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34 Cards in this Set

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What type of theory was Skinners theory?
Behavioral and social cognitive theory.
What did the black box mean?
Input, transfer, output. No internal processes.
Pavlov's theory was called?
Classical Conditioning.
Bandura's assumptions
Not completley passive, quantitative, environment,learning causes development, no stages.
Explain Pavlov's model
Food usc-salivation
food usc
+--salivation UCR
bell---salivation cr
What is vicarious learning? 4 ways it can affect?
People's actions affect learner.learning new behaviors, facilitating existing behaviors, changing inhibitions, arousing emotions.
People who control stress and anxiety have..
High efficacy
Who's theory believed that organisms respond to their envrionment?
Changes in organisims behavior is the only basis for concluding that learning has occured,,, who would be the theorist that fit this discription
Individual learns to produce an involuntary emotional or physiolgical response.. which theorist fits this discription?
What are the four stages of Piaget's cognitive developmental theory? Explain each briefly.
Sensorimotor, sensory exp. with physical actions.preoperational,represent world with words and images..concrete formal basic ideas are formed not too complex.. operational,fully functioning
What is object permanance?According to which theory?
knowledge that there are entities beyond childs world, just because the object is not seend doesnt mean it doesnt exist, piaget.
incomplete differentiation of the self and the world
Fitting reality into ones current cognitive organization
adjustments cognititve organization that results in the demands of reality.
When assimilation and accomadation are in balance it is called
We construct knowledge over and over according to..
Infants cognitive structers organized patter of behvior reflects particular way of interacting are all what?
Short-term can hold?
7+/-2 bits of information for about 20-30 sec
dual proccessing
visual and auditory work together
Permanent information store
Long term
what store of memory holds info long enough to attach meaning to it?
sensory memory
mental operations that can be preformed with little awareness
Positive reinforcment is
stimulus added to increase a behavior
negative reinforcment is
stimulus taken away to increas behavior.. you dont want a headache so you add tylanol but it takes the headache away
positive punishment
aversive stimulus added to decrease behavior
negative punishment
taking away a stimulus to decrease behavior (taking phone away from teenager)
Removal of reinforcement contingent upon behavior
Response cost
refers to the learner responding in different ways to similar stimuli
refers to the learner responding in different ways to different stimuli
An scheduled reinforcment example like a soda machine represents what schedule
Fixed ratio
variable interval.. example
pop quizzes
vagas slot machines
variable ratio
Fixed interval