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53 Cards in this Set

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what are the leading cuase of death until 44?
what percent of us adults are overeight?
what affects lifelong health
physical activity, sleep, smoking, alcohol, drug abuse
when do drugs peak?
ages 18-20
what are the following linked to?
poor nutrition
substandard housing
inhealthy lifestyle
limited health care
less exercise
more drug,alcohol abuse
what are 4 reasons women live longer?
protective second x chrom, estrogen, male stress, more likely to seek medical care
many types of relationships like friend, neighbor, wife is called what?
social integration
T or F? marriage= happier, but more overweight
inability to concieve after 12-18 mths. what is this caused by?
caused by low sperm production or low motility, eggs, and endometriosis
Higher level of abstract thinking
Questioning facts; drawing inferences, connections between conflicting ideas
Emerges in early 20s (brain’s cortical connections thicken)
reflective thinking
Combines logic with experience
Experience applied to uncertain situations, inconsistencies, compromise
sees in GRAY
postformal thought
creative insight or ideas as part of steinbergs theory of intelligence
practical skills "street smarts"
analytical ability problem solving and test taking
“Common sense” knowledge or information; not taught, but learned throughout life
Good predictor of career success
tacit knowledge
Understanding of own feelings & feelings of others
emotional intellingence
accoding to kohlberg what was the most responsible for highest level of moral reasoning in adulthood? EXAMPLES?
College, travel, parenting, which bring real life moral dilemmas
shifting from child to adult identity
Must make commitments to others to avoid isolation, self-absorption
Results in ability to form romantic relationships; raise successful children
this is erikson theory of what?
intimacy vs isolation
what does erikson intimacy vs isolation theory not take into account?
those who have no children and are single... he doesnt consider them healthy
Most adults follow similar sequence of age-related changes
normative stage models
what are the big 5 trait models?
openness to experience
what do typological models do?
examine personality as a whole
well adjusted confident independent and focused
ego resilient
shy anxious and dependable
active stubborn easily distracted
componets of love include?
intimacy passion and commitment
what is th emost common wy of finding a mate
Sensitivity, validation of feelings, communication/conflict mgmt, age, education, religion
these are all predictors of what?
marital happiness
what are the benefits and drawbacks of dual earner families?
Benefits: Income, independence, equal relationship, less pressure on men
Drawbacks: Family conflicts, anxiety
what is middle age and what does it depend on
40-65 depends on individual circumstances
who are most satisfied w life?
older middle agers
Ovulation & menstruation ends; less estrogen
what is leading cause of death in middle age?
More stroke, liver disease, diabetes, HIV, homicide, cancers
whos death rates are higher
african americans
less estrogen= bone loss
what are 3 post menopause risks?
breast cancer
hyserectomy... removal of uterus
Ability to solve novel problems (patterns, forming concepts); declines with age
fluid intelligence
Use of information acquired over a lifetime (vocabulary, general info)
crystallized intelligence
Knowledge of a particular field, not related to IQ
Combination of logic with intuition, emotion
integrative thought
Involves training, practice, motivation, emotional attachment, unique viewpoint
Emergence of true self through integrating conflicting (often neglected) parts of personality
Must give up image of youth; acknowledge mortality
Search for self-meaning
jungs individuation
Concern for establishing next generation; need to “leave mark” on world
Take stock of life and make midcourse corrections
Career, marriage, kids
midlife review
Change new experience into existing self-concept
identity assimilation
changes self in response to new experience
identity accomodation
what is the goal of the identity proess model?
circles of friends and family members; help well being, support
social convoy theory
need friends for info, sense of self, emotional well being
socioemotional selectivity theory
emotional, financial benefits of marriage
marital capital
average grandparenthood age