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51 Cards in this Set

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What ages describe middle adulthood?
40-65 years old
What is going on in middle adulthood?
Senescence continues resulting beginnings of degeneration across multiple systems
-Reproductive, sensory, musculoskeletal
-Increase in disease prevalence

Some cognitive abilities decline, but can be strengthened by experience and practice
-Increased awareness of aging process
-Logical reasoning, spatial abilities, verbal ability
-Working memory, attention, processing speed
-Reduced use of memory strategies
What is happening physically in middle adulthood?
Changes starting in early adulthood continue and may accelerate
-Greying or thinning hair, loss of skin elasticity, vision and hearing acuity, bone density decreases

Increased consciousness of aging process
-Concern over health issues is common in contrast to invincibility of adolescence and early adulthood
-Misconceptions about impacts of physical changes common for those early in middle adulthood and for those in earlier stages
Describe the decline with focusing on close objects or print in middle adulthood?
-Weakening of muscles attached to the eye and thickening of the lens of eye
-By age 60 ability to focus is approximately 1/6 of that at age 20 (presbyopia)
Describe the reduced visual acuity in dim light, increased sensitivity to glare in middle adulthood?
-Pupil shrinkage
-Discoloration of lens and vitreous
Describe the reduction in color discrimination, most notably at green to violet end of spectrum in middle adulthood?
-Discoloration of lens
-Loss of rods and cones in retina
-Neural connections degrade along optic nerve
Describe eye changes, and glaucoma in middle adulthood?
-Eye changes often necessitate vision correction

-Increased risk for glaucoma
-Pressure on optic nerve due to fluid build up leading to blindness
-Hereditary, 10x risk for siblings, increased risk for African Americans and Latinos over Caucasians
Describe the hearing changes related to middle adulthood?
Most common hear loss related age-related changes
-Inner ear structural declines in addition to diminished processing in auditory cortex in temporal lobe

By age 50 most notice decline in ability to register high frequency sounds

Gradual changes across frequency as hearing loss progresses

Changes generally earlier and more rapidly for men than women
-Risks include smoking, exposure to intense noise or pollutants, high blood pressure, stroke

Most benefit from use of hearing aids
How does skin change in middle adulthood?
In the thirties, wrinkling from common facial expressions begin to appear

Progresses in 40s as skin loses elasticity
-Connection between epidermis and dermis weakens
-Elastic fibers of dermis thin
-Fat in hypodermis declines

Pigmentation may change from 50s onward

Increased sun and smoke exposure increases pace of these changes
-Often give appearance of more advanced age

Skin of women typically thinner than that of men leading to earlier signs of aging
What happens to the muscluloskeletal changes in middle adulthood?
Increase in overall body fat with loss of muscle and bone mass
-Changes in muscle mass gradual through 40s and 50s
-Bone loss begins in late 30s and accelerates in 50s

Decline of fat in limbs, increase in abdominal fat storage
-Men store more in back and upper abdomen, women upper limbs and waist

Reducing caloric intake and continuing exercise including resistance training helps reduce weight gain and maintain strength

Osteoporosis: severe loss of bone density greatly increases risk of fracture
-80% of cases are women, related to decreased estrogen production
-50% bone loss during 10 years post-menopause, much more gradual change for men
-Most people 70 & older affected
-Diet, smoking, and heredity factor in
How do reproductive system changes differ by sex?
-Men’s fertility declines while women’s ends
-Quantity and quality of sperm diminishes for men, mild testosterone declines, increased likelihood of erectile dysfunction due to poorer circulatory function
How do reproductive system changes occur in women?
-Menopause: end of menstruation and reproductive ability

-Occurs over approximately ten year period, early 50s for most
Early onset in late 30s, can be as late as late 50s
Onset tends to be earlier for smokers and those who didn’t have children

-Periods become more irregular, estrogen production reduced
-Mood changes, 50% experience “hot flashes”
Fewer negative symptoms for Asian women

-Depression more likely for those with prior history, sedentary lifestyle, high stress

