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29 Cards in this Set

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Flow video wat an interview with who?
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
What kept the people going during the war?
external supports, status, etc..
what did he see during the war?
e saw people caught unaware and completely dstroyed when jobs, homes, and possessions wee taken away.
Creative person does what?
discovers the problem.
Most of us, according to the flow video, do what with our problems...?
we solve problems that have already been identified.
What type of artists were the most creative?
the ones with the least preconceived ideas.
flow occurs in what?
occurs in play, art, athletics, chess, other creative activities.
Flow is described as being "what"?
"being carried by a current".
Need a balance for flow-describes how we need a balance of what?
we need a balance of amount of perceived challenges and amount of skill.
What type of sampling is the "beeper method"?
It is experience sampling method.
Flow reports=findings:
how rarely people get his experience alone; in everyday life, flow occurs more in social settings

work for many people is closer to flow experience than is home life
flow occurs more where?
in social settings
what for many people is closer to flow than is home life..."
work is closer to flow than is home life.
You experience flow when"
very clear from moment to moment what you have to do

get clear feedback if doing it right hor wrong

balance between challenge and skill
what happens with concentration and absorption?
you forget yourself and your problems
what do you fel if you do the right things?
you can be in control
as a result of these conditions...what do you want?
you want to repeat this over and over again.
what type of reward is the "wanting to do it over and over again, from the result of the conditions"
it is inrtrinsiclly rewarding
misapplication of the term "flow" is described when you dont get flow by:
you dont get flow by "going with the flow"
flow involves the use of:
the use of skills in overcoming challenges
relationship between flow and happiness-
flow can contribute as the structure on which you can bulid a happy life
in German, Happiness means what?
means luck
what do we have to make for ourselves?
watching television can lead to flow only what percent of the time?
flow and tv usually comes ony when?
when you are really into the subject.
tv can be a depressive. T or F
the challenges of TV are:
the challenges of TV are closer to what than flow?
Flow can also come from what (may be surprising)...?
may come from negative activities such as burglary or warfare.