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27 Cards in this Set

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identity vs role confusion
erikson's term for the fifth stage of development, in which the person tries to figure out Who am I? but is confused as to which of many possible roles to adopt.
a consistent definition of one's self as a unique indivdual, in therm of roles attitudes, beliefs, and asperations.
identity achievemnet
erikson's term for the attainment of identity, or the point at which a person understands who he or she is as a unique individual, in accord with past experiences and future plans.
role confusion
a situation in which an adolescent does not seem to knwo or care what his or her indentity is. ( Also called identity diffusion)
Erikson's term for preemature identty formation which occurs when an adolescent adopts parents or sociiety's roles and values wholesale without questioning or anaylsis
An adolescent's choice of a socially acceptable way to postpone making identity achievement decisions. Going to college is a common IE
Gender identity
a persons acceptance of the roles and behavoirs that society associates with the biologoical catgories of male and female.
Sexual orientation
a term that refers to whether a person is sexually and romantically attracted to others of the same sex the pposite sex or both sexes
Key points for this section
Erikson's 5th psychocoial crissi, identity vs role confusion, highlights adolescents psychosoical need to achieve identity, to know who they are.
Key points for 1st section of chpt 10 human development
many adolescents experience confusion (diffusion), foreclosure, or maratorium before they achieve identity.

Sexual identity now includes more diversity of gender roles thant previously achnowledged.

Contemporary teenagers strive to find their own ethnic identity amid the changeing confliccts and aspirations they experience

vocational identity requires skills and maturity that are beyon most adolescents
petty peevish arguing usually repeated and ongoing
the worst style of raising a child
independence and culture
influences family conflicts
parental monitoring
parents ongoing awareness of what their children are doing where and with whom
a group of adolescents made up of close freinds who are loyal to one another while excluding outsiders
a larger group of adolescents who have somethin in common but who are not necessarily friends
peer pressure
Encouragement to conform to one's friends or contemporaries in behavior dress, and attitude; usually considered a negative force, as when adolescent peers encourage one another to defy adult authority
deviancy training
destructive peer support inwhich one person shows another how to rebel against authority or social norms
clinical depression
feelings of hopelessness, lethargy and worthlessness that lasts 2 or more weeks
repeatedly thinking and talking about past experiences; can contribute to depression
suicidal ideation
thinking about suicide, usually with some serious emotional and intellectual or cognitive overtones
cluster suicides
several suicides committed by members of a group within a breif period of time
any potentially lethal action against the self that does not result in death
juvenile delinquent
a person under the age of 18 who breaks the law
life-course persistent offender
a person whose criminal activity typically begins in early adolescence and continues throughout life; a career criminal
adolescence limited offender
a person show criminal activity stops by age 21
generational forgetting
the idea that each new generation forgets what the previous generation learned. As used here, the term refers to knowledge about the harm drugs can do.