-Hormone replacement therapy largely effective though may increase risks of dementia, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease depending on timing
What are some facts about sexuality in middle adulthood?
-Sexual activity tends to remain relatively stable, slight decline in frequency
Happier couples tend to have more sex, related to previous frequency in relationship

-Intensity of sexual activity declines, arousal and climax take longer
-Increase in sexual satisfaction complaints from women during middle adulthood resulting from symptoms of menopause
-Most in middle adulthood report satisfying sex lives and rate sex an important part of their lives and relationships
What are some facts about Cancer in Middle Adulthood?
It accounts for 1/3 of deaths during middle adulthood
-Increase of ten times from early adulthood
-Men tend to be more susceptible
-Mortality and SES negatively correlated
-Breast cancer most common for women, prostate most common for men
-Lung cancer declined over last 65 years, particularly for men
What are some facts about Cardiovascular Disease in Middle Adulthood?
It accounts for 1/4 of deaths during middle adulthood
-Elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, atherosclerosis
-Men comprise 70% of cases
-May result in irregular heartbeat, chest pains, or heart attack
-Surgical and non-surgical interventions
-Hostility, anger, poor coping skills increase risks, cardiac psychology
How can health be maintained in middle adulthood?
In middle adulthood, most people develop ability to transition effectively between problem-centered and emotion-centered coping

Maintaining active lifestyle and physical exercise has physiological and psychological benefits
-Making lifestyle changes likely challenging at this point
-Efforts to increase activity should be individually tailored

Hardiness: experience as controllable, individual level of commitment, obstacles viewed as challenges

Declining double standard for aging women in recent years, but “aging” women still judged more negatively than younger women
-Negative judgment more likely from men than other women
What did the Seattle Longitudinal Study (Schaie, 1998; 2005) say about cognitive development in middle adulthood?
-Actually sequential design
-Demonstrated cohort effects explained previous beliefs that intelligence peaked in mid-30s
-Gains made until 50s with sustained ability through 60s with decline thereafter
What is crystallized intelligence?
-based in experience and knowledge
-Logical reasoning, vocabulary, comprehension
-Increases through middle adulthood
What is fluid intelligence?
-based in working memory and processing speed
-Digit span, sequencing, symbol searching, spatial orientation
-Begins declining in 20s
How is attention affected in middle adulthood?
-Ability to manage multiple tasks, transition between different tasks, and selective attention all decline
-First two likely due to processing speed changes
-Improved performance with known tasks or practice
How are processing speed and reaction time affected in middle adulthood?
-Diminishes starting in early 20s
-Neural network theory: neuron death leads to longer pathways
-Information-loss theory: as brain ages information is lost during cognitive processing and must be re-evaluated more frequently
-Believed to contribute to cognitive decline broadly
-Most likely one of multiple contributing factors
How is working memory affected in middle adulthood?
-Declines from 20s to 60s
-Reduced capacity, processing speed, and attention
-Use of strategies (elaboration and organization) less often & less effective with age
-Long-term memory retrieval more difficult
-Impact of these declines decreased by practice, strategy training, reduced pacing of information
-Metacognitive knowledge does not appear to decline over time
How is problem solving affected in middle adulthood?
-Development of expertise due to accumulated practice, learning, and experience yields increased ability to engage in practical problem solving in middle adulthood
-Applied across various contexts—social, work, organizational
-Those in middle adulthood more likely to reason through problems in an effort to thoroughly understand issues, use logical reasoning strategies, and engage in more perspective-taking
-Creative production emphasizes integration of ideas rather than new discovery, which suggests greater planning, depth of understanding of relationships
What are some facts about education in early adulthood?
Students over 35 increasing at college-level during last 25 years
-Majority are women (60%)
-Divorce, job changes, moving, children entering school often precipitate return

Returning to academic studies often challenging due to competing role responsibilities, lack of support, stereotypes
-Women tend to have more anxiety about participation and performance than male students of the same age or traditional age students of both sexes
-Progress more slowly through programs due to increased interruption and tendency to take fewer hours

