*Children develop a greater sense of parental control.
Initiative vs. Guilt
*children begin to assert their power and control over their world.
Industry vs. Inferiority
*develop pride in their accomplishments and abilities.
Identity vs. Role Confusion
*sometimes goes through the 30's
*Most important stage of accomplishment, sence of independence
Intimacy vs. Isolation
*exploring personal relationships.
Generativity vs. Stagnation
*Build lives, focus on career & family.
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
*Old age
*reflect back on life, can be either negative or positve
*Jean Piaget's Theory of Development
*Sensory Motor
*Concrete Operational
*Formal Operations
*Operant Conditioning
Sensory Motor
*birth- 2 years,
*looking, grasping, sucking and learn about environment.
*2-6 years
*language development increases and playing pretend.
Concrete operational
*7-11 years
*children begin thinking logically about concrete event.
Formal operations
*become to consider possible outcomes.
*born with sucking, grasping, listening and learning about the environment.
*mental and physical actions involved in understanding and knowing.
*logical thought process.
*part of the adaptation process.
*we take new information or experiences and incorporate them into existing ideas.
Operant Conditioning
*process of changing behavior by rewarding or punishing a subject each time an action is performed.
Urie Bronfenbrenner's Theory of Humanistic Development
*how "you" see the world; family, peers, school.
*linkage between settings, going from home to school.
*2 or more settings, does not include child.
*parents have a bad day at work, it can affect the home.
Family Life Cycle
*begining stage
*parental stage includes: 1.expanding
4.middle age stage
5.empty nest Theory
6.Retirment stage
Begining Stage
*most difficult stage.
*learn to rely on each other and act like a team.
of Parental Stage
*New members being added.
of Parental Stage
*School age children, more activity outside of the home.
Launching of
Parental Stage
*children leave the home and over half return to save and pay off loans.
**warn your parents that you will be back! ha, ha (if you read this, I know you studied!)
Middle Age
of Parental Stage
*increase income, more opportunity to save for retirement, care for aging parents and the balance can be difficult.
Empty Nest theory
of Parental Stage
*children gone- parents become a couple again.
Retirement of Parental Stage
*some look forward to it, and some fear it.

*some travel, volunteer or continue to work.
*The effect of physical and psychological demands on a person. Effect self-esteem
*1st sign of acute stress
Acute Stress
*immediate stree
*not harmful unless it happens often.
*1st stage
*body releases hormones/adrenaline, cortisol
*they activate nerves and system.
*2nd stage
*speed up functioning
*muscles contract, other body functions to shut down
*some systems at this point are less important
*3rd stage
*stress can make you stronger
*choose not to fight/give up, become tired or depressed
Fight or Flight
**Initial stage that starts "stress"
*pupils widen, muscles tense, heart rate increases
*fuels are released for quick energy
*immune system temporarily shuts down.

Effects of stress
*not *acute stress
*chronic stress
*long term effects
Acute stress
*immediate stress, not harmful unless it happens often
*similar to fight/flight
*body stays alert until mind gives "all clear"
*can lead to chronic stress if body doesn't recover
Chronic stress
*(remember, this is the next level of stress after acute stress)
*direct result of life condition, can be job for example
*affects the cardio, nervous and immune system.
*can lead to high blood pressure
*can intensify diseases like depression, heart disease and asthma.
Long Term effects
*important factor is how you perceive stress and control its outcome through coping strategives
Stress Management Tips
*should be a lifestyle, colorful
*all beige diet is bad,
*eat the colors of the rainbow.
*release musle tension
*greater ability to concentrate
*reduces anxiety, better mood
*better sleeping patterns
*slows breathe/hear rate, increase oxygen consumption, lowers and stabilizes blood pressure
*"mental vacation"
*state of mind, creates an inner calm
*body's needs to rejuvenate
*body needs 8 hours of sleep, teen need more, (12 hrs)
*is an energizer
*defend ourselves
*supplies energy to the struggle
*allows us to take charge
*feeling of control
Anger gives us information
*about people and situations
*signal its time to deal with
Negative things about Anger
*interfers with clear thinking
*often causes us to act on impulse
Negative Anger= cont.
Anger is used at times to protect our pride, cover embarrassment or hut
*it seems easier to be angry
*used to prevent us from facing our feelings
*can lead to aggression
*negative impression to others
Types of Anger
Stuffing Anger
*fear of hurting other people
*think its inappropriate to be angry
*fear of being rejected
Stuffed Anger harmful effects
*over eating
*under eating
*negative anger style
*almost always begin their sentence with "you"
*blame others for their anger
*make situations worse
*use name calling
*use hard words, always, never
*tell others what to do
*rant and rave, cause a scene
Common reasons for escalating
*to gain control of the other person
*may bring violence to relationships
*may get their way but the conflict is not resolved and will get back at that person
*prone to heart attacks
People who DIRECT their anger
*feel more intimate and close int heir relationship
*communicate better
*get their message across
*more likely to be listened to and heard
*generally feel they have made contact in a personal way
Characteristics of a Directing Situation
*voice level is not too loud
*use good eye contact
**Avoid Words: always, never, should, you
Anxiety or Panic Disorder
*similar to stress in the body,
*some anxiety is normal, but can become a disability.
*many types of anxiety/panic
Social Anxiety Disorder
*social phobia, overwelming owrry and self conscious about everyday social situations
*worry about being judged.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
*constant thoughts or fears that cause them to perform certain rituals or routines.
*thoughts = obsessions
*rituals = compulsion
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
*a condition develops after a traumatic/terrifying event
*sexual and physical assual
*natural disaster
*example: war verterans commonly experience this
Teen Suicide
*3rd leading cause of death between the ages of 15-24
*between 25-34 is the 2nd leading cause of death
**rates increase for kids 10-19 years old.
Why: most DO NOT want to die, but a way to end their pain.
Attempter of Teen Suicide
*usually female,
*1st born
*strive for perfectionism
*excessive guilt
*able to help but not receive it
Commiter of Teen Suicide
*women try it more often, but men are 4 X more likely to die
Triggers of Teen Suicide
*keep things inside,
*1 in 4 teens consider suicide
*possession, purchase or access of weapon, pills or other means of self inflicting harm.
*problems at school, loss of a parent, legal/discipline problems, stress, staying seperat
*can because of sexual orientation
Warning Signs
*making statements about suicide
*preoccupation with death in writing, drawing, conversation
*withdraw from family/friends
*risk taking behavior
*neglect of appearance
Prevention Skills
*listen and hear what is being said
* be assertive and get help, break confidentiality!!!
*Do NOT keep a secret
*make a contract or agreement that they are not to do anything until you meet again.
ACT: act, care, tell