Returning students, like traditional students, benefit from support from family and friends for attaining educational goals
-Flexible class times, financial aid, advising on course selection increase likelihood of success
How do people in their middle adulthood develop emotionally and socially?
-Increased focus on generativity and personally meaningful activity
-Increase in autonomy, self-acceptance, coping with stress more effective
-Shift in parent-child relationships, number of friendships decline, gender identity may become more androgynous
What happens in Erikson's Generativity v. Stagnation?
Achieve generativity through contributing to the wellbeing and development of others
-Brings together personal and community goals
-Accomplished through an array of activities: child rearing, caregiving for elders, involvement social or community activities, “productive” work
-Related to ideas of those in middle adulthood transitioning into roles of cultural, family, community custodians

Those whose focus remains self-directed, Erikson suggested, feel absence of meaningful accomplishment

Research supports theory of increased feelings of generativity over time and those high on generativity viewed as very well adjusted
-Increased satisfaction, autonomy, self-acceptance, better relationships
-Less anxiety and depression
What happens in Levinson's Seasons of Life for Middle Adulthood?
Middle adulthood begins with transitional period between 40-45
-Evaluate goals of early adulthood and restructure life around four tasks and reconciling past- present-future

Young-old: recognize process of aging; letting go of some activities; expectations of youth and accepting limitations and benefits of aging
-May involve sensitivity to physical changes

Destruction-creation: awareness of harmful actions or lack of satisfaction in past relationships
-Seek to increase positive contributions to community, family; volunteering, mentoring, charity work

Masculinity-femininity: integration of traits traditionally defined as “feminine” or “masculine” for improved adjustment

Engagement-separateness: achieving balance between needs of self and others based on changes in roles during this period—maybe less career- and more relationship-focused for those who were highly career oriented or seeking personally fulfilling activity
What happens in Valliant's Adaptation to Life for Middle Adulthood?
-Focus shifts to long-term, more general goals rather than personal goals of adolescence and early adulthood

-Valliant observed transition to becoming “keepers of meaning” in which passing on or preserving positive cultural values/traditions becomes a key task or interest

-As with turbulent adolescence, little evidence to support the idea that “mid-life crisis” is a common developmental experience
-Evaluating life at middle adulthood common as are some regrets; those who acknowledge missed opportunities yet demonstrate balanced, positive outlook show better adjustment and satisfaction
How do Physical health and activity influence psychological well-being in middle adulthood?
Associated with benefits psychological of improved self-efficacy, self-esteem, positive outlook.
How do Positive relationships
influence psychological well-being in middle adulthood?
-Social: increased “happiness” reported by those who placed importance on developing friendships

-Marriage: quality of marital relationship becomes a stronger predictor of psychological well-being in middle adulthood; increased financial stability, emotional support, sexual satisfaction
What are multiple roles?
increased positive emotion and life satisfaction when managing multiple roles; increase mastery with opportunities to be successful in meaningful ways in multiple roles
What is control and investment?
ability to feel capable of bringing about change and dedication to goals linked to self-efficacy and self-esteem; Csikszentmihalyi describes flow-engaging in demanding, rewarding tasks is crucial to life satisfaction
How do daily stressors change in middle adulthood?
appear to plateau in middle adulthood
Decrease in family and job responsibilities, increase in pleasurable activity
How do coping skills change in middle adulthood?
-increases in middle adulthood
-Improved ability to see situations from multiple perspectives, see positive aspects, delay action, seek alternatives, plan for future stressors
-Gains in confidence with experience and development of expertise, increased emotional stability
How does the development of the self and personality change in middle adulthood?
-Stability of self-attributed traits, but recognition of aging leads to paring down of desirable “possible selves,” focus on more realistic goals/selves
-May focus more on personally desirable outcomes/selves and less on those seen as socially acceptable
-Self-acceptance improves as more cohesive sense of self acknowledging positive and negative attributes arises
-More autonomous as self-worth less tied to evaluation of others
-Mastery increases as experience allows for development of expertise and successful navigation of an array of challenges
How does gender identity develop in middle adulthood?
Gender identity becomes more androgynous for both men and women
-Evolutionary parental imperative theory
-Midlife needs and environmental factors theories
What is neuroticism, in the big five personality traits?
-decreases in middle adulthood

High: worrying, self-conscious, emotional, vulnerable

Low: calm, comfortable, content, unemotional, hardy
What is extroversion, in the big five personality traits?
-stable in middle adulthood

High: affectionate, active, passionate, outgoing, expressive

Low: quiet, reserved, passive, emotionally restrictive
What is openness, in the big five personality traits?
-Stable in middle adulthood

-High: creative, curious, liberal

-Low: conventional, down-to-earth, conservative
What is Agreeableness, in the big five personality traits?
-increases from adolescence to mid adulthood

-High: trusting, generous, lenient

-Low: suspicious, critical, stingy, harsh
What is Conscientiousness, in the big five personality traits?
-increases from adolescence to middle adulthood

-High: hardworking, well-organized, perseverant

-Low: lack clear goals, disorganized, give up easily
What does research suggest about the big five personality traits?
Research suggests increasing stability of traits over time; organization changes, reflective of greater integration of parts of self
How are the children of those in middle adulthood affected in terms of their relationships?
-are frequently transitioning into adulthood themselves

-Developing activities outside parenting role associated with increased ease of transition

-Delayed development in adolescent and early adult children toward independence may be source of strain
In terms of Relationship Changes: Parent-Child Relationships, how is moving out of the parental home effecting things?
-Parental satisfaction declines when there is a lack of communication, when contact continues moving out is frequently less stressful
-Cultural differences in marriage and childbirth and SES conditions may lead to longer family living
In Middle adulthood, how might conflict arise with changes in extended family: marriage, births?
-Most often the case when parents do not approve of partners or conflict with in-laws over access
-Make take on role of kinkeeper: party responsible for maintaining intergenerational contact, organizing family interactions
What are some facts about changes in the relationship between those in middle adulthood and their own parents?
-Physical proximity and contact increases, increased positive

-Traditionally, elders typically move in with middle adulthood children in Asian cultures—declining in both Asia and the US

-Parent-to-child care decreases, child-to-parent increases
Dependent on quality of early relationship
What are some facts about adults caring for other adults?
25 to 35% of working adults care for an aging adult, often a parent
-Frequently while also supporting their own children or grandchildren

-African American, Asian American, and Latinos tend to provide more financial and direct assistance to parents than do White Americans
Across ethnicities, daughters do more caregiving than sons

-Daughters report feeling stronger obligation, parental preference for same-sex caregivers
-Sex differences decline over time
-Due to decline in career focus, increased androgyny of identity
Caring for aging parents with chronic illness or mental decline is often highly stressful, how does it affect people?
-Increased stress for those caring for an aging parent in the same home
-High rates of depression, role conflict, anger, anxiety for caregivers
Stress greater for those from cultures emphasizing greater familial obligation and burden of care on children, what are some facts about that?
-Lee & Farran (2004) and Youn et al. (1999) found higher anxiety and depression for Korean and Korean American caregivers over Caucasian American caregivers
-Denmark, Sweden, and Japan have found government-sponsored home help greatly eases caregiver burden and adjustment
-American home health care is often prohibitively expensive
How do relationships with siblings change in middle adulthood?
-Although contact decreases through middle adulthood into 70s closeness increases
-Common major life events may increase connection: children, marriages, caring for parents, death of parents
-Caregiving for aging parents may negatively impact sibling relationships
How do friendships change in middle adulthood?
-Reduced number of friendships, but time spent with friends increases as family obligations decline
-Tend to make greater efforts to maintain friendships
Increased focus on satisfaction and enjoyment
-Spouse as best friend after increased companionship following children launching associated with greater marital happiness